Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 19 Mar 1908, page 3

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TRIBE OF CRIMINALS. The Maghaya's Grease =... cessful Burglary. The Maghaya is born in an-arhar field and schooled to theft from his 'n- fancy, says the Bengal Gazetter. He lives without shelter or food for the morrow, perpetually moving from en- campment to encampment, chased by the police and execrated by the villag- ers. His greatest pride is a successful burglary, and a prolonged drinking bout his most coveted reward. Jail offers no terrors to the Dom; it is merely the result of being a bung- ler at his trade. The first attempt to reclaim the Maghaya Doms ia Champ arun was made by Mr. (now Henry. He found the greater number cf the adult members of the tribe were in jail. Every police officer was held responsible if any Doms were found in his jurisdiction, with the result that as soon as a Dom was released from jail he was usually returned thither under {he bad livelihood sections. Agricul'ural settlements were eslab- lished for the {iribe, but they do not scem to have been very successful as civilizing agencies. The seltlements gerve as houses for the women and children, but the men are seldom found in them. The females generally hawk slolen properly in the villages and act as sples. 3 Penn WEIGHED FOUR POUND WHEN FOUR MONTHS OLD Most of the sickness that comes to babies and young children is due to the stomach or bowels being out of con- dition. It is then that they are cross, peevish and upset the whole household. These are troubles that Baby's Own Tablets always cure promptly. Heke is proof: Mrs. J. Stewart, Everton, Ont., says: "My little girl thrived so badly that at the age of four months she weighed four and a half pounds. Her ~h was badly out of order, and sonny, altough iT doctar trealed her he did - 2 not help her. Then I got Baby's Own % Tablets and right from the first they helped her and now she enfoys perfect health." II your little one is ailing try Baby's Own Tablets--always do goo: cannot do harm. Sold by med; dealers or by mail at 25¢ a box 40M the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. £rock- ville, Ont. ----e Pe, RUNNING HIM PaWN. Hitter--"This paper staies that it is only a matter of time when the auto- mobile will reach the poor man." Upp--"You bet it will reach him if be don't gel out of the road as soon as 3 'ha rst 'honk, honk'l" A Pill for Oyo are many perso' and poor digestiorZg after a hearly moa], arc SUbJECL wo I eh SUlCHLZ The food of which they have partaken lies like lead in their stomachs. Head- ache, depression, a smothering feeling follow. One so afflicted is unfit for business or work of any kind. In this condition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will bring relief. They will assist the assimilation of the ailment, and used according to direction will restore heallhy digestion. ""faters --There FOR OTHER'S SAKE. Father--Why don't you study to be promoted? Johnny--I don't want to slir up class enmity worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator deranges worms and gives rest to the sufferer. It only costs 25 cents to iry it and be convinced. If ugliness was only skin deep lots of women would ry to shed their skins. : When You Have a Cold, the alr cells are logged with mucous or Jiisgn, Allen's Lung lsam, in curing a cold, clears the tiny ain passages and heals the bronchial tubes. WHEN THE EARTH QUAKES. some idea of the stupendous power ci the subterrancan forces exerted by earihquakes is shown in the physical changes effected by them. Mountains have been obliterated or new ones formed, islands have been made or de- siroyed, and whole streiches of coast- Lne wiped out. For instance, in Sep- tember, 1759, on the lofty tableland about 150 miles south-west of the city of Mexico, a piece of land four square miles in area was suddenly 'raised 550 feet., and numerous cones appeared-- one of them, the volcano of Jorullo, being nearly 1,700 feel high. Java, in 1772, suffered in the opposite way, for a tract of country fifteen miles long ty six miles broad was swallowed up entirely--a mountain of 9,000 feet be- ing reduced to 5,000 feet only in the process. You can steal a march on anyone without breaking the law. Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. 268 JB or healthy appetite © TENCE 1 KICKS AT YOUR DOOR Bo a -- and brings to you in your own home ali the healing. health-giviic proper- lies of the giani pines. All Ux thera- peutic virtue of the forest trees are contained in Virgin Oil of Pine (puiv, ------ Ii heals the lungs and bronchial tubes, gives almost instant reiief to the irr tating cough, and will break up a cold in 2 hours, The action of Virgin Oil of Pine <n the kidneys is also most beneficial. IL is a perfect neutralizing agent for urie aeid. and pramnptly relices m. atism, lame-back and other ailmenls due lo disordered kidneys. In the preparation of Virgin Oil of Pine every precaution is taken to in- sure freshness and purity. It is put up in }4-oz. vials only for druggists lo dispense, each vial enclosed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and exposure to light. The case is sealed with an engraved wrapper showing the name--Virgin Oil of Pine (pure), pre- pared only by Leach Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont.--plainly prinied there- en. It is well to get the genuine. Should your druggist be unable to sup- ply you, you can have a »-oz. vial mailed to you by sending 50 cents to the Leach Chemical Co., Windsor, Ont. nea T poMavaz rhOY DEFINITIONS BY SMALL WILLIAM. Dust--Mud with the julce squeezed out. Ice--Water that stayed out loo late and went to sleep. Fan--A thing to brush warmth olf with. Stomach--The home of the swallow. Salt--That what makes your potatoes taste bad if you don't put some in. Junction--A' place where {wo rail- roads separae, Wakefulnes--When your eyes are all the time coning unbuttoned. Responsibilty--What would be on one Lulton if the other one should come off my trousers Admittanc--Price 25 cents; children het twelve, fifleen cents. ANSWERED. «rm afraid I'm catching a cold," said Klosman, irying to get some medical advice free. "Every once in a while I sneeze. What would you do in a case like that, doctor?" "Well," replied Dr. Slarpe, "" I guess 14 sneeze, t00." -- Good Digestion Should Wait on Ap- petite--To have the stomach well is to have the nervous system well. Very delicate are lhe digestive organs. In some co sensitive are they that atmos- wanoes affect them. When RE = 0 better re ease eSR Ed oan TI TInelee's Jesuon so that ihe nears" 3 Whi suffer no inconvenience and wiil derive ali the benefits of his food. r. People can do more help growing old than they can help growing fat. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Prag, ists refund money if it fails to cure. KH. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25¢. Say the right thing at the right time and some fool will envy you. It must be a great relief to some men when their wives become widows. Put up in $1 Yard Rolls. The famous '"The NM & L" Menthol Plasters which cure lumbago, backache, sciatica, neuralgia, etc., are also put ap in one yard rolls for physicians and family use. Davis & Lawrence Co., Montreal. Mrs. Buggins--*Humph! My husband i= so tender-hearted that he can't even beat the carpet!" ITCN, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Ilch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- ford's Sanilary Lotion. IL never (fails. Sold by all druggists. Haven helps those who help others to help themselves, It isn't necessary to mention your lawyer in your will, he's sure to get his share. Does your house look reproachfully at yeu? Give it a new coat. Let Ramsay's Paints demonstrate how little it takes to give a world of pleasure in beauty and fresh life. to your building. Your dealer has them and he will tell you how much it will take. The price is reasonable. The paint is guaranteed. write .A Ramsay & Son Co., Montreal, fcr pack of Souvenir picture post cards ¢f homes. LEARNED AT THE OLD SWIMMIN HOLE. Two children stood in their kitchen watching a pol of chicken soup warm- ing on the stove, when suddenly it be- gan to bubble. "Freddie," inquired the 'what makes it bubble up?" "There's a chicken in there," explain- ad the little boy, "and il's tryin' to talk under water!" little girl, TOO KNOWING. "Why not set your cap for that young follow? He's single and well off." "yes, he's single; but he knows he's well off." There are 200,000,000 copies of the Bible scattered throughout the world. We never know what a good time gM HE To es we are having till it is over. ng Es -- AUSTRIA --UQUITS GIRL. "emer art Tried to Kill a Russian Governor With a Bomb. The existing tension r and Austria is not likely to be improved py the remarkable acquittal by an Au- strian jury, of a Russian girl revolu- tionary who tried to assassinate Gener- al Skallon, Governor-General of war- petween Russia «aw, in August, 1956. : . "anda Dobrozdicka, the prisoner, 1s 2) yecrs old, and was formerly a stu- dent ai Warsaw University. While General Skallon was driving in his car- riage she threw four bombs at him, but only succeeded in wounding some Cr ceonnl-o She succeeded in escaping to Triesle, and afterward settled in Galicia, where she married an Austrian painter. The Russian Government finally ascertained her residence and demanded her extra- d"tion. As she had become an Austrian subject, however, she could not be ex- tradited, and her lrial took place al Wadowice, Galicia. The prisoner gloried in her attempt, which she described fully in court. She slaled that she had been designaled by {he Revolulionary party in Warsaw to carry out the "sentence of death" on {he Governor-Genera' and an elaborate conspiracy was orge. 224 by lhe lead- ers of the Terrorist group. In a self-possessed manner she inp formed the court thal she was guilty of throwing bombs, and added that she considered, herself as a soldier who gave his life for his country and was not a murderer. She never ex- pected to escape, thinking she woull be killed by the explosion or shot in the subsequent confusion. Military officers were forbidden to at- tend the court, which was crowded when the jury returned, afler fifteen minutes' retirement, a unanimous ver- dict of acquittal, Ths public cheered leudly and the women in the gallery showered flowers on the young woman. FIFTY YEARS OF CRIME. A Vast Improvement in the Last Hall Century. An interesling comparison given in the criminal stalistics for England and Wales for the year 1906, issued recently, enables a contrast to be made for the first time of the prevalence of crime to- day with fifty years age. Generally speaking, it may be said that a vast improvement has {aken place. number of persons iried on indictable offences--that is to say, the more seri- ous crimes--totalled 59,079 in 1908, as compared with 54,667 in 1857. There is thus a slight inercase in the number of criminals, but when it is remember- ed that the popuiaiion has increased from nineteen and & quarter millions The | Thought I Had Pearu-na Saved Me." "] THANK DR. HARTMAN FOR PE-RU-NA" "J suffered five years with so bad I could hardly bear it. weaker. The pain extended through breathing, which made me cough. "My husband heard of Peruna and NEGLECTED cold is generally the first cause of catarrh. Women are especially liable to colds. These colds occur more frequently dur- ing the wet, sloppy weather of winter and spring than any other time of the year. Often they are not consid- ered serious and are allowed to run on, or they : are treated in such a way as to only palliate the symp- toms, while the cold becomes more-deep- seated and the patient finally awakens to the fact that she has a well-devel- oped case of calarrh, By reason of their delicate structure, the lungs are frequently the seat of a cold, especially if there is the slightest weakness of these organs. The tireat- ment of catarrh of the lungs is also more difficult and discouraging than catarrh of any other organ of the body. It would be wise therefore, to guard against it by every precaution possible. Peruna has been found the most re- WOMEN SHOULD BEWARE OF CATCHING COLD. Consumption, "I hardly know how to thank you for the good Peruna has done me. pain in the stomach. About a year ago it became I coughed day and night and grew weaker and my body and I also had difficulty in Everyone thought I had consumption. . bought five hottles, This treatment vir- tually cured me and now I recommend Peruna fo every one who is suffering. "I thank Dr. Hartman for this excellent remedy." Ste. juile de Vercheres, P. Q., Canada. --Mrs. Mois Parizcau. liable of all remedies for coughs, colds and catarrh, by reason of the fact that il goes at once lo the very seat of the trouble. <3 It searches out every crevice, every Juct of the body. It quickens and equal izes the circula- ton of the blood, thus relieving the congested mucous membranes. It ex- erciscs a healing and soothing ef- fect upon the mucous membranes, na malter whether they are the more exposed membranes of the head and throat, or whether they line the remot est cells of the lungs. Mrs. Jaschob, 1631 Hicks St., Toledo, Ohio, writes: "When 1 wrote to you for advice, 1 T PE-RU-NA THE REMEDY FOR CATARRH OF THE LUNJS. had been sick for three years. I had trouble with by throat. Often I could not breathe through my nose. 1 alse had pains in my chest and a cough. 3 took Peruna according; * directions and il has cured me." t~ thirty-four and a half millions in the Aftv vear 7 Le tend thal, ht 9 sed by some i comparisons are =~ Soa aad tO tous erune has GC per cent. The ch¥ as follows: -- 1857. 1906. Serious offences « 113.330 82.26% Drunkenness .... 75.859 211,493 Education offences .. .. None 53,399 Police regulations .. .. 38,633 132,504 a TRUTHFUL. Auntie--Now Tommy, take my bonnet upstairs for me, there's a good boy. Tommy--Boo-hoo! I don't want to! Auntie--Indced! And why not, pray? Tommy-- Cause mother told me you'd got a bee in it. UNION WAGE. "What do you get out of life?" de- manded the grumbler, "What I put into it, plus a fair inter- est," answered the thoughtful man. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT fis guaranteed to cu case of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Png Plles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. The number of dealhs that occurs on the globe amount to 67 a minute, and the births to about 69 or 70 a minuie. A lady writes: "I was enabled to re- move the corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who have {ried it have the same experience. A WISH, "De bes' wish you kin make foh a nachelly lazy man dat has curly hair an' plays de guitar," said Uncle Eben, "is dat he'll git bald young an' hab rheumatism in his fingers." The fille "Reverend" was not usually granted to the clergy until the middle of the seventeenth century. rs _T = Eg SA cert error AMILTON 1 THE HAMILTON INCUBATOR CO., LTD., BAMILTON, - ote NCUBATORS - WHY does the Hamilton 'Incubator hatch every fertile egg? WEY does the Hamilton Incubator hatch such big, healthy, fiuffy, robust chicks? WHY docs every chick hatched by the Hamilton live, thrive and grow so rapidly ? BECAUSE our Ventilati, ing System and poi perfect. BECAUSE our directions for operating the Hamilton are correct. BECAUSE our Brooder is of the newest and most novel design of anything on the market for rearing young Ye. Send us Tout address to-day and we will mail you FREE one of our te catalogues telling you all ube the Hamilton Incuba- tors and Brooders, and how to become a successful poultry raiser. goents Wanted. System, our Heat- egulating System is In 1850 the fastesl vessel afloat was the Asia, of 1,500 horse-power, and 11 knots. In 1856 the Persia, of 13 knols; and in 1883 the Alaska, of 18 knots. Chemists Have Trouble in getting iron into such a state that the system will absorb, and veneflt by it, In * Ferrovim," the best tonib, serfection has been achieved. It builds and srangthens. The temperature of countries with sandy soils is higher than those with clay or other compact soils. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May, Colds are the most fre. aent cause of Headachs, LAXATIVE BROMO UININE removes cause. BE. W. Grove on box 250 "What is your last name?" asked the principal." "I don't know," replied the young lady student; "I haven't got il yet." It Reaches the Spoi.--There are few remedies before the public to-day as cfficacious in removing pain and in al- laying and preventing pulmonary disor- ders as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It sands of instances and a large number cf testimonials as to ils great value as a medicine could be got were there oc- casion for it, It is for sale everywhere, MOVING, Knicker--"Did you" jump out of the frying pan' jnto the® fire?" ' the refrigerator Bocker--"No, . out of into an iceberg." Spots and blotches on the face and neck are sften merely signs of foul blood. Apply Weaver's lerate tor obtaif-immodiate relief and take Weavers Syrup to rid the blood of pollution. There is a \ increase in infant mor- tality of 'late "years both in France and England, and also, but to a less extent, in Pesussia. has demonstrated its powers in thou- |* ohsing, 'Tubereses, gon! Joaquils, il TR Li Glog ot the Valle: Josip 1d, £50. or coin. Ass prem nm with these Bull FREE a big eolleciion of flower yd g Soflestion of a can Nursery, to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about location- Pleasze give price and description, and rea- son for selling. State when possession ean be had. Will deai with owners on'y. L. Darbyshire, Box 984, Roche ter, N. Y, Byelng ! Cleaning! + Forthe very best send your work to the SS BRITISH AMERICAN BYEINO 60." - Lock for agent In your town, or send direct. 'Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebas : KISSING MUST GO Kissing must go," The doclors say. "Well, what goes belter With maidens, pray? If a cough makes your nights sleep- less and weary, it will worry you a good deal, and with good cause. To dispel the worry and give yourself rest {ry Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup. It exerls a soolhing influence on' the air passages and allays the irritation that leads to inflammation. It will subdue the most stubborn cough or cold, and eventually eradicale it from the system, os a trial of it will preve ww you.

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