Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 24 Feb 1938, p. 4

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* -- OWI RIC GE RP TC SI SC CE WC Wa eo" 00%00%0 6% 6% 0% % a % Toate tute tb 0 Selo eelodoatoniontonfontoatonfonionlonlocluoluolreluoliolietreleedredisdseloctonoatoatoatoatootoatoatostoatoatiatioteatiods odes doeds do doato to tools Their Cattle MINOVITE 1.5 p.c.; dients with the above. buy. Same price for Hog, Ba a a a a Pe e%0e% Pot Oat Ot tt at at Het ee B BELL and SONS, LTD., VERDUN, QUE. 25.6 p.c.; Phosphorus, 2.8 p.c.; Iodine, 0.75 p.c. per 100 lbs.; Iron, Sodium Chloride, 14. p. When you purchase Mineral, You "will MINOVITE is the best value for your dollar that you can Only $7.25 per 100 Ibs. Horse and Poultry. Purchase from the Local Agent-- J. L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell, Ont. 0 070 6% 47% 47007000 400 0 40 0 075 6% 02047 6% 4%04%66% 70.4% 6% ¢%06% %.¢%5.¢%s.4% 470s": CEA XaX Xe XX Xa XXX I XX XX a a Se oa a oa XE XX 23 CaS aX x 09, ° "s' er, is guaranteed to contain Calcium, ' XD "s 2 Cc. AL "to D> compare the ingre- then agree that " XD oe, b 9] b> 9; 0 Sa o> 03 eats ed DERI SLI TLIO) slesjeelee rele ls 3 20258502 0 0%06% 6045067047670 %5.4%06 6% 6 "00% 6%. o%: XEXIXIXTX XX XE ae Xa Xa XX PS 5 $ OUR CLASSIFIED 3 $ 3 & SECTION o Pe ®este tess ts faseoitsieion 0 %06% 4% 20 6 %04% +% ¢%0 0% Po. s% o%0 +70 4 © EL XAXEXIEXIXEX EX IX IX EIEN DOIN IX IX DIRE I PERSONAL TO GET VIGOR, vitality, try raw oyster invigorators and other stimulants in New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone up worn, ex- hausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk. nothing. Call, write Steele's Drug Store, Rus- sell, Ont. c-5tf MEN! PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the municipal council of the Corporation of the Township of Osgoode will take into ensideration the passing, and if ap- proved, will pass at its meeting to be held on the 7th day of March, 1938, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore- noon, at the Town Hall, Metcalfe, a by-law for stopping up that part of the allowance for road between Lot 21 and Lot 22, Concession 10, of the said Township of Osgoode more. par- ticularly described as follows : ALL that portion of Lots 21 and 22 in the 10th Concession of the Township of Osgoode, in the County of Carleton, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Commencing at the North East corner of Lot 22 in the 10th Concession, thence Souther- ly along the Eastern boundary of said lot a distance of 20 feet, thence Westerly parallel to the Northern boundary of said lot a distance of 3533 feet to a point opposite the Eastern side of present driveway to the residence situated on the North half of said lot, thence Northerly par#llel to the Eastern boundary of said lot a distance of 20 feet to the line between Lots 21 and 22, thence continuing Northerly parallel to the Eastern boundary of Lot 21 in the 10th Concession a distance of 20 feet thence Easterly parallel to the South- ern boundary of said T~t No. 21 a gistan=e of = ¢ e--Jhasters boundary of said lot, thence South- erly along the Eastern boundary of said lot a distance of 20 feet to the place of beginning. - And the Council will at that time and place hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any per- son who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED the 12th day of January, 1938. - RUSSELL A. F. BLAIR, ¢5-6-7-8 Clerk. Be es Ge er { BUSINESS AND § $f PROFESSIONAL 3 : DIRECTORY ~~ } Soceatosdecaatosdedoadosiiosdodantosdodaadostosdosdeduntontost 1: JOHN B, WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner for Quebec 33 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters. Qo toitatecdostmatiediiaiiodiatiadiadeigiadreaeatsdrduiaioies HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. Ba Kaa aXe LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur Hubert Pothier Avocats - Barristers Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 Qodostedatoidosdectaatosdostooigosdestodostosdostecariosdesfodeatod E. H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Barrister and Solicitor Monday afternoon in each week Office over McEwen and Stephenson's Store, Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty and Charleson, 74 Sparks Street, Ottawa Telephone 2--3525 BE aca aaa MCcILRAITH & McILRAITH Rarristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dune. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mc]lraith LIE TLL TTL IIL TST TE TT TO. TO TI TG I I> Qeedesleaiaafocfestaelocfeitentaaledeiiaciecfoiecledlo aioe iia ioe "s' J. EE JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE _ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc.,, M.D.C.M. 8 Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or" by appointment. | Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 Metcalfe 30 | i | tural Co 1 dates se EDWARDS The weekly meeting of Knox Y.P.S. of Edwards was held in the church on Friday evening, Feb. 18th, at 8 p.m. The business period was conducted by the president, after which the wor- ! ship service followed. - The mission- ary convener, Margaret McCooeye, then took charge of the meeting and Mr. Bunt assisted by giving a very interesting series of lantérn slides on Dr. Strangways healing missionary work in Central West Africa. The meeting closed by repeating the Miz- pah Benediction. The regular monthly meeting of Knox Ladies' Aid, Edwards, was held on Wednesday, Feb. 16th, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Bryson Mitchell. A good crowd was in attendance and it was decided home of Mrs. George McCooeye. Mr. Thomas Waddell and Phyllis Dennison spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Leonard Denison. Many of the peonle of this district will be sorry to hear ~ of the recent sickness of Mr. S. J. Loney, but we all hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. E. Grubb left on Thursday to spend a few weeks at Fort William. The True Blues are holding a dance on Friday, Feb. 25th, at the home of Mr. R. A. Bickerton. Mr. Henry James spent Saturday evening at the home of his uncle, Mr. John James. Many of the young people of the district attended the skating party at Russell. Members of Knox Ladies' Aid will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Bryson Mitchell on Wednesday next. Mrs. Campbell Boothe and daugh- ter, Erva, of Russell, spent a couple Mrs. Thomas Quinn. Mrs. Hugh James Saturday in Metcalfe. Mrs. John Dancy is now visiting her daughter and son in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson Mitchell, Mrs. Sam Loney and Mr. Ernest Bradley attended the funeral of Mrs. spent part of day, Feby. 9th. Mrs. Edgar and Mrs. George Me- Cooeye and Miss Anetta McCooeye visited the Capital on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh James. We regret to report that Mr. S. J. Loney is confined to bed with pneu- monia, We all wish him a speedy re- covery. Several of the ladies of the district attended a quilting bee at the home of Mrs. Gilmore Wyman on Friday. Homer Goyette is home again after spending almost three weeks in an Ottawa Hospital. , Miss Connie Loney and Mrs. Bor- den Loney are spending a few days at the former's parents. Duncan MacNeil, of Spring Hill, spent a day with his sister, Mrs. A. Wyman, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tomalty entertained several guests on Wednesday eve. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phair spent Sunday at Dalmeny, at the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Lewis. Mrs. J. Grubb spent Saturday in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. N. Campbell and Evelyn Paladeau spent Friday eve- nine at A, Winans, Ed. Skuce spent the week-end with friends at Edwards. Earl Preston and Alb. Ladouceur spent Sunday in Ottawa. Miss Flora LaPorte spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. LaPorte, : Mr. Richard Bickerton made a trip to Ottawa this week, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phair called on i Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wyman on Sa- turday evening. . People in the district are taking advantage of the good roads and are getting much hauling of logs, wood and feed done. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Ravmond Kerwin and son, Donald. have returned home after a prolonged stay in Russell. NORTH RUSSELL Miss Evelyn Latimer, of Ottawa, spent the week-end at her home here. The W.M.S. North Russell Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ernest Hamilton, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Rodney, of Edwards, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Margaret James. Miss Clara Cooper has been visit- ing with her brother in Montreal for some time. Mrs. Gordon Magladry, of Bear- brook, is spending a few days with | her mother, Mrs. J. R. Morrow. Miss Kathleen Dugdale, of Ottawa, | spent the week-end with her narents here. SEED GROWERS' ANNUAL The next annual meeting of the 4 tion 1- Associa the Ontario Agriea ege, Guelph, Ont. The or the meetings are June and. 17th, 1928, 2nd »lans way for a busy three Canadian Seed Growers' will be held at ~~11 15th, 16th are days. ander " that a St. Patrick's: Tea be held on March 10th at the] of days visiting her parents, Mr. and Geo. Staniey, of Greeley, on Wednes- MARVELVILLE The L.T.B. held their monthly meeting in the Orange Hall on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 16th, with a good attendance. The W.M.S. held. their monthly meeting on Feb. 17th at the home of Mrs. Jas. Brunton. There was not a large attendance, owing to slippery roads. Supper was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Vera Brunton. BORN--On Feb. 15th, to Mr. and | | Mrs. Chas. Brunton, a daughter. We extend congratulations. Mrs. Jas. Robinson spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Dan McDonald. Mr. Arthur Brunton, who is em- ployed by Mr. Russell McNab, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brunton. Mrs. Amy Shelk, with her two sons, Everett and Lloyd, of North Russell, KENMORE Mrs. McVey of Ormond is spend- ing a number of days here with her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Carkner. Miss Mildred McDonald of Marvel- ville sgent a number of days last week here with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCallum. Mrs. James Dempsey and daughter Mildred called on Mrs. Gerald Brun-| ton on Sunday evening. . The Canadian Girls in Training held their weekly meeting at the :home of Miss Norma Carkner on Mon- day evening. Misses Gladys and Edith Hill spent i the week-end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson and fam- ily of Ottawa spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson. : Tiss Muriel Curry of Westboro spent Sunday with her parents here. Hogback's. hockey team journeyed spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman McCormick. We are sorry to report that Mrs. | Wm. Hume has been confined to her | bed. and around again. Elwood and Willis McCormick ~are, spending this week with their Grand- | mother Griffith near Pana. | | | | Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Acres, Doug- | las and Lillian Acres and Velma Mor- | rison spent Wednesday of last week | with Mrs. A. E. Hill. The annual meeting of Vernon W. I. was held in the Institute Hall on | Wednesday evening with a good at-g "tendance. The program consisted of a sing song, solos, readings and a de- bate, "Resolved that the women of | rural communities do more good in 'rural communities than men." The | affirmative was upheld by Mrs. Wm. 'Dow and Mrs. Williard Acres and the negative by Mr. Robt. Carkner and Mr. George Campbell. The affirma- tive won. Mr. Mills of Kenmore. Mrs. Stewart Fisher and Stanley Fisher acted as judges. Mrs. D. Creerar conducted a contest and re- freshments were served by the com- mittee in charge, and everyone en- joved the evening. | Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McAndrew | spent Saturday evening in Metcalfe. We are glad to report that Sinclair Campbell is much better and we hope he will soon be up and around. Rev. D. J. McNabb arrived home on Sunday to see his mother who has] {been ill most of the winter. She is | confined to bed owing to a heart con-| . dition. We all wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. H. L. McDiarmid spent Sunday with Mr. Gilbert Anderson of York's] Corners. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hill and chil- 'dren spent Sumdav evenine with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McDiarmid. I Mrs. Rov Saunders and her sister, | We hope she may soon he upf here on Monday evening and played hockey with Kenmore. The score was 6 to 2 for Kenmore. Mr. Joseph Wright has been em- ploved b¥ Mr. R. McLachlan. Miss Phyllis Sheldrick of Russell svent Wednesday evening of last week with her sister, Mrs. Lawrence Coover and Mr. Cooper. Mr. DB. J. McNabb of Saskatche- mother, who we are sorry to tevort is on the sick list. We all join in wishing her a eveedy recovery. Miss Lillian Loney of Ottawa spent Monday evening in Kenmore. | wan is spenting a few days with his COLDEN VALIEY | GOLDE ad F1 9) SOUND ADVICE! (Trenton Courier-Advocate) In peace prepare for war, for when war comes there is no time to prepare. While ICanada does not want war, war may want Cana'a, and unless we have some means of defence we 'are beaten before we can 'defend ourselves. The Dominion go- vernment is spending a lot of money on Canada's defences, it is making some important changes in our army and adding more strength to our air forces, hut it teo much about it. ared, lest she be caught unvre- pared. Canada must arm to pre- | vent attack. A TITLED GOLD DIGGER HITS THE on An article in- The American Weekly with the February 27 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, will discuss the engagement of a titled young woman to a European prince--a rich and proud bachelor-- showinz how much she has learned since she roped in the grandson of ran : American multi-millionaire. Mr. and Mrs. Milas McLeod and children of Kenmore spent Tuesday. Evelyn McLaren, svent Sunday after- | With Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cowan. 'noon with Mrs. James Campbell. i Mr. John Campbell spent Saturday ©2rly Tuesday morning that his uncle Mrs. Bertha Hume, Misses Jean An- (John Comrie of Carleton Place was derson. Hazel Loney suffering from a severe stroke which Whitteker, assisted by Messrs. Leon- he took early Monday evening. iin the city. ' Migs Leonna Shaby of Greely is working for Mrs. James Campbell. Mr. W. W. Comrie received word. 7] is mot doing | Canada must be: | i WANTED | 1 Correspondents for The Leader in | Vars, Navan, Bearbrook, Embrun, Casselman and Carlsbad Springs. { Due to the growth of The Leader | | in these centers it is necessary that | we acquire competent correspondents! There's Fish for Chowder aid to this end we ask for local repre- | And to Fry; a in the above hamad places: | Or any way you ur former correspondent in Vars, 1 | Miss Lydia Mitchell has entered a Care to try ! i Brockville hospital as nurse-in-train- ing. Miss Mitchell, during her time | las our correspondent, gave us cle cut accounts and stories of her com- | munity. What is our loss will be a | decided gain to the medical profession because as correspondent she showed initiative, action, sympathetic under- standing and gave wholehearted co- overation and support to The Leader. | The above things should take her a| long way along the glorious and sac- rificing profession she has chosen. FISH - FISH. .. There's Fish to Stuff And Fish to Bake; There's Fish to Broil Just like a Steak ; | We carry a splendid assortment of HATTON'S FISH "The Pick of the Catch"-- Fresh and Smoked-- A trial order of Hatton's Fish will convince We of The Leader wish her well You and want her to know that we appre- that there is ciate her work in the past and will a follow her through the years of train- . ing to her ultimate success as a difference-- Reg.N. In regard to the notice for corres- pondents we would suggest that those { who have a sincere desire to further and show appreciation of the doings of their community write to The Leader or visit the plant sometime in ; the near future. If writing a letter | please address it-- i The RUSSELL LEADER, Russell, Ont. . KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET RUSSELL We Deliver PHONE 27 ot i FERN ¥ : We learn with regret of the sudden IN THE CHURCHES ! passing of Mr. Murray Porteous, of hd: | Vernon, Ont., and Mr. Samuel Loney, fof Edwards. Details will appear in ST. MARY'S CHURCH g , next week's issue. Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Russell, Ont. Quinquagesima Sunday February 27th, 1938 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.--Evening Prayer. C.G.L.T. MEETING I The regular meeting of the C.G.L.T. was held on Friday, Feb. 18th, when a iunior group was formed for girls 11 and 12 years old. The group was named "The Busy Bees" The , officers chosen were: President--Shirley Steele. 1 Vice-Pres.--Betty Boyd. Secretary--Mable Carson. Treasurer--Edna Stevenson. On Saturday, Feb. 26th, a member of the C.G.I.T. will call at your home i gelling cookies to aid the Red Cross i Fund for Chinese War Sufferers. We hope that you will support the girls "in this work. SAINT JAMES' CHURCH Edwards, Ontario Quinquagesima Sunday February 27th, 1938 10.30 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--Holy Communion. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, Feb. 27th, 1938 11 a.m.--The Lord's Prayer-- "Who art in Heaven." In this mes. sage the subject of Heaven will be | About ninety friends of Mr. andjthought on. Where is Heaven? Come Mrs. Shirley Rombough gathered in: and join us in our meditation. the town hall Wednesday evening. Third in the series on Lord's Prayer. February 16th, to honour their re-; 7.30 p.m.--"Measuring a Man's cent marriage. A very pleasant: Worth." evening was spent in dancing, reci- Sunday School 10 a.m. tations and music. A Christian Welcome to All | The address was read by Miss Jean - "Anderson and the groom responded in a few well chosen words. The couple were the recipients of| The defence programme of Wash- many beautiful and useful! gifts. | ington, even if enlarged as it is, is The hostesses for the evening were ; not going to turn the wheels of American industry to such an exe tent as is sometimes thought. It | would be a poor thing to build prog- perity on. It will help, but it can hardly be even a maior factor. i i + ! HONOURED IN KENMORE NOT MAJOR FACTOR (Halifax Chronicle) and Aletha ard Craig and Kenneth Warren. ! | ] { ! Illustrated=--Oldsmobile Six Sedan with trunk. Ee oe mE plovey AREY Look to Oldsmobile for the Smartest Styling ... All the Newest Features... and Today's Top Value & OL. a ----- ONLY OLDSMOBILE gives you the dash and distinction of the 1938 Style Leader. Only OLDSMOBILE provides all the up-to-the-minute fine-car features, such as the new Safety Instrument Unit with Safety Dash. And only OLDSMOBILE among the low-priced cars, gives you such lively spirited, performance. Prove these facts for yourself. Make your own comparisons. Then drive this great new car that has Everything. You can own an Oldsmobile on low monthly payments through the General Motors Instalment Plan... and wherever you travel in Canada, you'll find con- venient Oldsmobile service. *1161 6-cyl. 2-pass. Sport Coupe with , Opera Seats) PRICED FROM Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ont. Gov't taxes, license and freight addi- tional. Convenient terms arranged through the General Motors Instalment Plan, 8-cyl., 110 hp. models also available 0-68B Ny DMIMIDIDIYIKY a AN RX he VicARTHUR MOTOR SALES - Russell, Ont.

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