g po sioning is Two valuable hounds victims, 5 Ba hd had a ve nl an Priddy ey | i Ls | | | | ing. The pocee $27. THe Russell Brick &"File Co. ex- pect to'be m na rick under the old system ths pany has now a at work. Rev Canon Burt 'of Algoma will d= liver an address on missions in St Russell, on Wedne Marv's chur day evening, June 5th, at. 7.30 His special subject wiltk be Western. Mis- sions. "Ths © ( | Jitory.on "this ocga: sion will goto. aid "Weitirn Canada Missions. x Wilkie Louis) while plzy.ng™ in the! b E p o school ground on Wednesday evening, fell and in falling struck the corner of {¥ the building, dislocating his shoulder, |T* | | Dr Macdougal assisted by-Dr Empey reduced the dislccation; The boy iw} now doing as well as can be expected. The trustees of our 'town will .be under. the necessity of appointing "a constable this year. Citizens who were in town on: Friday, especially those who were at the box social, are 'loud in their complaints of the scenes of disorder hit occured on the streets and outside.o" the hall Drastic meas- ures must be taken to teach people from:outside points that RusszlL not, ard will not be, the dumping- groun i or their undesira able : characy 1s Laxets 9 Gini 2 Lg i x HE UITizes Is OTTAWA © XG PAPER. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE | ae DAILY 00 A YFAR. change. fd ad fiend, a dozen companions of LO is 'unfavorable seeding time flour has "fore ' 1€ N38 a i i rst class dress is exten ed to. Mp I. bs | department In - connec tion 31] tore where you can get the ; : : latest in dress goods at popular prices | loving wife and mother. have them nade up in latest! © Mis John Cherry died on Mon- | styles... A first class' dressmaker in (Jay night at ten o'clock from bleod | in their sad loss of a RENE { set sin. from a rE A: E-Jardine, of! Kenmore, & k that his stock has'was sick only forty-eight hour ed and in order to Do : for new goods. arriving : | x number of lines | at ee reduc e i iy Call and |! l ] less. Her death is all the more | § thé nostril. She . i | Macdougall and Morrow aia 2 all ia human power to save her life | 2a CEES [ Customers Satisfied. | Styles Up-to-Date. wat their skilled efloy ts were use- 8 Ae WEAR EO Ww sad as it was sc unexpected, she & having enjoyed th et The House where prices are right ay e Dest oO 1€a : th | & SSPE Sc hs 5 J 1. hia Qe AY cir : ' | this past winter. W id this Space. ' Always something new. HATS in Silk 75cts. Flowers greatest ever seen, Gronped about the cofin of the Mrs Cherry, nee | ) Habert Sacrest, the sixteen-year-| ; By : 1 (duly 1858. "She moved to..Noith | was born in Goulbourn Township, schon] boy 5 on diced" from "tHe Russell at the . age of hteen |B ve use of cigarettes, solemn- € | | 1 : Rts + 44- | where she resided until mar- ly vowed yesterday to abandon the | ; : J.» os | T1ACCLIWO Years useof noxicus coffin nails," in ; : | re ~ 4 *} + j . : ;.. She leaves a family of seven psponse to the dead lads dying =. = = : ny. : ple » | children, Robert; © William est to member's of his "gang. ioht frichtened youthful Te- od ny id A bY ° Fe MEN JCyey, UL roit cigarette s Sia day ec called 1 oA 7 SHEN 2) F : Metealte, Mrs As fon Dr A. B.. Wickham, who per-| a aii na . 1 Mrs D Stearns, Marvelville. fi : v 5 3 i oO } Hackett, of Russell, "Mrs. = Wm | + Curry, ol HERE ssell. and o- fre formed a post mortem on Herbert and received assurances that, if | they quit the habit, theré w vet | CARD ( i time to become good, strong men. The undersigned wishes, throug! 3 | 1 | | the columns of your paper to Owing tothe rapid and sharp advances in wheat caused by the 1 on, Milliner CER GRIND SEED GD GERD (TIRIINTTS taken several jumps apward in the | wholesale trade and béfore many | a: J wera x EL davs retail dealers who have not vit aidvanctd the price wills be | dto do so. The top: price can- | ryofussig-11 hytdtivanrhnin thay ly flour, feed, ete are gong to 2O-UP | (Ye and away up. EY 0, Melcea lofted 3 Lid 8 i : J 7 Rideau St. Corner L.. Are 'you expec Birthday or Wedding Presentation WITHIN THE NEAR FUTURE E. 4 3 g ww ad < <3 @ 2 © 4 Eb as] ) » CRE, 4 that we handle only L makes their esta blish of its kind in Eastern =e : Paley one With a pilsky ul i to make a Buy It at Bilsky's | sell Cheaper CAU 5 ge' / ert <3 @ & ix) © 2 wo " jo] Q [#2] io] ® el fod a A The four reasons co When in need of a clock or wate k never Regret the Purchase. f the New Y | nh 2 coroner. JL RCIOW > Sussex St, Mrs McCooey is st husband, t} ter. 8 The of Oscoode ee, miles | from the > held' in | the ra feat ein. | = st talks" from | Gospel to his | he addr esbyterian | al and Ott - ~~ SE ay | Ve I~] held in Bro + w eek, bv Si anleeour GoCGs prea 2 ki 2 {eres dani Sy pe AA SL RAR RP ary of Cornwall. | | F by J = Joes the ; OF & ST TAW A ; yo. ar Yi | |] $ %/ the Pulpit Mesure up to bis E i A VV ! rh Trent ; yet. forcible lan- ¢ b id gungs, the spealter pointed out : 10) ' 4 THR ! Sond 1 $3,000,000 00 # 3 i1at there wor Rom y cn PAN A iF 1 that the : oom form {i REST b JN 3,236,512 95 p well as |3 TOTAL ASSETS - - $32,000,400 00 - 2 1] | Ed Ly SRE o E 3 : g : o rin oant ; i Department 1.13 woOrlaiin: | wlich liad crs ito the pulpit. te the le 50 store | Onta Leal nial 3 Ys crivval Tht OTES colleete Reasonable 1ates and advanees i TTA RE MT EMT arantee and von wil ed at Re 1 hoa Lat ork Ce ntral & Hudson River 2, R Pes 20 ur] by)