EA. CAMPBELL (DON'T GAMBOL SEE CAMPBELL) ELECTRICAL HEATING PLUMBING CONTRACTOR 443-2167 RUSSELL, ONT. LOLA WOOD VANDA BEAUTY 445=2976 COUNSELOR RUSSELL, ONT. great day in the history of Russerk, and had worked tinelessly when the project was in 4th formative stages." We had that strange feeling Bill was watching - 46 he was, 4t was with that familiar "winning" smile. * * * Kee KR RE AREA SENIORS GET COMMUNITY CENTRE OFF TO A ROARING START The first major event of the new Community Centre's career was a well-planned and thoroughly-enjoyed get-together of senior citizens from Russell, Chesterville, Embrun, Marionville, Metcalfe, Morewood, Navan, Cumberland, Greely, Vernon, Vars-Bearbrook, and Winchester. Organized by Mr. Russell Phair, the event saw over 240 lively people set the tone for the future of the building. As if to show the younger generations how things can be run, the Russell Senior Citizens and their guests entertained each other royally (each group giving a fine effort), stepped out in lively fashion and tackled the refreshments like a bunch of teenagers. Setting an example to all of earned ag = Ciera icin Minh tenieeie we Ne