Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 21 Apr 1938, p. 1

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The Russell Leader 5 RUSSELL, ONTARIO . 16 SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT PRESCOTT, THURSDAY, APRIL 21st, 1938 No. e, o®% : Russell Musical ; ; : : STORE NEWS | Report of Busse) - (Russ Musics ! SUNSET DER. Granite : EX * ha * ¢ h l F s al A 75 26 27 EX 5 . : - » = d M 5 ©» <5 3 3 . oo For D d Tintin 11 Cotton, Linen, Silk, Wool an osk: i; % Continuation ul 00 estiv 3 pr. ' ' % Reyores One Dye. for All ostomy Also a Color Remover if ky $ NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN'S and BOYS' SPRING CAPS-- ; ES nocd Pelee 18s pkg. for All Colors. KS % Priced from 69¢c to $1.25 each 3 ll The Musical Festival will 'be held | ois . : pe 3 £1 boa en mos, G75" [in the Ruteci! United Church on the |# BLACKLEG VACCINE--Young Cale ave dying in this neighbor $ EXTRA SPECIAL 2 0 OOo evenires of April 25, 26 and 27 with [4 hood. How about your own? Price is only $1. vial of te 3 3 rN i 'o 3rd class honours, 60--66. fternoon Session on Wednesday |% doses. Injectors, $2.50. Are your young stock worth p 4 : 25 ART SILK BED SPREADS in Assorted Colors | Credit, 5060; less than 50 f. |an aftern SION Oh Santa 2 9 4 ® 27th. Mr. Roy Fenwick, Supervisor! YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST i } At only, each .. $1.00 Ey FORM 1 of Music of Ontario, Toronto, will be | Wo VETERINARY SUPPLIES % & ¢! Ralph Browne--Lit. ¢; Bus. Prac. |the A3udicator. The Committee re- | oP % MEN'S OXFORDS % 1st; Fr. f; Br. Hist. c; Alg. c; Se. ¢; ports that much enthusiasm is being |% & $ We have some broken lines of Men's Oxfords which we are clear- & | Zool. ec. shown in the various parts of the ba J L STEELE Phm B - Russell Ont % % ing at Bargain Prices. Regular $2.90 for $2.39 %! Donald Campbell--Lit. 2nd; Comp. { Territory. Entries have already |% . o ) olde 9 at 5 & Regular $3.50 for ______ $2.89 Regular $3.98 for _________ $3.29 ba c¢; Bus. Prac. c¢; Br. Hist. 3rd; Alg. £;| come +4 from Ormond, Cumberland, EI Ct rl & " | Sc. 1st; Geog. 2nd; Art, c. Metesliz, Vars, Bearbrook, Ottawa, -- % Below you will find a Few Prices for SATURDAY and MONDAY, . Hugh Campbell--Lit. 3rd; Comp. Billi=5s- Bridge, Chesterville, Hore 3 April 23-25--Cash orProduce | c; Bus. Prac. f; Fr. ¢; Br. Hist. ¢;|weod, Javan, Russell and Maxville. a 3 DRY GOODS GROCERIES 3 Alg. ¢; Se. ¢; Geog. ¢; Art, 2nd. Rev. Eecith Daniel, B.A. will sing as |i BS Muriel Cherry--Lit. 2nd; Comp. |guest artist at each session. Thie H d i 3 3rd; Bus. Prac. 1st; Br. Hist. 2nd;| Committee solicit Bie, so-operatios of How Often ave ou ear *» MEN'S GARTERS, pair.____ 15¢ 1 POLISHING MOP FREE, & | Alg. 1st; Sc. 1st; Geog. 1st; Art, c. |the residents of the village in extend- 2 so > with quart tin of HAWES KY George Doherty--Lit. £; Comp. c;|ing hospitality to the out of town ~ $ LADIES' BELTS, each 15¢ FLOOR GLOSS, at ______ 98c 5 Bus. Prac. 2nd; Fr. f; Br. Hist. c;|people during the days of the the Ex ressed Wish o % PEPPER and SALTS, 3 Kelloggs CORN FLAKES, 2 | Alg. £; Sc. ¢; Geog. c; Art, 3rd. '| Festival. 4 P 2 . $ ermal 7c 1 Glass Bowl--All for ___ 25¢ & . Archie Graben 5 Comp, i i - N'T THAT A DANDY AUTOMOBILE J sins 7 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR % | Bus. Prac. 2nd; Br. Hist, f; Alg. 2nd; . 6 2 % Ladies' Angel Skin SLIPS, Se EE LOUR ' _19¢ $|Se. 1st; Geog. 1st; Art, £. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH | BOY rary NE WOULD GIVE ME ONE, & Each 59¢ Red Cooking Onions, 6 lbs. 25¢ b John Harrington--Lit. 1st; Comp. W. A. WISH SOMEO! ' & Ladies' House Dresses ________ 59c SUNKIST ORANGES, 5 2a Liha a. Svs. Br. Thelregular monthly meeting of I'D BE MORE THAN SATISFIED." J , '2 dozen for ________-. ___ 29c «& |Hist. ¢; Alg. ¢; Sc. c: Geog. ¢; Art, c. 4 DBA ; & Men's FINE BRACES _____ 29¢ Jam Biocwite 2 Toe re 5 Ella Kerr--Lit. 2nd; Comp. 3rd; the Women's Association of the Uni- 5 i 4 Church held Thursd . . , Ladies' ART SILK HOSE, CANNED SALMON, #| Bus. Prac. 1st; Fr. 1st; Br. Hist, 1st;|ted Church was held on Hrs lay: al M W | G t Th t W h J Perpair 25¢ Keta Fanc r tin ____ 9c %|Alg. 1st; Sc. 1st; Geog. 1st; Art, c. |April 14th, with the president, Miss Y otors 1 ran a 1S b 3 re = : E. Hamilton in the chair. The A & WHITE FLANNELETTE, BLUE RIBBON COFFEE, %|_ Gordon Little--Lit. £f; Comp. f;|% Hamil doy € Chair, the Toe ¢ 27" wide, yard ________ 13c In Glass Jar, Ib. ______42c % Bus. Prac. ¢; Fr. f; Br. Hist. f; Alg, | ciation decided to honor the Grand- $ . %|f; Se. f; Geog. f; Art, ec. mothers of the district at their regu- T0 THE LUCKY PERSON 3 #| Deltra McDonald--Lit. 3rd: Bus, |lar meeting in May. Mrs. F. Loucks 3 Alaska Seed Oats Purina, O.A.C. Pio- | Let us have your 3 P 1st: Fr. 3rd: Br. Hist. 2 d: Ale. | and"Mr=s, G. T. Browne were appoint- 3 Govt. Grade order for Timoth {erm ay oT ord; br hs EndiAlns ed to arrange a program for that day ° * . ° & No. 1 and 2 neer and Monarch 3 Cl Sos ¥ 32nd; Sec. 1st; Geog. c; Art, 3rd. rfid g b 8 JOH. Ray. Ww W & % r= Chick Mash Ah > Over usec %| Emerson Rombough--Lit. ¢c; Comp. | Ars. Kyle reported a satisfactory 0 es al e. an rites a inning % 0.A.C. No. 21 Seed % | 1st; Bus. Prac. f; Br. Hist. f; Alg. f; collection from the ladies of the con- bd > Bel *'N Ei FROST FENCE ise eo: Geog nd: Art £ 7' | gregation whose birthdays come in > 4 arley No. SE : Ask for Prices pS Bids Rombough-- Lit. 1st; Comp, | March and April. This was done in S f t Sl 3 : BED Pre an LOT OF PAINT % f; Bus. Prac. 2nd; Fr. c; Br. Hist. 3rd; place of holding a tea. Mr. A. Mec- a € y ogan. Chick Feeder, Drink- Brooders to clear. at b Alg. f; Sc. 1st; Geog. 2nd; Art, 3rd, |Kerracher volunteered to place ing Founts, etc. At Low Prices HALF PRICE McArthur - Warner General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24.HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 0s ir op Qo pln dp Bs ee ooo Loon ee oe > Phoebe Sutherland--Lit. 3rd; Bus. b Prac. 1st; Comp. Ist; Fr. c; Br. Hist. 1st; Alg. f; Se. 3rd; Geog. 1st; Art, % | 3rd 2 = % FORM 11 > Solange Blais--Lit. 1st; Comp. 4% | 1st; Lat. 3rd; Fr. 1st; Gram. 3rd; i Arith. ¢; Geom. 1st; Zool. 2nd; Phys. oe 1st. 3 Alice Blouin--Lite#2nd; Comp. c; Lat. 1st; Fr. 1st; Gram. 2nd; Arith. f; Geom. 1st; Zool. 1st; Phys. 1st. Dora Boland--Comp. f; Arith. f; JUST THE CAR YOU WANT 10 Fit Into That Ralanced Rudgot 36 PONTIAC COUPE DeLuxe. '36 OLDS DeLuxe Touring SEDAN. '36 FORD DeLuxe COACH with Radio. '35 FORD SEDAN--9,000 Miles. '32 CHEV. DELUXE SEDAN. '32 CHEV. STANDARD COACH. '30 CHEVROLET COUPE. 29 CHEV. SEDAN. 29 CHEV. SEDAN. '29 PONTIAC SEDAN. '30 FORD TRUCK, dump body, dual wheels, repainted, completely overhauled. PLYMOUTH -- CHRYSLER -- FARGO TRUCKS MADDEN MOTOR SALES RUSSELL, ONT. Chrysler -- Plymouth -- Fargo Dealer Geom. f; Br. Hist. f. Mary Harrison--Lit. ¢; Gram. "rd; Atith. ¢; Zool. 3rd; Phys. 1st; Alg. f; Geom. 2nd; Chem. 2nd; Physics, '1st. 1 tN avr. J «(nm . ., Alda Pradlav--4it infin Gdbatd: 1st; Zool. ¢; Phys. c. James Browne--Lit. f; Comp. f; Fr. £; Gram. c; Arith. ¢; Geom. 3rd; Zool. c; Phys. 2nd. Burryle Gochrane--Lit, f; Comp. Gy; Gram. f; Arith. 2nd; Geom. 1st; Zool. ¢; Phys. 2nd; Br. Hist. 3rd. Doreen Robinson--Lit. Ist; Gram. c¢; Arith. f; Zool. ¢; Phys. 2nd; Art, c. Grant Cumming--Lit. ¢; Comp. c; Gram. f; Arith. f; Geom. 3rd; Zool. 3rd; Phys. 1st; Br. Hist. f. David Kerr--Lit. f; Comp. f; Fr. ab; Gram. f; Geom. 1st; Zool. 2nd. Emily McCaffrey--Lit. 1st; Comp. 2nd; Lat. 1st; Fr. 2nd; Gram. 2nd; Arith. 1st; Geom. 1st; Zool. 2nd; Phys. 1st. Doris Madden--Lit. ¢; Lat. f; Fr. f; Arith. ¢; Geom. 1st; Zool. 2nd; Phys. 1st; Art, c. Pauline Scott--Lit. 1st; Comp. 3rd; Fr. 3rd; Gram. f; Geom. c; Zool. 3rd; Phys. 1st; Alg. 3rd. Eric Twiname--Lit. ¢; Comp. f; Fr. f; Gram. f; Geom. 1st; Zool. 1st; Phys. 1st. Bill Twiname--Lit. 8rd; Lat. c; Gram. c; Arith. 2nd; Geom. 3rd; Art, ¢; Zool. 2nd; Phys. 1st. Eleanor Gaukrodger--Lit. 3rd; Lat. Ist; Fr. c; Arith. 2nd; Geom. 3rd; Zool. ¢; Phys. 1st. Lloyd Loucks--Comp. c; Arith. f; Geom. f; Zool. 3rd; Phys. 3rd; Sec. 3rd. a> eo FORM 111 Bearnies Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist Bill Atkinson--Lit. ¢; Comp. 3rd; Lat. comp. c¢; Fr. Au. c¢; Fr. Comp. 3rd; Anc. Hist. f; Chem. 1st; Phys. 1st. Donald Blais--Lit. ¢; Comp. c; Fr. comp. lst; Anc. Hist. 3rd; Alg. f; Geom. f; Phys. 3rd. Dalton Buckingham--TLit. 2nd; Alg. 1st; Comp. ¢; Fr. comp. 2nd; Anc. Hist. 1st; Geom. 3rd; Chem. 1st. Marjorie Eastman--Lit. 83rd; Comp | 83rd; Lat. Comp. 1st; Ane. Hist. f; | Alg. 2nd; Chem. ec. Hugh Eadie--Lit. f; Fr. Au. c; Fr. Comp. c; Anc. Hist. c. Alex Forsythe--Comp. c¢; Lat. Au. c¢; Lat. Comp. 3rd; Fr. Comp. 3rd; Anec. Hist. 1st. * Frank Forsyth--Lit. 3rd; Comp. 3rd; Lat. Au. 1st; Lat. comp. 1st; Fr. Au. 1st; Fr. Comp. 2nd; Ance Hist. 1st; Phys. 1st. Margaret Gamble--Lit. f; Comp. 1st; Anc. Hist. ¢; Alg. ¢; Geom. 2nd; tdi didi dt i dhl df dh Noefradeefradesfradecfonioadsodp ordi ods d : FOR SALE - - PRICED RIGHT 3 A Small Quantity of -- P No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 TIMOTHY £ A QUANTITY OF SWEET CLOVER 3 AND RED ALFALFA MIXED ¢ WALKERS CLEANING STATION 3 Te v RUSSELL, ONT. 20 %e% % o% i? by RIUTIO TOC SOC IC SO SC WKS XXXII XIX XX] Pe eTe se eetecbee's ete' LOX IX EXTND A IIIS Pe %* EI) o aw x XIAL bool 20020 100 eloele ats eteeloete ele lei eetoi eet toete sete osts Poe POO ND Seale deff erage ade dads sefeedeedo oe ode dade ele Phys. 1st. g Paul Gormley--Lit. f; Comp. f; Fr. Comp. c¢; Anc. Hist. f; Chem. c; Phys. f. Isabel Gaukrodger--Lit. 1st; Lat. Comp. ¢; Comp. 2nd; Fr. Comp. 2nd; Anc. Hist. 1st; Alg. 1st; Phys. 1st. Eloise Gaukrodger--Comp. c; Fr. Au. 3rd; Fr. Comp. f; Anc. Hist. 2nd; Alg. 3rd; Geom. 1st; Chem. 2nd; Phys. 1st. Stephen Graham-- Lit. f; Ane. | Hist. 3rd; Alg. f; Geom. f; Phys. 3rd. Elaine Harrington--Lit., ¢; Comp. 2nd; Lat. Comp. f; Fr. Comp. f; Anc. Hist. c¢; Alg, f; Phys. 1st. Jean Little--Lit. ¢; Comp. c; Fr. Au. ¢; Fr. Comp. f; Anc. Hist. f; Geom. f; Chem. f. Jack McArthur %°. Seogeeleeeedes; », "6% 2%! boo} % > " > bs boo; % CD s KD > %' > 0 %o' , 204; Jools IS e* o, 3 2 EXD Lit. £f; Comp. c; flowers in the church of the month of May. Mrs. McNaught took charge of the devotions. Mrs. Watson and Miss E. Hamilton sang a duet appro- priate for Easter time. The meeting closed by a season of prayer led by Mrs. McNaught, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs. E. J. McEwen and Mrs. K. Boyd. There was a sale of home baking. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. Wm. 'Curry, Mrs. H. Cherry, Mrs. T. Switzer and Mrs. N. Rom bough. JHOBLTIC_"LTURAL SOCIETY re The local Horticultural Society has been 'avised Mr. J. D. Stewart, direc- ---- lI 4. ld NIA 4 ha vr Jehan F. Clark, official lecturer ihe On- tario Horticultural Association will EVERYONE IS THINKING -- EVERYONE IS TAKING THAT RIDE EVERYONE IS WRITING -- ONE IS WINNING That New, Modern Model of Engineering Skill Contest Closing Date--April 30th---You Have Time To Enter. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT--We'll do the rest! 5 RE attend the district meeting to be held in Winchester in the afternoon of) April 25th, Monday. All H.S. of | District No. 1 are invited to attend this meeting and those who are in- terested and wish to attend please in- | i form Mrs. A. J. Shelp, local secretary, of their intention of attending. A movement is on foot to provide trans- portation to Winchester so that the Russell Society may have a good representation of members and in- terested persons. Anc. Hist. ¢; Alg. ab; Geom. f; Chem. c; Phys. f. Lillian McCormick--Comp. f; Anc.. Hist. 38rd. Gordon McKeown--Lit. 8rd; Comp. ¢; Fr. Comp. 3rd; Alg. 3rd; Anc. Hist. 2nd; Geom. 2nd; Phys. 3rd. Mildred McKeown--Lit. ¢; Comp. 3rd; Fr. Comp. c¢; Alg. f; Phys. c; Zool. e. James McNaught--Lit. f; Comp. f; Lat. Au. f; Lat. Comp. 8rd; Fr. Au. 3rd; Fr. Comp. ¢; Anc. Hist. f. Kenneth Paul--Lit. f; Comp. c; Lat. Au. e; Lat. Comp. 38rd; Anec. Hist. ¢; Alg. 3rd; Geom. 1st; Chem. 2nd. Bruce Switzer--Lit. f; Comp. 3rd; Lat. Comp. 2nd; Fr. Comp. f; Chem. 3rd; Zool. c. Roy Switzer--Lit. ¢; Comp. f; Lat. Au. 1st; Lat. Comp. 2nd; Fr. Au. ab; Fr. Comp. f; Anc. Hist. 1st; Chem. f; Phys. 1st. Claude Thompson--Lit. f; Comp. f; Lat. Au. 8rd; Lat. Comp. 3rd; Fr. Au. 2nd; Anc, Hist. c. Helen Waddell --Combp. c; Alg. c; Chem. 1st; Zool. ec. Lola Waddell--Lit. f; Anc. Hist. 1st; Alg. f. Thyra Warner--Lit. 3rd; Comp. 1st; Lat. Comp. 1st; Fr. Au. 1st; Fr. Comp. 3rd; Anc. Hist. 3rd; Geom. 2nd Jessie Booth--Comp. f; Lat. Au. f; Lat. Comp. f; Anec. Hist, 3rd; Mod. Hist. f; Trig. f. Upper School Marion Buckingham--DLat. Ay. 1st; Lat. Comp. 1st; Bot. 1st; Zool. 1st; | Trig. 1st. | Robert Long--Lat. Au. ¢; Lat.| Comp. 2nd; Fr, Au. 1st; Fr, Comp. ¢; Hist. c¢; Bot. 1st; Zool. f; Trig. 3rd. Stewart Long--Lat. Au. c¢; Lat. Comp. c¢; Fr. Comp. f; Hist. f; Bot. 3rd; Trig. £f; Anc. Hist. 2nd. Aynslee MacEwen--Alg. 2nd; Hist. ¢; Bot. ¢; Zool. ¢; Trig. c; Anc. Hist. 1st. Herbert McNaught--Lat. Au. c; Lat. Comp. 3rd; Fr. Au. 2nd; Fr. comp. c; Hist. ¢; Bot. 1st; Zool. 2nd; Trig. 1st; Anc. Hist. 2nd. Robert McNaught--DLat. Au. 2nd; Fr. Au. 1st; Hist. ¢; Bot. 1st; Zool. 2nd. Elleda Stanley--Anec. Hist. 2nd; Fr. Au. 1st; Fr. comp. c; Hist. f; Bot. c; Zool. 2nd; Trig. e¢; Phys. 1st. Mabel Switzer--Lat. Au. f; Lat. comp. 3rd; Fr. Au. 1st; Hist. f; Trig. ¢; Anc. Hist. 1st. Frances Warner--Hist. ¢; Bot. 2nd; Comp, c; Zool. 1st; Trig. 1st; Chem, 1st; Anec. | Hist. 1st. MOTOR SALES TELEPHONE 44 McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - - SOW FERTILIZER FOR BIG CROPS WE SELL SHUR-GAIN 2--12--6 FERTILIZER-- at $27.00 per ton NATIONAL 2--12--6 FERTILIZER at $28.00 per ton Order Early and Avoid Disappointment MacEWEN & STEPHENSON Phone 48 - - Russell You Highest As In SHOULD BE TO Make Your House Into Your Home COME and VISIT US IN OUR NEW OFFICES AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR REMODELING AND REDECORATING 1874 - D, CARKNER & CO. - 1938 Phone Metcalfe 28 r 2 Kenmore, Ont. EE ---- EMBRUN HARNESS SHOP SHOE MAKING and HARNESS REPAIRING Also Full Line of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Rubber Boots. - LEO. BISSONNETTE EMBRUN, ONTARIO EAS i Ww

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