The third person in the front row is my father, Rodolphe Lemieux, who worked for the South Nation River Conservation Authority in 1971.
Sadly, my father passed away in 1985.
My father and my mother, named Anna-Maria, along with my brother Robert, and myself, Marc, lived for several years in the 2nd concession in Limoges, Ontario.
Both my brother Robert, and myself, Marc, have fond memories of having lived in this community during our childhood and formative years!
I sure appreciate having seen another picture of my father that I never knew existed!
Thank you so much!
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The third person in the front row is my father, Rodolphe Lemieux, who worked for the South Nation River Conservation Authority in 1971.
Sadly, my father passed away in 1985.
My father and my mother, named Anna-Maria, along with my brother Robert, and myself, Marc, lived for several years in the 2nd concession in Limoges, Ontario.
Both my brother Robert, and myself, Marc, have fond memories of having lived in this community during our childhood and formative years!
I sure appreciate having seen another picture of my father that I never knew existed!
Thank you so much!
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