Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 17 Mar 1938, p. 1

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Ris oF | \ * & (a The Russell Leader RUSSELL; ONTAR 0 -. SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, MARCH 17th, 1238 No. 11 ----_|Tm ED ------ eS a u r KY " 3 STO BR KE N E WwW S 3 Local and P er sonal OBITUAK 3 SPRING TONICS FOR PEOPLE 2 & 3 . + BLOOD PURIFIER, per bottle $1.00 & <4 kX . rd 3 3 : %®| Mr. Hugh McDermid, of Vernon, ROBERT A. MacGREGOR b CELERY Sen E T0MC SL 1% 3 3 is i "4 business TE het - 4 OY % WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS--1938 Model now on display | 15 town on business, The funeral of Robert Arthur % Any of the above are the proper Tonics to clear out the System 'in $ in car store. Do not buy a Refrigerator until you have seen a 2 ye. MacGregor whose death occurred EX Preparation for Spring. $ Westinghouse -- and get our prices and terms. 5 Mrs. Robert Booth and Marjorie | in Ottawa, was held to the Chuxch i% SPRING TONIC FOR STOCK ' $ 3 visited with Mrs. Arthur Morrow on! of St. Andrew's and St. Paul's, [4 You should assist your stock by using one or more of the following-- & RODGERS ONE HOUR ENAMEL--We now have a complete stock & Friday. where a large number of relatives 5 HOG TONIC, pkg... pn 60c POULTRY TONIC, 60c hy © of all shades of this high grade enamel, we¥ known for its 2 abt ~ and friends gathered to pay a final k STOCKFOOD 60c and CONDITION POWDER .._.__ 60c $ 3 wonderful covering qualities and quick drying. We also have %! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Booth and Py T hi > 'v kX . Feed the above and assist Nature with her work: Remember : & Sherwin-Williams paints and varnishes. 4 | Marjorie spent Sunday with Mr. and | = >ute of respect to his memory. 4 this is also the proper season to commence using COOPER'S % 2 | Mrs. M. McGregor. Born at Felton in 1867, he was|%# WARBLE FLY POWDER. Consult YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST. 3 & noe. tz late Mr. and Mus. | 3 % WALLPAPER -- If needing Wall thi 4 tis son of the late] rei : & our samples, priced feos, gs DRRELE0 or or be sure and see %( Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cherry and| Ajaxander MacGregor, pioneer set-|¥ J Li. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell % : | Francis visited with Mrs. M. Fader | tic-s of the district. Engaged in & i p & | on Saturday. an 3 ing. he wa A st SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-END--Below you will find a few of * x = | féeming and stock breeding, he was oo 2 our prices for Saturday and Monday, March 19 and 20--Cash % to : "e a _pecognized agriculturist of Ras- & or produce. We are' glad You appreciate our Specials and we + oe yy aud Muriel Hamilton 3 ecunty. Retiring some twenty i g rm $ Eo Rng for the splendid business which you gave us last ; Arthur Mort ow. years ago he and Mrs. MacGregor -- MAR 11th -- i > : ® GRR took up residence in Russell, where CH 3 : %| Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sanders, of | Mrs. MacGregor, the ii Eliza . : 3 SUNKIST HANDY AMMONIA per package 6c | Ottawa, spent Sunday the guest of | Jane Morrow, predeceased him in S : I J Ar d th C % per packag 2 » SP y g : i $ ORANGES JELIT JELLY POWDERS 5 pkgs for 19¢ | MI and Mrs. Ted LaMaistre. I Snortly after hiv retiement pring 1S ust Aroun € Lorner 3 ps 2 kK he devoted his spare time to the : : & 2 dozen 32¢ P and G SOAP 3 bars for 10c $ Mr. and Mrs. James Charleson, of Rwy Business, Deane : pki And With Its Advent We Become Motor Conscious 2 SABIDILLA per pound 43c '| Prescott, spent Sunday the guesis nx on the routine o rural ma-ear- 3 & PITTED $ $1 of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Loucks. rier, a post he conscientiously 'and : 3 P > i ois BUCKWHEAT FLOUR S-lb. bag for 22c 3 so. henorably filled for twenty years. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK ¥ SUGAR - -... ~~. - 10 Ibs. for 59¢ Mr. Wm. Eadie, of Toronto, is Left to mourn his loss is an adop- b ' & Zs. for 21e : % | spendin a few holidays the guest of | ted son, James Charlton of Prescott. b) CANNED PEAS 2 tins for 19¢c 3 ; $ Gem Soule unin -- © fms fof 1¥€ %| Mr. and Mrs. A. Rombough. The funeral service was conduct- Sleek, Powerful, Economical ¥ CORN UNGRADED POTATOES per bag __ 49c thx » ed by the Rev. Thomas McNaugh of ; 3 SYRUP KELLOGG"S ALL BRAN 19¢ 2 Mrs. Wm. Kenny is spending a| the Church of ISt. Andrew's and St. . 3 5.1b. can 39c : Sen %| few holidays with friends in Met-| Paul's United, with interment tak- $ : CALIRORNIA PRUNES *.... 3.1bs, 28e- 21 calfe. ing place in North Russell cemetery it "THE TRANSPORTATION OF A NATION" 3 FRESH LADIES' SILK and WOOL HOSE _ 29¢ 3% of oi Joh Many beautiful floral offerings, 3 3 : ES Mr. Reuben Lake and family are| testified to the esteem in which the Ch | t d M | L f T k 3 GRAPE FRUIT STRIPED FLANNELETTE 27" wide 2 moving to the Dougall Cumming's | late Mr. MacGregor was held by Alevroiet an ap € Léa TICKS 2 12¢ 5p 5 for 21c per yard RR > "BLUE COAL" -- Both CHESTNUT and STOVE Size in Stock. N 2% Sods dededa dest a carm CA 05005003 oo} - . & A = 3 McArthur - Warner | General Merchants and Funeral Directors 4 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE ky TELEPHONE 11 % RUSSELL, ONT. CP-85 for H35 - CHRYSLER Royal = Luxury and distinction at surprisingly Low Cost! curvsiR imperial -- The Great Masterpieces of Chrysler Engineering Jorn THE THRONGS of seasoned motorists in our showrooms, ad- miring Chrysler's Two New Beauties for 1938. When you see the new Royal and Imperial, you'll want to drive them. When you drive them, you'll admit that they top everything in their fields - thrilling performance, ease of han- dling and riding luxury. They're BETTER Enginsaredl ... BETTER Mace) LRT PLYMOUTH ON DISPLAY AT MADDEN MOTORS | RUSSELL, ONT. COMING -- Another Car of Tweed's Alberta Coal J 1 TWEED | the guests of parents, place. 2 % = Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, of Ka- puskasing, are spending a few days Dr. P. B. Proudfoot. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Elder McEwen spent Sunday with friends in Max- | ville. +t = = Mr. Edward Kenny las left Rus- sell to accept a position with Con- solidated Aircraft in Fort Erie. * * * Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Hamilton spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morrow celebrating their respective wedding anniversaries. * * .- Mrs. Kerwin and young son are spending a few holidays the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley. - kw Mr. Charles Rombough, of Toron- to, is spending a few holidays tle guest of Mr. and Mrs. Delacey Rom- bough. t * * *® (Mrs. McRae, of Ottawa, is spend- ing a few holidays the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Bar- rington. -- J] » Mr. Wallace Barrington, Corn- wall, spent the week-end with his Mr. and Mrs. B. Barring- ton. : = 2 Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harrison and family, of the 'RIC.A/F. Ottawa, were week-end guests of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison. AN ESSAY ON MAN The following essay on the sub- ject of "Man" is said to have been written by a Missouri girl in her first year at high school: "Men are what women marry. They drink and smoke and swear, but don't go to church much. May- be they would go if they wore skirts. They are more logical than women, also they are more zoologi- cal. It is said that bot men amd women sprang from monkeys. If that is true then women sprang the farthest." NOTE--We wonder what a boy from that same Missouri school would write regarding Women and again we think the lady should have added that "men are more knee sprang from sprunging trying to catch up to the long sprung that the women keep spranging." NOTICE To our many Russell customers we take this opportunity to thank them for their patronage and to in- form ¢:em of our change of address. Marcellus Beauty Parlor. Permanent Waving and Beauty Culture, 200% PHONE 606-R-21 RUSSELL, ONT. C3 Alene RRL Ab eS AER. Wd ' Wine From Trees i trees that yield "a red wine com- Explorers returning from a trip, parable to the best vintage wines of into the remote parts of lower Me-| France." The wine tree is a species xico report that there are tropical! of palm. : Bank St. Ottwa. Dial 3-1444. "The spiritual demand. the material, supplies and forestalls the deeds."--Mary Baker Eddy. quelling | energy and endurance surpassing all ey velville Young People's pena. vhic our beliefs would attach to our best, the community. Thes pallbearer were: Alfred Long, Alfred Morrow, John Paul, Peter MacGregor, An- drew Walker and James Hay. "CURLING NEWS According to "Old Sol" curling will soon be over for 1988 and both Russell and Metcalfe Clubs have had plenty of fine games this win- ter. ; As 'before mentioned Metcalfe Clu" won the Wilson Trophy, said ow being presented to the wins DEPENDABLE HAULING AT More Miles Per Gallon, Lower Costs Per Mile VISIT OUR SHOW ROOM Inspect the New Models -- Drive One Away - McARTHUR RUSSELL, ONT. - - - TELEPHONE 44 HHH HE ner, Mr. J. A. 'Waddell, and his teamijn Ottawa. Somelow or other the opinion had heen, that the tro- phy was presented to Metcalfe on the occasion of their annual meet- ing. Such was not the case and while Russell Club did not attend the meeting they were welcome and your scribe has the above on good authority. And as the season draws to a close the friendly rivalry he- tween these two - clubs continues with good sportsmanship ever pre- dominant. Morrisburg club sent four mixed teams to Russell for a friendly game but due to ice conditions the rinks were forced to use the smal- ler irons. Morrisburg 2--Mrs. Merrill, J. Bammister, Mrs. E. Gordon, Ryder (skip.) 'Russell 8--Miss A. Higgins, Mr. E. Madden, Mrs. L. 'A. Harrington, Mr. A. Walker (skip). Mr. Mr. Morrisburg 4--Miss D. Nash, Mr.' M. Epplett, Miss M. Weeger, Mr. I Toshack (skip). Russell :6--Mrs. 'R. MacEwen, Mr. D. Cook, Miss E. Hamilton, Mr. R. Atkinson, Scotchman, (skip). Morrisburg 3 -- Mrs. M. Duval, Mr. W. Ryder, Mrs. J. Toshack, Mr. C. Fetterly (skip). i : Russell 10 -- Miss E. LaPlante, Mr. G. Gamble, Miss M. Forsythe, Mr. W. Loucks (skip). ! Morrisburg 2--Mrs. L. MeGill, Mr. J.- Casselman, Mrs. M. Epplett, Mr. R. G. Fetterly (skip). Russell 10--Mr. 'F. Loucks, Mrs. K. Boyd, Mrs. D. McGregor, Mr. J. | T'winame Jr. (skip). : On the round Morrisburg Russell 34. 13, CHALLENGE CUP SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED Mr. Henry Shepherd, present ' holder of the Kyle Challenge Cup again successfully defended the pre- cious mug when he whipped W. Fielding to the tune of 14-4. J. C. Hamilton, W. Dennison, Geo. A Bearnes Eve Service Thirty-five years of sutcesbful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist XXX III IIIS General € Electric Offers the Biggest Washing Machine Value Of The Year COMBINING FEATURES OF EFFICIENCY ECONOMY DEPENDABILITY. Exclusive G.-E. Activator Avoids Tangling or Braiding. DeLuxe Lovell Safety Wringer. Automatic Water Deflectors on Wringer. Famous 'G.-E. Motor Permanently Lubricating Large Casters Direct Mechanical Drive. Balloon Type Wringer Rolls to Protect Garments and Buttons. a Notice the Ironer that At- }.: taches to Wringer Post--can ; be fitted to any model G.-E. Washer on display in our G.-E. APPLIANCE SHOP. Russell Phair - G. E. Dealer - Russell, Ont. Duncan, H. Shepherd. (Skip) 14. P. McGregor, R. Phair, C. H. Ste- Wail, W. Fielding. (Skip) 4. THE MARVELVILLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION The regular meeting of the Mar- March 11, 1938. The meeting open- Union was! | held in the church Friday evening,' XXX Xxx xxx xx xx xxx xxx from the song sheets. The Secrip- ture was read by Agnes Fader from the 5th chapter of Luke 1-11 verses. Margaret tien gave us a very in- teresting reading and in closing this she led in prayer. The meeting was then brought to a close by all repeating the Mizpah benediction. ed by the recreation period in charge of L. Robinson and R. Hill The President then took tle chair and a short business period fellow- ed. Vera Brunton then took charge of the meeting and gave us a very interesting talk on Dr. Hart's Book on Prayer. She then led in singing

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