Backtrack CASTOR AREA CHEESE FACTORY This cheese factory was on the Hamilton Road, Concession |, approximately five miles northwest of Russell Village. It was called Springhill No. H. Herrington, James Morrow, H. Humme 2 factory and was built by Albert Herrington, who is seen in the white E. Hamilton, H. Scott and F. Scott. At back is the W. Mor- shirt, front row left. Beside Mr. Herrington fi A. Little and D. Scharf. Back row, from left, are H. Paden, rison, the owner in 1906 when this shot was faken. The factory operated until 1949. (Photo courtesy Mrs. A. E. Hamilton). CARTAGE LTD. CARTAGE TRUCKING LOADER RENTAL Crushed Stone @ Fill © Gravel ® Sand Top Soil & Snow Removal RUSSELL Lloyd 445-2820 Charlie 445-5344 BOX 359 RUSSELL, ONT. Make sure of Castor Review! Please send the Castor Review to Name Box No. 280 Postal Code KOA B80. : Amount B . owe ($3 for 12 issues) ROLLY'S TOWING 24 hour towing We pick up old cars 445-2097 Address 18% Castor Sif RUSSELL FOOD MART Tyo's Red & White Store '"'your friendly grocer"' Selected meats, produce and groceries Catering Personal Service -- Best Value brushes, hair brushes tooth brushes and other washroom con- veniences hurtling down the centre isle at the first stop because we had neglected to lock them away. Gas was a big expense about $1 per gallon most places and what with the rig getting only 10-12 miles on each gallon. Not to men- tion an undercut of as much as 20 per cent on Canadian money. However, with both the 25-gallon main and auxiliary tanks filled, we could drive about 500 miles before having to stop again. In this way we were also easily able to get through several regions where pumps were closed because of the gas shortage. We steered clear of camp- grounds, finding it easier to pull into any shopping centre parking lot for the night. The camp- grounds seemed numerous enough though, charging $7-$8 per night for a parking space with electrical and water outlets and ac- cess to a waste dumping station. Waste disposal and water tank fill up only cost from $2-$4. We filled with water five times during the week (if you're not careful one or two showers can get rid of a half a tank). For sleeping, one bed lowered from the ceiling of the cab, another was formed by collapsing \and merging the two front double folded from the rear sofa. Not the most comfortable beds but ade- quate. The greatest convenience of course was mobility; being able to pick up and go at a moment's notice to wherever our fancies desired. So we drove from beach to beach, strumming and beating a variety of musical instruments and soaking up sun and salty sea 92 Mill St. 445-5557 Se ' | ee) Sidewalk Talk Metcalfe Community Centre Board Lf By Mark Van Dusen Continued : Features and shaving cream; lather passenger seats and a third un- T RONNIE -- PROPHET Show & Dance , air. = Basic expenses for the week were $428 including tax for rental of the vehicle and $220 in gas for a drive of 1,500-2,000 miles -- about $155 each for accommoda- tion and transportation. If this seems expensive at first, compare it with renting even a cheap $20-a-night room for one for seven nights. Not much _ dif- ference. It can be dandy way to travel be it a family or four close friends getting together again. METCALFE COMMUNITY CENTRE Metcalfe, Ontario Friday, Sept. 7, 1979 Showtime -- 9:00 p.m. PROCEEDS TO FACILITY RENOVATIONS $7.00 per person -- Doors open at 8 p.m. Kay Stanley, 821-2501 . Porteous M. & M., Vernon Castles Texaco, Hwy. 31 Betty Cavan, 821-1610 Kool Korner Dairy Bar, Russell TICKET OUTLETS Metcalfe Community Centre, 821-1237 Metcalfe Bakery, Metcalfe Metcalfe General Store, Metcalfe M.D. Ross Realty, Greely Albert MacKeown, 821-2652 Don Gamble, 821-1503 Marion Hope, 821-2255 Gib Patterson, 821-2018 Ken Kingsbury, 821-2574 EOGL -- CHESTERVILLE