GAS BAR : ie eee Pe >. BEY cgkmneapehs 445 2163 towing service car wash- oil-lead& non lead CIGARETTES CANDY SOFT DRINKS SANDWICHES OPEN DAILY 6AM TO 10 PM The best time for cutting blooms is in the early morning or evening. Be sure they are placed in water immediately. Bertha Smith eee KR RE Ke KR KEK KKK KR OUR APOLOGIES: Due to a series of delays beyond our control, the advertising of Loral Hardware and Wade and MacDonald did not appear in the last issue. We appreciate both their financial support and their encouragement and we trust they will find their advertising worthwhile. ee i? INFLATION BEATERS ~ Got any Little tricks at your house to make a dollar stretch farther? Pass them along to any of our stats, or drop a Line to "The Review, Box 97." ERNIE'S GARAGE 445 2163 Minor Repairs Uniroyol Tires Grease Oil Batteries Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm Saturday 8am to12 Noon