Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 24 Feb 1938, p. 1

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4 ussell Lead RUSSELL, ONTARIO The SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1938 : No. 8 RRS SREP Re RRS AEP gy Ep ee en Ts Ca ra ~ } oe eo = 3 | ?| Local and Personal iD Rendered |: | $ £1 LOCAI ant rersonai Uecision henhaere i 3 ¥ . x | i : % WARBLE FLY POWDER-- For the destruction of Warble Mag- 5 © 4 Mr. Ernst Botabou ! C 4 gots in Cattle. Three or four treatments should be used, com- 3 4 . Ernes Y gh, of Ottawa, 3 g o . 2 % k spent the week-end with his family. | OnCernin ire 4 mencing about March 15th. Mix with soft water and it is ready ® $ WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATORS -- We are agents : A ba : Sik --- Cd for use. In 1 lb. cartons at, per pkg. $1.00 ® 3 for these famous refrigerators--do not buy until you 2 Mr. Clifford Sparks, of Toronto, Een honing Qesision was handed p As an Insecticide for Lice on Cattle, Poultry, etc., we carry COOP- % 2 i , , : : I . > bo i see the latest models and get our prices either for cash % | town renewing old acquaintances. {COT PF <0 Lo OF Oo erning a|% ER'S DRIKILL, Sabadilla, Sodium Yuoride; also Liquid Sprays, 3 EY or on terms. % Mise Morguciite Shaghter. Bea N | fire which destroyed a large barn on k such as Bell's Spray, Pearson's Spray, etc. It costs money feed lice. 3 3 HOUSE DRESSES -- Another shipment of our popular #1 of Ottawa, was a guest of Mr. andl PGiarm of Mr. Gilbert Harten. i PEARSON'S POULTRY SPECIFIC--Keeps the poultry in a healthy ¢ dollar dresses arrived this week-- real values-- call & | Mrs. Harry Slaughter this week. «Due to a disagreement between the | % condition, and increases the quantity of Eggs. Per pkg. 6c % % and wee trem 5 ek ¢ | Insurance co. and Mr. Harten regard- | 3 %° & 0 see. : % ing the policy the disagreement went % > oss Pe¥ 4s" Miss Kathleen Dugdale, of Ottawa, xo court in September of last vear and spent the week-end with her parents, | the judgment was just recently pub- > BS x Ra s' J.L. STEELE, Phm. B,, Russell =CCIALS -- Below you will find a few of our prices for *, Xt ° XD : Saturday and Monday, Feb. 26 and 28, cash or pr I & . S produce & Mr. and Mrs. Norma ¥ ES § --BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS. §{ 7 ne Ms, Norgen Dagiele. | PSISS harten ve. Grervilis. Pitrom|¥ a & - ww Miss Frances Forsythe, of Brock-| Mutual Fire Insurance Co.--Trial at i SUNKIST Comb Honey 2 sections for 23c¢ x ville, spent the week-end with her; Ottawa with a jury. & ORANGES Ti + | parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Forsythe. | The plaintiff's action is under a: ¥ 19¢ d Amber Honey, 4-1b. can for __ 32c x * RoR i 'policy of insurance issued pursuant to |: i © doz. Canned TOMATOES 2 tins for 18c | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Steele ana & written application. Duncan Me- i THIS IS THE PROPER TIME TO HAVE YOUR . : oY ; % | family spent Sunday with friends in; Lraith, for the plaintiff; J. D. Watt, : : 4 GRAPEFRUIT Habitant PEA SOUP 2 tins for 18¢ % | Ottawa. 'for the defendants. Ys for 22: Pure CREAM TARTAR 1-4 Ib. 12¢ | , bar eg us Io SATs fo uation CAR OVERHAULED FOR SPRING & : 5 2 s we go to press we learn of the! I Yat : ¥ LETTUCE SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 23¢ J serious illness of one of our oldest|28¢nt: 1 cannot find thst the appli 3 8c | residents, Mrs. John Fitzsimmons Pent made an Junmathiyl Answer RIVING -- & RED ONIONS ....... .. 5 lbs. 21c #% ? a a * [within the meaning of the clause in 4 : the application quoted above. Th x E JAM BISCUITS 2 lbs. 22¢ | Mrs. Lorne MacKay, of Ottawa, | win] ny for yg laintift gre ; . . CELERY % ; FLAKED WHEAT 5-1 % spent the week-end with her parents, | the amount of the first two items in|: re ouy fa es an ; teering In 0 % HEARTS 12¢ ; -lb. bag 26c 2 | Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington. iher claim, namely, $2,150, together 3 's EL = = . . 3 ' 3 2 He o_o s STARK APPLES Apple and Strawberry Jam A _. |with interest at five per cent. per an- C d d D Th R 3 32-0z. jar 23¢ 4 Miss Leila Russell, of Mutual Life num to run from 60 days afler com- on ition all 0 ey eéspon to & 6 Ibs. 25¢ : ease me Ra Ca = w Asieance Oa wa, was the week-|nletion of proof of loss. The plaintiff 9 5 Robin Hood plain Oats 25¢ pkg 3% | end guest of Miss Aynslee MacEwen. is entitled to her costs of the action. h : : i gs ao : the Driver + TABLE CLOTH for. oul 21c 2 ° < % Mr. Seeley Rombough, of Met-| 3 50 Fane oe SHELLED WALNUTS per lb. 39¢ i alte; Ont was the guest of his par-» ORITUARY i There is only one answer-- % S GROUND WHEAT 6 lbs. for 23¢ 1% |ents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Rombough. | ; i : 3 CANNED PEAS, per can 0c 3 iy | DR. ALEXANDER Howe Then et es - Ya Atridenss by LADIES' > ' b Frommehd 4 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzsimmons, | ¥ M. McKAY Vis e are fully equipped to Service this important i & SILK d WOOL OXYDOL, large 81Ze. i. 21¢ &'of Iroquois, Mrs. Nat Boyd, of Ot- Mrs. H. H. Shepherd received the | part of your car. i= i an / = 3 % | tawa, were home for a few days sad news on Thursday last that her |i H ¥ HOSE Our Own Laying Mash $2.39 bag ky * * * ys. brother, Dr. Alexander Moore Mc- D . s Tod dl * i i pair 29 SEE WS for ALL LINES OF FEED %| Miss Jean Hamilton is spending a| Kay veterinary, of Calgary, has -- Urive In ay ana inquire About 3 5 Ne) %|few days with Mr. and Mrs. Baldy|Passed away suddenly with a heart . . % an Cogn & 1 Durant, Chesterville. i attack. 0 S d P 2 M tl WwW Ee * + a Dr. McKay was well and favorably [11 ervice an rices § s 2% : known in this district, having been : 3 w-. ar er 3 Mrs. Wilfred Latimer, of Ottawa, |, ; ) § P EA : ' + >| born in Morewood, 65 years ago. He : . i 312s retuned home, after spending 8 wasn son of Seats WHAM MAKIN Eo omored public to have yous oar i a safe driving : : 3 kX . - J. E. | and his wife, Minnie Gillespie. He ra ng $ General Merchants and Funeral Directors 3 | Kyle. aa BD Ec el In Wincharbes aor abst sondition. i 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE 3 Mo. Lote Hartington, of. Toradts 12 years before Toving fo Calgary 4 IRAE J & Mr. ! n, of Toronto, some years ago. esides prae- bf RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 & St wi 3s family ising 1s profestion, he owned Sm MOTOR ' S, . . 1 i near Calgary on which his son lives. T | try : on Harrington. and was well known as a breeder of McAR H E : 3 rE + wmpure pred stock. ; : SALES 3 . 7 2 i £od a ky Stanley- Dr. Mekey Gag ¥ moa he, RUSSELL * ONT : ? TELEP TE ------ ph 4 : % | Smith, Mrs. Wm. Stanley-Smith and |bis wife, formerly Molly McVeigh, a i - om HONE 44 % A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE ROOT Ba Miss Vie. Olsen, of Ottawa, were daughter of the late John McVeigh, > 3 2 * week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. |of Vars, and one son, William, in Al- & : NURSERY STOCK & Garland Hall. berta, and a daughter Bessie, now 3 = 3 2 > rr = Mrs. D. J. Hutchings, of Winnipeg; 3 % LU K E B R 0 T H E R S L t d > Mr. and Mrs. Edward LeMaistre | his sister, Mrs. Shepherd, of Russell, j 3 ml e oe ane Gangiier Beverley spent the and a broshen Dr. James Menay, a & . % i wegk-end in Almonte, the guests of imental specialist of New Westminster, : ' 3 "INTERNATIONAL NURSERIES" é Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay and Mr. | B.C. Mrs. Shepherd and Dr. McKay's EATTIE S YE ERVICE & EY and Mrs. Edward LeMaistre. family have the sympathy of the = x * p : . & & community in their sorrow. % GROWERS OF é! Mrs. D. P. Gormley h i i i i > = rs. D. P. Gormley has returned 2 $ 3 home from Montreal where she had T Thirty five yours of successful Optical Practice should i FRUIT AND TREES ROSES, SHRURS, ben soning = fou Moldy 2c FIGURE IT OUT guide yon Soosen 2 Sete 5 Bye Service, EX] / oo cor, a one an T . % ORNAMENTAL VINES, BULBS 2 daughter, Miss Marie Gormley, R.N. Answers to Last Week's Teasers ; onson, awa 3: % [on the staff of the Jewish General| Problem No. 20-- If you want to see as you should see you will see & : & Hospital, Montreal. "But teacher said, when we asked SE arch EYE ins ky Represented By Offices: % ¥ * her concerning that that, that that 3 3 Six teams of curlers representing |that, that that 'that' discussion was 1 R, 1.-GRAHAM, Tramways Bldg. %| the Russell Curling Club, are in OF- | abott, was 3 conjunction." Scientific Eye Examinations % 381 Lyon St, OTTAWA, Ont. MONTREAL, Gus... £15208 Is work compsitng in she'Con | Banking Preble 3 J tral Canada Bonspiel. The skips are, The man must have presented no ia] : : SS ES | Mr. John Gamble, Mr. Henry Shep-|less than a $5.000 bill, for which he Specialists on all Visual and Muscular - - . ee A -------------------- grey Walt, Wr Toons received 4 ones, 8 twos, 40 fives, 400 Eye Defects. sn | © VC's, Mr. George Brown and Mr. tens and 39 twenties. T. T. BEATTIE u | Tace Wade. Problein No. 22 «I. * KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, 24 b3 * * * : . . . . & Ba The word is "Seven." Professional Optometrist Professional Optometrist 3 MADDEN MOTOR SALES EX Mr. and Mrs. George Duncan have Problem No. 35-- LY & 5 & | moved to the Switzer place just out- The Women had 30 goose eggs, 50 | * + . 2 side of Russell village. Mr. Duncan | duck d 70 hens e 3 4 ge. . uck eggs an ns eggs. 4 Offer You New Models m i Slates $n3: he tends loam Yodel This week's puzzlers. XXX XXX YY XXX XXX XI XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXLLX 3 % | chicken farm. is to be remember- Answers next week. 1 3 PLYMOUTH d CHRYSLER ge ed that Mr. Duncan was an active Problem No. 25 : $ an : % | member of the now dormant Russell The president of the Women's In- sh : f 2 d Ww k 3 & | Poultry Association. J stitute invited five of her co-workers ) owin or nn ee 3 3 MOTOR CARS i» gE ns to a tea one afternoon. After a i & b A variety concert, sponsored by !short discussion of the next meeting 1938 os "s the Women's Association and the |the good ladies--Mrs. Lacey, Mrs. Board of Stewards of St. Andrew's| Pines, Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Field, Mrs. and St. Paul's United Church was held | Hoyt and Mrs. Wooley--seated them- in the Sunday School Hall on Wed-|selves around the festive board, but nesday, Feby. 16th. The program |necessarily in the above order. One consisted of vocal numbers, dialogues | of the ladies used an ear trumpet, and skits.' At the intermission a sale | one weighed 300 pounds, one spoke OW) $44 ", XD os 2X XT 5 5, o> » GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS os. - 0 Q ALSO USED CARS in various makes and models to swt CD XIE eater XIX To s' sede " voges, ", " 3 : k b k 3 of homemade candy was conducted. in a ory loud yoies, ons Diagled, fre % % | Miss Ella Hamilton, behalf of the | was the sister-in-law o rs. Wooley,. & every poc et 00 ® Wonca en Ne Mr. Rh and, Cares one was the president. C L 0 ¥ OUR LARGE, SPACIOUS SHOWROOM IS OPEN 5 Graham, on behalf of the Board of| The sister-in-law of Mrs. Wooley osts ess to wh < DAY AND NIGHT FOR YOUR 2 ! Stewards, thanked all those who had gay direclly sues From Mrs: Hoye. < i i 3 3 t : g CONVENIENCE | let poe Sen a Se ome In and See Them 3 L U D G d U d C 4 R | Ww ' sat between the lady who giggled and | C | d S Th ) : 4 | the sister-in-law of Mrs. Wooley. : LetUs emonstrate abood Used Lar or: Russell Women's he ster naw of Mrs Wool. © | 3 2% ° . from Mrs. Mason, next to the woman R P H A I R 3 a New Up-to-the-Minute Plymouth 2 Institute Meeting who used the ear trumpet and to the © 3 " 4 | left of Mrs. Wooley's sister-in-law. PHONE 29 RUSSELL 3 r Chr | pS -- The lady who giggled sat between - . - : 3 0 ys er * The monthly meeting of the Rus-|Mrs. Pines and the lady who sat op- & & | sell Women's Institute will be held | posite Mrs. Wooley's sister-in-law. x % lon Monday, Feb. 28th, at 8 p.m. in| Mrs. Lacey, who was highly respec- | yyyy yyy yyy yyy yyy yy YX YY XX YX XY XX XX IXY XXX XXX XXXL) *, W C2 a a MacEwen and Stephenson's Hall. |ted by all, especially bs Mrs. Wooley, This will be an open meeting and any- | sat next to the lady who weighed 300 ; one interested in hearing the guest, pounds and opposite the president. YOUR EYES ARE VALUABLE speaker, Mr. E. H. Charleson, B.A., With this information can you L.L.B., of Ottawa, speak on "Law"|identify each of the 6 ladies. will be made welcome. Problem 41-- Ask the Carpenter' The roll call will be an Irish joke How can a window, having a height H P E R hi R 0 E be Y or story. There will be a musical | equal to its width, be made twice as ave i. L. NO Inson, » Ue Xamine x our program in charge of Mrs. Gar Hall|larege without increasing its height or and this will consist of offerings by | width? local talent. Problem No. 44 The hostesses are Mr. Arthur Up in the shanty a newcomer ap- yes Monday, February 28th Murday and Mrs. Ernest Madden. |proached an incredibly dirty looking i : : 5 SL | Indian guide and asked him how the 3 eH Sg it ; MING EVENTS hig he A nn hii 2 an ppointments from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3H Yau obtain the rates they advertise ° C0 HSL 0." Well. he answered, What-I caught 0 -. 4 XD XD MADDEN MOTOR SALES Russell, Ont. Biba its te XDEXIRD REX AXE X > Set, ey BX SINGLE 5 3 571 31 $1.50 to $9.50 With all features sought by travelwise I threw away and what I could not NO HIGHER Sa stop at a Ford and Economize"' catch I kept. 3000 ROOMS IN FIVE CITIES The St. Andrew's Presbyterian What was the guide talking about? 1 { Ladies' Aid will hold their annual Problem No. "46 i St. Patrick's Tea at the home of Jsing the digits 1. 2, 3, 4. 5,6, 7,| R PHAIR R I i Mrs. Jno. Harrington. Day and '8, 9, in how man; vs can you ar-| o 2 | - » 1isse i, Ont. dat n an early issue rance them in 2a xr 11 anne 1 } will appe nele sum so that be exactly 100?

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