Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 21 Apr 1938, p. 8

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Poe 0 CR SPC I RE > 00.0%.0% 4% +%00% 2% 0% o 20% 0.0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02% 0% ee es 00. % DB dodedoadocdsciofodocdocdododoadociododoatootosdodlolododedocdododeciociolodoidocisdlonloadodefocloalocioclociocioniondsfociociocisny BELL & SONS Ltd., Verdun, Que. -- Chillexine, one of the most reliable drenches for all cases of Garget and Milk Fever--$1 bottle of 4 drenches. Udder Cerate, the external ointment application to be used for all udder trouble. Makes an excellent general pur Wax Teat Plugs for damaged or sore teats or for difficult milkers $1.00 box of 36. Black Bottle, for chills, fevers, scours, colic in horses, cattle or calves-- $1.00 bottle. pose salve--$1.00 per tin. Come and discuss your problems with the local Bell Agent J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, Ont. : 0 0s a0 Oras 8s Pe o%0e%8.4% ¢%4% 0% 0% Te a 0 0 470 0706 eT 670470 6% 670470 6% 4% 4% 620470476 420 470.670.6204 700% %04%.6%4% 6% % 4% fC CREE DX Sh EX EXE XE Xa Xe a aXe ie Xa Xa ae XX EX I See aXe aXe Xe) XII COREY > 03 ot oe x * 5 > oo, 2 a 0; * oe ® aS > 2, a ® IX 3 boo 2X ® a oe oe ° a > a oe ~, XX oe% et oe oo © 2 CD 2 CD -, &o IN THE CHURCHES RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D, Minister Sunday, April 24th, 1938 11.00 a.m.--The Lord's Prayer-- "But deliver us from evil." This is the tenth discourse on the Lord's Prayer. A prayer for Deliverance from Evil. 7.80 p.m.--Public Worship. , Sunday School 10 am. A Christian Welcome to All, IN THE CHURCHES AT VARS St. Andrew's Anglican Church Rev. Franklin Clark, Rector. * Sunday, April 24th, 1938 Regular Service 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.00 p.m. KNOX UNITED CHURCH Rev. Gordon Patterson, Minister Sunday, April 24th, 1938 Regular Service 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 2.00 p.m. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING On Tuesday evening, April 19th, the Russell United Church Y.P.U. held its regular meeting in the Uni- ted Church Sunday School Hall. The meeting was called to order by a short, snappy sing-song led by Eloise Gaukrodger. the meeting was conducted by the president, Georgie Cherry. The minutes were read by James Mec- Naught and adopted. The treasurer gave a report on the proceeds of the play, "Love's Magic", held recently by the Women's Association, and the Y.P.U. After the business period there came the Worship Service which was taken by Robert McNaught with Eloise Gaukrodger assisting at the piano. ; ; pile the worship service the pro- Prografiotd Sus It EAL FEonary McNaught, The topic was the "Ministry of Healing" which is the title of Dr. Arnup's book "A New Church Faces a New World." After a brief resume of the chapter, Mrs. McNaught presented a brief but quite interesting play on the life of . Dr. Jean Dow, of North Honan. After the close of the regular meeting the executive held its regu- lar monthly meeting. DO Geefoedeadoidoileideedendodsdadsdoadsafofosfodfosiofoioioiivde BUSINESS AND $ PROFESSIONAL $ DIRECTORY : Qrdroifetasdodfoctaaodfocteidofodoioddodoifodadeifoisaioioded JOHN B. WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner for Quebec 88 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 - Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters. ans | HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. EE A. if iis REL LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur - Hubert Pothier Avocats. - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun ' Wednesday Evenings. } 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 ER a a E. H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: MeNulty. and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2--3525 Or sedooadsofeaodridsoaocdrfosdoioifrafsodrifefoiodrieded McILRAITH & McILRAITH Rarristers and Solicitors ] 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dunc. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mcllraith Loos oe The business part of | EO TOE TP CTO TO) 2002002424745 %0 + 0 202% N Qeiledrodeifeatoctridratoctoddaifosodoidssfenioddoifsafesiosisfefeded J. EE. JOHNSTON Funeral Director .and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE - - ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 6 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 30 VERNON Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell and Master Earl spent last week in Montreal the guests of Mrs. Mitchell's mother. John Campbell arrived home from Montreal on Friday where he had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jones. John reports that he had an enjoyable week there. Prof. and Mrs. F. W. Beare, the Presbyterian College, were recent guests of Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Mitchell. Miss Effie Cameron spent a few days in Osgoode, the guest of her cousin, Miss Dagh. : Mrs. Alex. J. Kennedy has received word of the serious illness of her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Madden and their daughter, Beatrice, of Russell, of Cameron, on Sunday. Robert A. Campbell and James Cameron report a good crop of maple syrup. Mrs. Robert Campbell is having her residence redecorated. Special Easter services were con- ducted in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday by Rev. C. L. Mitchell, B.A., B.D. The choir sang beautifully un- der the capable direction of Mrs. G. D. Crerar. The special numbers ren- dered were: 'Hallelujiah, Christ Arose'" and "Easter Morn". The church was beautifully decorated with Easter lilies for the occasion. Rev. C. L. Mitchell attended the convocation of the Presbyterian Colg lege, Montreal, where the degree of B.A. was conferred upon him. My. Clarence Kennedy, who has about again and attended, divine ser- vice on Sunday. Mr. C. Wilkes, who slipped and fell heavily, sustaining a painful injury, is recovering. IN THE CHURCHES Osgoode Presbyterian Church, of Vernon, Ont. Rev. C. L. Mitchell, B.A., B.D. athe 1 » 10.00 sBy-April 24th, 1938 11.00 a.m.--Morning ~"W oship. 7.30 p.m.--Evening Worship. YOU ARE WELCOME EDWARDS The roads in the district are very rought and in some places cars can- not get through. ' Wm. Prophet had the misfortune to lose a horse last week. Miss Evelyn Paladeau spent last week with her aunt at Hawthorne. Miss Ella Tierney, of Ottawa, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Art McCooeye spent Thursday in Ottawa. - Mr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, Mrs. N. Campbell and Miss E. Paladeau spent Easter Sunday at Massena, N.Y. Miss Ennie Loney, of Ottawa, spent Friday with her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson Scharf and family spent Sunday afternoon in Ottawa. Miss Edna Shaw, of Navan, the week-end with friends here. Miss Alice Stanley, of Ottawa, spent the Easter week-end with her parnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley. Miss Ida Piper spent Sunday after- noon the guest of Miss Alice Stanley. Miss Vivian MeBride is spending some time with: Mrs. S. J. Loney. Mrs. James Christie and Beatrice and Lois called on Mrs . Lawson Monahan on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ornan Cook and family have moved from our vicinity to Manotick, where they will be em- ployed by Mr. Finlay. The many friends of Emil Vondette of Ottawa, and formerly of Edwards, will be sorry to hear of his death on Saturday night last. Mr. T. G. Alexander, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paladeau. Miss Evelyn Paladeau spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. E. Campbell, of Hawthorne. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell and Mr. Campbell's mother, Mrs. Neil Campbell, spent Easter Sunday with friends in Massena, N.Y. Mr. N. Campbell spent Easter Sun- day with his daughter, Mrs. A. Paladeau. Earl Corniel, of Carlsbad Springs, is now employed by S. Quinn. Messrs. Wm. Loney and Adam Wy- man made a business trip to Met- calfe last Tuesday. Mrs. Arthur McCooeye spent Wed- nesday nm. with Mrs. A. York in Metcalfe. Mr. Wm. H. Loney spent a day betwery Metcalfe and Rusezell. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wallace visited Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Campbell. Both Off "What are 'these things?" the customer. "Pencil-erasers," girl. "I don't 'want anything that will erase a pencil--I want a pencil mark eraser." "Have you lead pencils?" "We haven't any lead pencils. We have wooden cylinders witly graphite spent asked said the shop- Montreal, | were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James! been ill for some time, is able to be ~ Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. James Gibb and Miss Doris Sullivan, of Peterboro, spent Easter with Mr. Sullivan. ge x 4 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Palmer, of Met- calfe, spent the week-end the guests of Mrs. D. Campbell. * * Boost your local Horticultural So- ciety by joining up. It is worthy of your support. x x = Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sullivan, of Mansonville, Que., spent Easter with Mus, Sullivan. ; x ® 0% Mr. Harold Campbell, R.C. Signals, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Campbell. * Miss Vie Olsen, of Ottawa, spent the week-end the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gar. Hall. EE a Miss Margaret Switzer is spending her Easter holidays with her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Switzer. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Morrison, of Ottawa, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Loucks. k . kx * Mr. apd Mrs. Ted LeMaistre spent Easter in Almonte, Ont., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay. * * * Mr. Charles Eadie, of Cornwall, was in town Easter week-end, the guest of his brother, Joseph Eadie. * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Ot- tawa, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Loucks. Ri * * Miss Doreen Laidlaw, of Almonte, is spending a few holidays the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ted LeMaistre. . * = Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sutherland, of Ottawa, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. Charles Sutherland. * x = Mr. James Wilson and son, Bobby, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hackett Cherry. * " *® We are pleased to report that Mr. Harry York, who 'has been seriously ill, is coming along nicely. - x % % Miss Elaine Harrington is spending her Easter holidays with her aunt, Mrs. MacKay, of Ottawa. * x = Mr. E. Drake and daughters, of Brampton, were in Russell after at- tending the funeral of Mr. Thompson, of Winchester, and were the guests of Mrs. Michael Curry and family. * * * Miss Frances Forge ind _-- Arthur Southigp, 'guest of Mr. .and Mrs. John Forsythe. pe = x Miss Jean Tweed, Waterloo, Ont. is spending a few holidays the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Tweed. : * * * Miss Ola Stanley, of Eanclaire, and Miss Sybil Stanley, of H:owkesbury, both school teachers, are spending their holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stanley. * * * Miss Jean Loucks, of the Ontario Hospital, Brockville, spent the week- end at her home here the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Loucks. x *® Ed Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanley-Smith and Mrs. John Stanley-Smith, of Ot- | tawa, spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. *® » L 3 | Mrs. A. C. Develin, of Carleton Place, who has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Stanley for the past two weeks has returned home. » * LJ A number of boys, members of the United Church Y.P.S., attended sun- rise service at Stewarton Church in Ottawa. Ed * EJ] Mr. Eccles McCaffrey, popular townsman and widely known horse- man, was removed to an Ottawa Hos- pital (Civic) for observation which in all probability will necessitate an operation. Mr. McCaffrey has been intermittently ill, the last seizure be- ing most severe. By the time our readers receive this edition Mr. Me- Caffrey will have likely had his oper- ation and he.will be on thq§ way to recovery and good health. £ * & Gardening is in the air and the local H.S. are about canvassing orders and membership. Their offerings in gardening needs is all A-1 stock, strong, healthy, well rooted and with the care usually needed for all stock should give each member an addi- tion to their garden that is worth while. By joining your local Society you help make your home surround- ings more beautiful, more valuable, and you incidentally contribute a small percentage of your membership fee to the Society to help them carry on the good work of town beautifi- cation. When one realizes the amount of gratuitous work done by the exe- cutive of the H.S. in the care of books, membership fees, endless letter writing, planning and execution of their plans and with such little en- couragement and money, it is really and truly a marvelous thing that | they get anything accomplished at all. '| But they do and by your joining (and receiving full value for your money) you help this truly civic and home beautification body of workers to { make your town flower conscious. It is a worthwhile investment of 'a small sum that pays an interest rate that is greater than we realize, an interest rate that is passed on to the | voungsters to enjoy and above all an interest that is devoted to implant- ing in young minds a desire and love | inside them. Will they do as well or beautiful growing things. Itisa ~ HD-28 RUSSEL G. PHAIR (Ooo ING will bring a new thrill to you, too, when you have a mew Hotpoint . Range with Hi-Speed Calrod elements and Thrift Cooker. perature is the open secret of better cookery. It takes the uncertainty out of cooking . .. banishes failures . . . makes food look and taste better. Come in and let us show you'the many conveniences of the Hotpoint Range. - MADE IN CANADA Hotpoint Controlled Tem- - Russell, Ont. METCALFE Mr. Douglas Moffatt, of the Royal Bank staff, spent Easter at his home in Carleton Place. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Caskey are spending the Easter holidays at Madoc and Tweed. (Miss Helen J. Morris, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Rose Morris. Miss Lola E. Craig, of Ottawa Normal School, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Craig, this week. Mr. Lloyd Simpson, of Ottawa, spent the Easter week-end a guest of Mr. Leonard Mullins. Mr. Gordon Boland, of Hender- son, Ont., is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Boland. Miss Myrtle Boyd, of Hopetown, Ont., and Miss Lavina Boyd, of! Metcalfe Public School staff, are spending this week at their home at Spring Hill. | A. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. daughter Christine, of Montreal, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Angus B. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Lorre Henderson, of Montreal, were =tests of Mr. and Mrs. Llovd oraham this week. y 1€0 'C: of MacDonald Mr. asserly, nouiiege, has been tha nest at his | home here during the wee Mr. Max Rowan, of the staff of | "Corpus Christi Separate School, Ot- tawa, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Ro- wan. . { Miss "Eleanore Woods returned home on Thursday after attending Kemptville Agricultural School dur-| ing the past school year. Fred: Thompson, of the R.C.M.P. Toronto division, has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Thompson ! during the week. ! Mrs. Robt. N. Woods spent the: latter part of the week the guest of | relatives at 'Carleton Place. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eldon Craig were! Sunday guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pratt, of North Gower. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt and fa- mily spent a couple of days this week with friends at Admaston i Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Currelley and son Paul, Mrs. F. Hawkins and daughter Ethel, all of Port Hope, were Easter guests of Rev. and| Mrs. H. A. Bunt. | Miss Violet Sully and sister Josie | of Toronto spent Easter hoildays | with Miss Elizabeth Sully and Mr. | and Mrs. Hilliard Thompson. The Badminton Club organized at the close of the curling season shows a steady increase in memiber- ship from the young people of the village and vicinity. Mrs. S. Byington returned to her' home at Portland, Ont., the last cf: the week after spending ten days! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An-! gus Cameron. Guests at the home Mrs. Angus Mullins ' | i of Mr. and ; on Sunday in- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mullins, and Mrs. J. Manion, Miss Alice Mul- lins, Messrs. Fred and Leo 'Seguin, all of Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. F.. Special Easter services were held in all churches here with appropri- ate music, the choirs taking promi- | nent part in the services of worship. Blair at the organ. | On Tuesday evening members of | the Y)P.U. of the United Church presented a three-act play "Head- strong Joan" to a large and appre- ciative audience. cast were Kathleen Morrison, Laura Conlen, Mary Byers, Helen A. Norris | Dorothea Blair, John Boland, Bert Bunt, Donald Camercn, Fred Holmes | der tre direction of Mrs. H. A. Bunt. Special musical numbers by Mrs. S. Ireland and Mr. Walter Ireland were given between acts. The funeral of the late Edgar Sim- | pson, who passed away at Gogama, | Ont., on Tuesday, April 12, after a beautiful thought and one that. you should always remember. You can! help it come true by simply joining your local H.S. and taking a bit of . active work in carrying it through to a successful fruitition, It is worth- while and your help is appreciated. and join now? | branch of the | chair. cluded Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mullins, | Mr. 5 Astels, of Montreal. | 3% In the United church the evening { service wias in the form of a pageant ji "The Spirit of Faster" directed by |3 Mrs. H. A. Bunt, with Mrs. R. A. F.! ¥ Members of fhe} Wilfrid Conlin, and the play was un-' Won't you give it a serious thought ¥ OBITUARY MISS JANE CALDWELL On Thursday afternoon the funer- al of Miss Jane Caldwell was held from the home of Miss Ida Cameron service being conducted by Rev. H. A. Bunt, assisted by Rev. Thos. Mc- Naught of Russell. Interment was in Spring Hill cemetery. 'One of the oldest members of the community, Miss Caldwell was born in Osgoode Township in 1849 and spent practically all her life in Met- calfe and vicinity. Always taking an active interest in the work of the former Presbyterian church and la- ter in the United Church, Miss Caldwell was a charter member of the Woman's Missionary Society and a supporter of all other church organizations. The only surviving relatives are two nieces residing in Birmingtam, Mich., U.S.A. brief illness, was held here on Sat- urday from the home of his sister, Mrs. Duncan Dow. Service was con- ducted by Rev. H. A. Bunt and in- terment made in the family plot in Spring Hill. Born in 1878, the eld- est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Simpson, deceased spent the early years had been in business in North- ern Ontario. Chief mourners are his wife and .daughter at present in Eng- land; five sisters, Mrs. Boldrey, Mrs MacFarlane, Mrs. H. Lowe, of Win- nipeg, and Mrs. Duncan Dow, Mrs. E. H. Rolston, of Metcalfe. The April meeting of the local Women's Institute was held in the Township 'Hall on Wednesday evening, with Mrs. Jas. Cameron, 2nd vice-president in the Mrs. W. A. (Cowan acted as secretary. This being the musical month for the branch, Roll Call was answered with "My Favorite Song" and Mrs. H. A. Bunt gave a pertin- ent talk on the motto for the month "Line the clouds with golden beams and sing a glad refrain." 'Several matters of business were discussed and arranged including the appoint- ment of Mrs. Jas. D. Cameron, Mrs. J. H. Craig, Mrs. W. A. Cowan, as a committee in the Home Beautifica- tion project for Carleton County and; attend the luncheon at Central Can-, ada Experimental Farm on Friday, April 22nd. A refreshment committee compris- : ed 'of Mrs. Jas. D. Cameron, Mrs. d. | H. Craig, Mrs. J. H. Hutt, Miss] Fannie Stanley, Mrs. Gertrude York | was appointed for the Musical Fes | tival to be held on April 28-29-30. Next meeting being the annual, Mrs. S. H. Bishop, Mrs. J. Eldon Craig and Mrs. W. Woods were ap-| pointed as 'a nominating committee | to preesnt a slate of officers for 1938-39. Meeting closed with the, National Anthem. i retregeeiosfosdsadsadendsnioalssfonipeirdececfosdosdosfesfssdosdedo dd OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION PSST TOL WLIO OL TL SIO TOL SL I TOC SC SOC SLR LIXIN IX SX EX EXD Qeadesdeedecfodectociefoiododd Kaa oF is oes Xe o TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE -- Apply John Paul, Russell. HAY FOR SALE--20 tons Mixed Hay. good quality, priced reasons able, may be seen at the Dave Car- son farm. Apply to Hubert Mae- Donald or Willis Carscadden. Phone 607-22. P FOR SALE Weber Player Piano with library of over 100 player rolls in goed con= dition. Only slightly used. Must be sacrificed. Apply to Leader Office. HOLSTEIN BULL Calf for sale from a typey, good uddered cow, now on R.O.P. test. Sire one of the best of the Rag apple family. Priced reasonable. W. R. Wilson, Kenmore. MEN! RAW OYSTER TONIC FREE if not satisfied with new vim, vigor, pep, vitality. Contains raw oyster invigators and other stimulants. Get package, OSTREX Tablets today. $1.25. Call, write gle, refunds price END OF FAMILY COMPACT Possibly the final blow to class rule in Canada--the Family Compact --was struck in 1838 when rebel forces from Upper New York State invaded Canada across the St. Law= rence River at Prescott, Ont. That invasion, which will be commemorated with an International Peace Celebra- tion at the historic Fort Town this July, convinced the powers of the day that the then colonial possession was fast approaching maturity and ene titled to the democratic form .of government which a few years later came into being. laa b I am agent for Bray Chicks in this locality. Phone or call for catalogue and price list, The Bray Chick does the trick, M. Rolland La Madelaine R. R. 1, ST. ONGE ONT. - SP CLE AN TO THE DISCRIMINATE BUT THRIFTY HOUSEWIFE WE OFFER FOR HER APPROVAL OUR LARGE STOCK OF WALLPAPERS NEW SHADES, NEW PATTERNS, THAT ARE BOUND TO PLEASE Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, and Water Color Paints MADE BY OTTAWA PAINT WORKS WE HAVE VERY LARGE QUALITY STOCKS OF PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING THAT IS NEEDED IN THE RUSH OF SEASONABLE ACTIVITY AND OUR PRICES ARE WITHIN YOUR BUDGET OMER MAHEU & SONS Lid EMBRUN, ONT.

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