A Bird's Eye View of the Town of Rockland ROCKLAND NEWS THE TOWN OF POSSIBILITIES Published by the Industrial and Publicity Commission, Rockland, Ontario, Canada The Town of Rockland Is Ready To Fully Co -- Operate Toward The Success Of Newly Established Industries Rockland, the logical choice of those seeking a location for their industry Rockland extends a cordial invitation to industrialists to come within its gates. It offers alluring and abundant advantages. A LOGICAL CENTRE FOR MANUFACTURERS TO the manufacturer seeking a promising locality for the establishment of a new industry or the re-establishment of an old one, now that depression is passing from the world's mouth to the dictionary to the home-seeker, anxious to find health, happiness, low rents, congenial neighbors, and a chance of employment in a new locality; to the merchant with ambition and energy to establish a worthwhile line to new trade; to all these the flourishing town of Rockland, Ont., shines like a welcoming beacon through the clouds of confusion and uncertainty, and extends a cordial invitation to come within its gates. Few municipalities in the entire Ottawa Valley, one of the garden spots of Eastern Canada, hold so much promise for every class of the work-a-day world as Rockland, and when its attraction to the retired farmer and business man, as well as to the tourist and sportsman is added to its manifold opportunities, it is seen as a veritable home town for a young and vigorous people and a community which promises to progress by leaps and bounds in the next decade. FUTURE SECURED THIS, it is sincerely believed by all associated with the municipality, is to be Rockland's generation. It already stands as a happy community of souls with unbounded opportunities, and it has a past of busy years and enviable progress. Aided by facilities with which nature and man have combined to endow it, Rockland is certainly destined to leap to the forefront among the manufacturing and home towns of this section of Canada. Scenically it stands without a peer in the whole Ottawa Valley, hot excepting the Capital city itself. Geographically it combines all the advantages of strategic proximity to the highways of commerce, with the comparative isolation demanded in the interests of public health and happiness. Industrially it offers abundant power, cheap sites, taxation inducements, transportation facilities and abundance of labor of the better kind. All in all Rockland is the logical choice of those seeking a location for their industry, a home for their children, and a generally congenial atmosphere in which to enjoy life to its fullest.