6 The Castor Review, April, 1982 RON VEH BUILDER & DESIGNER Renovations * Additions Custom Kitchens ¢ Bathrooms : Free Estimates 445-2048 x RUSSELL ae, CRAFTS, CURIOS, AND ANTIQUES Victoria Street, Metcalfe, Ontario 821-1332 Tuesday and Wednesday 7 to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 11 to 5 p.m. Michel A. Cousineau B.Sc. Com. Accountant Accounting & Income Tax Consultant for corpora- tions, Partnerships, Proprietorships & Farming Enterprises. Box 88, R.R. 3, Russell, Ont. (613) 445-5291 KOA 3B0 % Diane's Hair Design and Cosmetic Salon NEW HOURS: Wed. and Thurs. until 8 p.m. VICTORIA ST. METCALFE, ONTARIO Sg Castor Valley - Baptist Church a Cat Meeting in the Kenmore Baptist Church 11:00 a.m. -- Family Worship Service A Nursery service is provided 10:00 a.m. -- Family Bible Schoo! Rev. T.R. Orchard, There's a class for all ages Pastor 7:00 p.m. -- Evening Fellowship in the Kenmore Church Chateau 417 \ Best dining restaurant 'in surrounding district TELEPHONE 821-3010 wo For your dining pleasure come and enjoy the cozy atmosphere Chef Peppi is fantastic in the preparation of birthday, anniversary parties, business meetings, etc. Entertainment FRI., SAT. AND SUN. reservations Old-time ball team The Orange Young Britons Ball Team were flying high round about 1932. This team photo was taken in Kemptville in that year. Many Russellers formed the squad. Back row from left to right are: Bill Loucks, Clelland Hamilton, Jack Twiname (deceas- ed), Ken Graham, Alec Little and Jock Morris. Front row (left to right): Eldon Paul, Mac Morrow, Sandy Moffatt, Dalton Long and Ken Hay. Russell Public By Mary Donelly The Russell Public School's an- nual Education Week will be held April 26th to 30th. The week is designed to involve the communi- ty in the school's activities. Teachers prepare bulletin boards, displays and student activities so that observers can see what school is all about. Educator Gail Sands will conduct a seminar in the gym on Wednes- day (April 28) afternoon. The seminar will deal with the value of a positive approach to discipline. She will be stressing how impor- tant self esteem is in the life of a child and offering practical advice for parents and teachers. The theme of this year's week is "T like being a kid". Displays in the gym will include art work and Marsha Hughes, a dental hygienist, shows Natalie Cruickshank how to brush her teeth properly by demonstrating on a gigantic set of choppers. Marsha visited the Metcalfe co-op Nursery School recently and gave all the kids a bright red toothbrush of their very own to hang beside dad's and mom's. Kathy Kelsey photo M.D. Ross Realty Ltd. LOCAL AGENTS AT YOUR SERVICE Daryle Ross 445-3469 Claude Gregoire 445-5772 Hwy. 31 at Greely 821-2362 stories done by students to show how they like being children. Students will be using some of their public speaking skills during the primary story tellings and Junior and Senior public speak- ing. Each year more and more peo- ple realize that visitors are welcome. Whether or not one is a parent, everyone in the communi- ty is encouraged to visit and observe. Classrooms will be open to all on Monday and Tuesday mornings (April 26 and 27) while classes are in session. Visitors are expected to sit in on classes for at least a few minutes and listen to the subjects being taught. Programs will. be available at the office. More details on lots of other activities are available through Mrs. Sherwood 445-2190. Schedules will also be posted around the village. St. Catherine's By Cecilia Mohaupt (Grade Six) Not too much has happened at St. Catherine's School lately. Everyone was happy to get back to school after a five-week-long strike. In sports, our school is do- ing well. The boys' floor hockey tournament was held recently and they came in third or fourth against the other schools in the board. The girls' floor hockey tournament however, was cancell- ed due to the strike. We will soon have our public speaking contest. The ten finalists have been chosen. They will compete in many interesting subjects. Shortly, the grade threes will have their reconciliation and the grade twos will have their first communion. St. Joseph By Reynald Boulevice Durant les quatre prochaines se- maines, les professeurs de l'ecole St. Joseph presenteront aux eleves les quatre groupes d'aliments compris dans le guide alimentaire canadien. On traitera de: e@ lait et produits laitiers @ viande et substituts @ pain et cereales Un activitie au niveau de chaeune des classes decoulera de chaque presentation. De plus, une degustation de ces produits, organisee par le comite de parents de l'ecole, sera servie a la fin du projet. Mme Carmen Ub- bink, nutritioniste, Unite sanitaire de l'est de l'Ontario est l'invitee lors de cette journee. Mme Yoland Baillon et Mme Odette Ouellette sont les responsables de cette ac- tivite. Le 13 mai prochain, les eleves de la maternelle a la huitieme de Vecole St. Joseph, presenteront aux parents un mini-concert. L'inscription officielle pour les enfants qui debuteront a la maternelle et au jardin en septem- bre prochain aura lieu le mardi 18 mai a l'ecole St. Joseph.