FH Tweed' NTS.. Younger vliment leas- bills Ss not ; not * their . vite ' ar ares. Caplial, Rest and Un- divided Profits Exceed $8,060,800 Ready Cash Unlike most invest- j meats, money deposited in the Union Bank is always ready for use. There is never any delay or loss getting it when you want it. safe, aad always worth dollar for dolar. Don t tie up your money in risky ventures, when you can get compound interest on it here, with absolute security, and the privilege of withdrawing it at any tice. irysier Branel .. so wmacpurrs nlaznager ¢. B. Reawigh RR 3 i A BAS git Ty 0) OF CANADA Itis alsolutely Metcalfe Branch Ifanager [3 2 ; 0 TD Tot ON OF Ta Ove ne Ta yea oa ea Wa we Ta a (nd x Ne a ARRVBIWLRNNIVRI ARRAS eR RRR 2 o Gute ie fo Fi 2 Best Value in Furniture. 2 3 [33 ne na x Mectcalfe Funiture Store 2 " A Full Lin + of Farniturz alwe¢ys oa hwnd. a HH K HH Famous Hercules Spring Bed. r=] ¢ 14% u. >] cialties in Dining Room. Bedroom and Parlor Suites, General Agency for Mason & Risch Pianos aad Sherlock Manriing Organs. ur Drop Head ¢ L achines ai $21.09. GEO. BLAIR. & % Metcalfe, Ont. | 2 : : Le aban 3 L3 BURL 2] Wy 20 wi wi 30 fil RNR a RR Falling Hair Ayer's Hair Vigor promptly destroys the germs Ayer's Hair Vigor just as promptly destroys the | that cause falling hair. It nourishes the hair- germs that cause dandruff. It vemoves every bulbs, restores them to health. The hair stops trace of dandruff itself, and 'keeps the scalp falling out, grows more rapidly. clean and in a healthy condition. Does not Color the Hair We wish you to positively and distinctly understand that Ayer's Hair Vigor does not affect the color of the hair, even to the slightest . degree. Persons with the whitest or the lightest and most delicate blond hairmay use it freely without having the hair made a shade darker. Ingredients: Sulphur. Glceria, Quinin. Sodium Chicrid. ge. Al Water. Perfume. Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him what he thinks of it. . J. O. AYER ComMPANY, Lowell, Mass. CN I RE I I THE BANK oF OTTAWA ESTABLISHED 1874. Capital Authorized iy Ky - - $5,000,000. Capital Paid Up .- «=.= = = $3000,000. Rest and Undivided Profits oF $3,406,991. 5 Every facility extended to § Cheese Factory Accounts and to the business of their patrons. 3 RUSSELL BRANCH A. J, MUCKLESTON, Manager more Sub-Agency, open every Mondzy and Thursccy fiom to te RUSSELL. ONT THURSDAY JULY 8. 1909, cote mins i 'n ON DOMINION DAY High Clas The morning of the 42nd anni- | versary of Con'ederdtion dawned heautifully elear, any everything appeared to he consfrding to as- cist the Russell Athy Ric Associa- tion in making the athicbration a success. wo The event had bee apiell adver- tised, pnd emily in .i2 morning CUZ WO nis begat thay te : fod hundred pou ds 1'0 towD. 'nt experin e wall G€- posted a Jane product olnt of for- winter mi: vto attend war 5 t cresjoents, WEE Tex ke ' nds thy celebration oh The committe 15 SDE of the ng for id . arrange its bog pitroged no pains [tt provide -t} compounds yrays of .afck in their aun. spurt ever to ind ev- : A ton o the ervthing \ with sawdust 1d eb start on time, ? Hic i» "might Py ac see the fin ne. 3 THI 1.vme basis ' 'ng at ' The after swum on the groun: adde Society, With a lacrosse mateh be tween Marvelville and Berwick. The teams lined up as 1.30, and for one hour gave an exciting but gentlemanly exhibition ot the Can adian national game, The score was 8-0, bat this does not indicate the play, &s the game at no perivd of 1ts existence was one-si'ted, but this being only the secend year the Marvelville team, and not on of the team had ever done an thing at the game until last s sun, and consequently were we ab shooting, while Barwick, be an older team, 1m additien to b. better shots, had a siperior gq THE MILE RUN | The next event vas the race, und it was keaily cont There were three jutrics, Booth, Ed. Cole p1d 3co. By In the first lap the fing. two away from Brown abcut thre ind in this position they ven until about one halt way-rou the s:cond 1.p, when they be iengthen their lead, and: it, s that Booth was unable' to . the plucky httle Englishman, wailed close behind him, but : neared the home stretch he se doubts as to his superiority at us he Iengthencd his stride, ti: ing an easy winner, making course In $ minutes, 5¢ second Cole finished a good second; Brown finished the distance, was nearly fagged. THE BASEBALL MATC The baseball match was t catled. : The teams scheduled to LL - were Vernon and Russell, Lut si; the arraugemen:s had been m the Vernon team had been aln completely. demoraiized by the aoval of several players, and game came-on before the team time to reorganize. Arr. ngements were finally (Legal Holidays Excepted). wh r 'y two men from Met 'A Pronounced Suciess--Good List or Eventse- Lacross e and Baseball Match---Exciting Mile. Race x Comcert : assisted the Vernon team, while W, Fitzsimmons, of 'Russell; and Mr. Wright, ot Bearbrock, filled the receiving end of the team with, credit to both hiraself and the team This all-star aggregation put up a good brand of baseball, and at one time it looked as though the home tear) might be beaten. During the isk few innings the score ran up to 8to 1in favor of the visiting team. The spectators in carriages kept crowding in so close that it was impossible to play the game, but after the fourth inning the crowd began to scatter to see the rest of the sportsfinished, and t}wore «ist, 8 the exciting part of the goals his Coming to the bat.' made of em- | ea ; if ~» and is exceed- | fit half of the fifth, Rusge, CHOLLET. gan. gan to get busy, an_ handled the willow pattern may be had a 32 to 42 inches bust effect that thes 1 cents to this office, + (6300) and size, and It wiil of $3,500,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, under the -| autherivy of Chapter 8 of the Statutes of Ontarie, 1909, invites subscription~ from the public for a loan of $3,500, WU0 cn bonds of the Province of On- tario, or "Ontario Government Stock." The bonds will be dated Ist June, 19.9, and payable-on the Ist June, 1239, in dénominations of $1000 each with coupons attachad for interest at the 1ate of four per cent. per annum payable half-yeailv on the ist June and..st December in 'each year at the effice of the Provincial 'Treasurer, Toronto, or at the offlces of the Bank of Montreal, in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N.Y., at the holder's op- rion. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on request will be register- ed in the office cf the Provincial Treasurer. and endorsed as payable only 'to the order of cerrain persons or corporations, and on request of holders wil be exchanged for 'Ontario Govern- ment Stcek" at wny tims. . "Ontario Governmenr Stock" bear iuterest from the 1st day o June. 1909, principal payable on tle Ist day of June, 1939, and interests ey the 15t day of June and the 1g December in each year. in sums beautyr multiples t}g to do is compaois the eyes constantly to chan f: = a strong light. Do not read w eo when you are mentally exhau balls. {= wilsat- to of es the rate of four per cent per any wom- will be paid half-yearly by cheq and as "(Op the penalty ernnment.y wk" may be sube to Pay for to wi.l be roper cable in th.eyes. Do net ho Tied wenite you! tineréending, for this ge their focus and injures them. Do not or st- Never wear glasses that do not 1e eyes, and do not look fixedly at. ae spot too long. Rest your eyes 2:7 (quently by closing them, and ne~er Yyon any wmocount press upon the eye- If the eyes are small they should £1 inning Wyorwarded to you by mall. be mode larger by reducing the fat of A ey the *¥ + ®mall ovea are usually i caus : * too fat. in the DISH JEWELRY. o put fat io Tr ty. The caug . "All the Vogue. y ot Dig HY > had w' . vill r