C'est en 1914 que le chanoine Gascon fit construire cette école pour les garçons seulement, voulant séparer les garçons et les filles dans les classes. Les Frères de l'Instruction Chrétienne furent c
C'est en 1914 que le chanoine Gascon fit construire cette école pour …
Great Russell Fire. Photograph looking southwest on Concession St. from across the intersection with Main St. The walls standing are of the Kenny building that housed the Bank of Hochelaga and a Géne
Great Russell Fire. Photograph looking southwest on Concession St. from across the …
Photograph looking northwest from the corner of Concession and Mill Streets. Mather Hotel is gone, two walls of the Stephenson house are standing and the Registry Office is missing the roof. You can
Photograph looking northwest from the corner of Concession and Mill Streets. Mather …