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Russell Leader, 3 Apr 1902, page 1

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21, 3. No. 41 Russell Ont, Thursday, April 8rd 1802. $1 per year in advance Single Copies § cent. x Aa Spring Is With Us And we want you to know that we arc ready for it with a higher quality and larger quantity of Ladies' and Gentlemans' Spring Suitings than we have ever had. Cur prices defy competition. Suits frecm $7 00 up. Trous re from $2 25 up. "all and inspect our goods. Style and finish is too well known to need comment thereon. CC. A. Paden Russell Ont Societies. Russeil 0.Y.B. No 39, Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday* AW A Corscadden A. Morrow Master Secretary Visiting Brethren always welcome 1.C.L. No. 268, Meets the first Monday on or before the full moon- RN. Hamilton David cott Rec, Sec. W. Master Visiting brethien always welcome. Professional Caros. , LEES &. HALL BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, NOTARIES, E1C., A 7 Money to Loan, lands foi¥sale. Office, 78 Rideausstreet, Ottawa. Beanch: Commercial Hou.e, Russell. Open Saturdays and Court days Only. JOHN O'MEARA BARRISTER, WOTARY, COUNTY SOL- 1 ICITOR, CONVEYANCER &ec. Head Office, --sUSseX CHAMBERS, ¥ Entrance on Little Sussex Street, Ottawa. BRANCH OFFICE. fg RusseLL MoNDAY P.M. TUESDAY A.M. CASSELMAN FRIDAY P.M. AND SATURDAY. Money to loar on easy terms. BR. V.SINCLAIR BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Room No 17. Carleton Chambers. Sparks St, Ottawa W. R. CRAIG. Appraiser for Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Co. Money to loan at 5% per cent. Agent for the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society. RUSSELL 2 Conveyancer, W. H. LOWRIE AUCTIONEER, CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER Ete. REAL ESTATE AGENT, Russell Ont. Money so loan at from 5 to 6 per cent. F. D. MeNAUGHTON, CIVIL ENGINEER AND ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR CORNWALL AND RUSSELL Special attention «given, to Municiple Tmprovements..~ # DRAINAGE, SEWERAGE, BRIDGE, ETC, Faas, Estimates and Specificationgpre red. Owdars left at the office of RUSSELL# CAD FR will receive prompt attention. DR. S. R. MARTIN DENTIST. RUSSELL, : ONT. Branch Office ab Metcalfe Ont. O'Connors Hotel. A. HMceVEIGH of Marriage Licenses Issuer : Virs, Or, Q | © od 2] 2332302203 390333C030902 LOCAL NEWS ¢& Sa600003030002006300cCC00 All danger from ice shoves on the Castor is past. A few of the real old gags were workel on April Fool's day. Phone calls were numerous. Je fe) The north sidewalk leading to the bridge has several bad holes in it while the south one leading up the Lill isin a disgraceful condition. As this walk is in continual use it should be properly repaired at once, Who said street lamps. Some ot our youthful desperad- ocs may soon get a few weeks board and lodging if the tampering with" not stopp>d. Station Agent Yell found the blade of a jackknife in one of the locks on away car It had evidently been broken off while the owner was attempting to force open the lock. A strong suspicion as to the guilty paities is held and pros- ecution may take place. We are in receipt, this week, of a letter, dated at Glasgow, from Mr. Wm. Mcharey, who is at pre- sent travelling in Scotland. He had a very pleasant voyage across on the Parasian. The farmers are the grass is green. Mr. Meharey reports himself well and having a splendid tiip. For the first time in many years the taxesin the west end of the township are all collected before the first of April. Mr. Thos. Car- son, tax collector, settled in fall with the Townsh p Treasurer, Mr. Craig, on Monday. We understand that the other collector has not yet returned his roll having some four Lor five hundred dollars yet to col- : lect Mr. Carson has spared no trouble | to get in his share of the township monies and deserves credit for be- ing done so early. ! For spring colds, Electric Croup Linament and Imperial Cough Emulsion. Medical Hall. On Wednesday of last week a very interesting event took place at the residence of Mr. John Reany of Osgocde, when his daughter Luey was married to Mr. Quinn. Rev. I. Thomas performed the mar- riage ceremony. Among those who attendel from Russell were Mr. and Mis. Adam Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ar- gue. 0. Y. B. Lodge no. 39 will hold an interesting meeting on April 10 when the paper which was read at the last meeting on the life of Geo- rge Benjamin will be followed by one on the life of William of Orange. rarilla. The best sine. Medical Hall, Best Spring me +f Commiitee of O. Y. B. Lodge, No. ies [The new iron bridge on the Na- tion at Lemieux had a narrow es- cape this vear. The bridge was too low for high water and was order- ed to be raiced. This job was just finished a few hours before the wa- ter started wo rise, lad the im- provements not been made a dis- aster woul-lhave occurre!. County Councillor ). Racine was bridge commissioner and it was under his supervision the repairs were made, One of the children of Alex. Deguire died on Tuesday: The lit- tle one has always been sickly and when it was taken down with smallpox iz was unable to shake off the disease, A meeting of the Reception 39, will be held in Thos. Corscad- den & Sous shop te make arrange- wents for 'he receiving and enter- taining of the delegates to the Grand Lodre which will be held Car Tocasal vhe Uo & INO Y. dep¥t 1s busily engaged ploughing while: - here in Ju: PUSTFONED. Thefball which was to have held at Russell vi: Friday has been in- definatey po:tpoved, RIVERSIDE FACTORY. The annval meeting of the pat- rons of RivErade Cheese Factory was held on Monday evening. It was a most harmonious one in ev- ery way. Mr. John Cherry was elected to the chair aud {fulfilled his duties in an able wauer. It was decided to pay by the Babcock test system dwing the coming season. Messrs. Thos. Young, Johu Coch- rane and Vio. McKeown were ap- 20int Mi. Wm. Mec AEN FT ON @ Ww PF 5 FIRST CLASS FARM FENCING GNLY 30 cents per ROD. For Sale by THE ONT. WIRE FENCING CO., Limited Pictcn, Ont. Miss Carric Revington, of Ayl- mer, is the guest of Miss Mary Buckingham. Miss Nellie Booth has returned to her home after visiting Miss Jessie Dempsey. IN MEMORIAN. (Copied from the Orange Songs'er.) The night dew that falls, though in silence it weeps, Shall brighten with verdure the grave where he sleeps ; And the tear that we shed though . in secret it roll Shall long keep his memory green in our soul. May his grave be respected, his tomb be renowned, In North Russell churchyard, in Fussell county found ; And may all Orange brethren with nie truly join To honor the memory of Bro. Me- harey. Obituary. Mr. Alexander MacDougall, son of Dr. MacDougall of Ottawa and nephew of Messrs Allan and Chas. Loux of this place died on Friday after a lingering illness. His body lected Secretary and 0} CSOT amt a Sohn Mefianalidy itor. Messrs. Andrew Fitzpat- | IZ %d Wim. Argue were elected a « Zittee to sec after repairs, ete. Mr. Thos. Camsen will be cheese | maker during this season. Followirg is the report for last § ason ; Total no. lbs. milk rec'd 985495 8 cheese sold . 49,418 Average lls milk to lb. cheese 10 Average amt paid per lb. 13 for butter fat 13.75 Average price paid per hundred lbs. milk £0 Total cash distributed to patrens 7980.39 EDWARDS. The fine weather is much enjoy- ed after the severe storms of Ieb- ruary. We only hope it is not too good to last. Who would have thought mice was brought to Russell on Saturday sige xo a eveling aad mite ied mn ae, Maphh | Cemetary on Easter morning. The funeral sermon was preached by tho Rev. T L, Aborn of St Mary's. A large cortage of friends follow- ed the rcmains to the grave. The coffin was covered beautiful wreaths. The bercaved family bave the deep sympathy of their many friends in their sad loss. with KENMORE. The roads are in a very bad con- dition at presdnt but we expect they will coon te good as the frest is nearly all out of them. The village men and boys are spending nearly all their idle hours along the banks of the river. Their eflorts are not all in vainas there could bark ? The fruit trees look as if they could. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison visit- ed Ottawa on Friday last. Wedding bells are reported to be sour ding in the distance. Mr. John Stanley is recovering from a bad attack of rheumatism, Mrs. Surtees is home again atter spending a few days in the city. Owing to the condition of the roads on Sunday last Rev. T. L. Aborn walked to Edwards. A number from here attended the party at Mr. M. Hartison's of York's Corners. -- NORTH BRANCH. A splendid taffy party was given by Mr. John Carson on the even- ing of March 26th. The young people enjoyed themselves at games ard other amusements till a late hour. All returned home voting it one of the most successful taffy parties of the season. Messrs. Andrew and Everett Graham, of Ottawa, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Dempsey. Miss Taylor, of Malakoff has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. John 'have been quite a number of beau- tiful large fish caught and they hope the yicld may be plentiful. The farmer's report an abundant Ss) Iup season. Miss Mulloy, our school teacher, has gone home on her Kaster va- cation. Miss McNaughton, our milliner, has returned after spending a month visiting her old home near Perth, and has opened cut a large and varied assortment of spring millinery, : Mr. C. F. McArthur is getting his store remodelled and we expect to see it, in the near future, one of the most handsome stores this side of the city. Mr. D, Carkner & Son's sawmill is doing a good trade. Everybody busy in our town. Mr. Blacket Robinson, of The Dominion Presbyterian, Otlawa, called on The Leader last week. The Presbyterian is a handsome paper, full of useful reading. Its department of church news is very complete and at one dollar a year it should find a place in every Carson, © Presbyterian home. « - Spring Troubles So many ailments com® from impure blood. No ueced oft allowing thi- to go on. Cleanse the blood by using our Blood And Nerve Pills, They are cheaper than any pill you buy and guaranteed better thanany other. Good for Indigestion, Stomach-Troubles Rheumatism, Nervousness, Anoemia ete. ete. Try them once and you will nave no other. Medical Hall. P. S. Family recipes prop- erly dispensed. { BARGAINS For Boyes. S piece suits 23 breast. and under $2.00 Remnants containin- 11-2 yds. more or lees « HOCTS. each. Only a limited no. now on hand. SUE OUR FANCY VES: 3 A. P. MORRT , Merchant Tailor. Russell Ors

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