xX] XC CRY EX OOCIIOOOOOOOTOOOOOR NX HRXXX XXX XXX XIOOCCXHXNRXX XILINX XN Classified Advertising o Mi 4 PX) % EOODDODIRR IXIA HRAEXIIH III XIX XIX XXXII HXHXIIRHXIRXHIXXNX XN 6 LADIES' APRONS, 9%¢ "CANADIAN" Prints, Broadcloths; washfast, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full size 14-52. "Refund Guarantee." Can- adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. FIRST QUALITY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- inets, Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars; trombones, twenty dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms. Barrow, 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. SEED GRADER (KLINE) WEIGHS each Kernel, proof best, Used Klines bring price new (Farm Sales). Kline Manufacturing Co., Islington, Ontario. pom co mw YDS. QUILTING MATERFALS, $1.00 MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 610 18" lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths, Silks; for large uilt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept. L'T, Montreal. sar FASHION MAGAZINE FREE FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses, 99c. Ladies', irls'. Washfast Canadian Prints, roadcloths. All colors, styles. Over- sizes 46-52, 99¢ each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal. CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 12" to 36" lengths. Silks, Crepes, Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghams, Linens, Voiles, Prints, Piques; for children's clothes, aprons, dress trimmings, etc. Values to 90c yard, 12-yard bundle 99¢. "Refund Guarantee." Canadian Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING, LOWEST prices. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. COSMETICS BTART A HOME FACTORY. MEN AND women in every town, manufacture Cosmetics. Just add water to concen- trated ingredients. Make $5 to $10 daily. King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland St., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 26c. Re-prints 10 for 25¢. Photo-Craft, 183% King E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c¢. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE!--TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped, eight glossy, fade-proof prints, 28c; highest quality. Machray Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle Foto.Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, $1. JE C. Williams, § Richmond East, To- ronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 26c order. Roll film developed and 8 rints, 26c. Reprints 3c each. Bright- ing Studio, 29 Richmond St, E., To- ronto. FOR SALE FURNITURE LYONS' TRADE-IN FURNITURE BARGAINS Listed below are just a few of the outstanding values picked at random from the hundreds of wonderful bar- gains you will find in our Trade-in | Dept. If you cannot pay us a visit be sure to write for our new 1938 illus- | trated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons' remarkable values in both | new and used furniture. $39 00 4-Piece, walnut finish Bed- . room Suite: large dresser, chiffonier, full size bed and sagless F spring--completely re-finished. $21 00 8-Piece Dining-room Suite in . French walnut finish: buffet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs in good condition. $27 50 Beautiful 3-piece Chesterfleld 3 » Suite, upholstered in figured French jacquard with reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re-condittoned. $12 50 Beautiful Brass Bed, full size . with saglesg spring and brand new all-felt mattress. $22.00 Six-piece Breakfast Suite -- i large buffet with glass top. drop-leaf table and 4 Windsor ty chairs in ivory enamel -- in splendid condition, $5.95 Several 8-burner Gas Stoves . with. oven. Guaranteed. $45 00 3-Piece Chesterfleld Bed > Suite; Kroehler Chesterfleld bed with 2 big chairs to match, uphol- stered in a food mohair with revers- ible Marshall cushions, in perfect con- dition. Cost new $165.00. $59 00 9-Piece English Oak Dining- : . roonr suite, buffet, china cab- inet, square extension table and six leather seat chairs. Completely refin- ished. $5.95 Dresgers in assorted finishes . with large mirrors and three drawers. $7 95 Chiffoniers in oak and walnut . finish with flve large drawers. $9 50 Singer drop-head Sewing Ma- . chines in good condition. $65. 00 Beautiful 6-plece Bedroom 1 Suite in excellent condition. Large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, sagless spring, full-size bed and brand new all-felt mattress. $13 50 Solid walnut Book-case, dou- * ble door. Completely refin- ished. $38 00 Dinette Suite in Flemish oak, bs buffet, extension table and 4 leather seat chairs. Completely re- finished like new. $19 50 2-Piece Chesterfield Suite -- . large chesterfield with big chair to match, upholstered in a heavy English tapestry. A real bargain. $14 9 Walnut finish Chiffrobe with me side wardrobe, five drawers and swing mirror. Completely refin- ished. $8.75 Studio Couch in rust shade . repp--makes into twin beds } with 3 cushions for back. Before purchasing anything in used furniture be sure to visit our Trade-in Dept., or if unable to do so write for our new 1938 illustrated free catalogue. All our merchandise is put in first class condition and sold under a money-back guarantee if not satisfied. Carefully packed for safe shipment on receipt of money-order. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO MEDICAL . FREE! "STORY OF BIRTH OF THE Dionne Babies," with every jar of 'Balsam Chest Rub." Far stubborn Colds--head, chest, Catarrah, Asth- ma, Bronchitis. Seid 43 cents now, money order or stamps, to Canada Baisam Products, 23 Scott 8t.,, Tor- onto. FOR SALE--DARK DAPPLE GREY Percheron Stallion, foaled 1981. Sound. Also dark grey filly, rising two, and grey stallion, rising one. Inspection invited. William Gunby, Route 1, Mill Grove, Ontario. ANGORA WOOLLENS, ADULT STOCK. Full pedigrees. Pair $5.00, trio $8.00. J. E. McHardy, Fergus, Ont. . FUR FARMING MINK RAISING -- SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31, Toronto, On- tario. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co. 528 Bathurst, Toron- 0. 5000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and 8.) Powder, herbal reme- dy--rheumatism, arthritig, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month $3; two months, $5. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly- mans, Montreal. MISCELLANEOUS FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR- nishing your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane furs? Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur-Bearers, 73 Ber- nard Avenue, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES MAKE $25--$100 WEEKLY BY MAIL, New book of plans tells how. Des- criptive circular 25c. Royal Mail Ex- change, 66 West Washington, Chi- cago. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, HAIR- dressing and Beauty Culture. Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St., Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information Segarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; egistra- tions; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. MAGAZINES MAGAZINES -- WESTERN, DETEC- tive, Women's Stories, etc, 5 Back Numbers 25c, -Postpaiéd. M. Montgom- ery, Box 505, Station F, Toronto. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. -- USE PIDARD New and 1e- markable re- medy {f $d x] heaves. Sat- isfaction is guaranteed regardless of b- g Af the severity or length of time your horse hes bsuffered from this disease. y mail $1.00. Chs, Eug. Girard, Ste. Dorothee, Laval, Quebec. \ = / Raymar, Conedo's Foremost Advises on human problems, will send o Character end Personality Chort free to anyone who writes him This amazing free offer is made merely to advertise MASON'S ¢# COLD REMEDY and is avadable for @ limited time only Write today, enclosing o self-oddressed, stomped envelope end your buth-date Address-- Raymar, Mason Remedies LimiTeo 14 McCAUL ST, TOAONTO CANADA Qiskers Habel PILES for . ... ical authorities quite generally agree that BLEEDING OR PROTRUDING are caused by an inflamed condition of _ lower bowel and congested liver. This AL medicine has been made from the of HERBS ONLY for over 75 years, t) the INTERNAL CAUSE of PILES, price by mail, plainly wrapped. Send P. O. «r Order. Your MONEY BACK if not re Bunker's Herbal Medicines, Toronto 9, y Can. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM- fort, Jogitjye support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or ynger- straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. LONESOME? -- WRITE THIS RELIA- ble Club, egtablished 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 758-W, 8an Francisco, California. IF YOU WANT AN AFFECTIONATE, romantic sweetheart with money, Frite: Mary Lee, 445-0, Rolla, Mis- souri. LOVE LETTERS TO YOU FROM OTH- er lonely ones. Cecil E. Collins Club, Box 811L, Vancouver, Wash. Free in- formation. MARRY -- WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property. Particulars, 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUAL- ity at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators ILtd., 196 River St:, Toronto. WHITE LEGHORN EGGS AND Chicks from persistent contest win- ning strains. Angus Urquhart, Greenfield, Ont. J MINERALIZING PLANT FOOD NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATE Imrroves Yield and Quality of all Crops For full dctaiis write Dept. W, i! MINERAL COLLOIDS (Canada) LTD. be i'. West Wellington 8t., Toronto H on, TRY. KRUSCHEN TRIAL.OFFER NOW ON ; Ask for the 75c Giant Package. It contains a regular bottle and a trial size bottle. Use the trial bottle first--if not satisfied return the regular bottle unopened and you get your money back. £3 1938 CHICKS 2 SAVE $1.00 PER HUNDRED ON YOUR 1938 Chicks, by ordering before Feb- hb ruary 28th, for delivery any time throughout the hatching season. En- ter our contest, 1500 chicks Free. Full particulars and price list, on re- quest. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Lta., Box No. 10, Fergus, Ontario. 6 LBS. "QUILT REMNANTS" -- $1.00 OR 15 POUNDS $2.26. "SURPRISE | Package' Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Breadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! "Refund Guarantee! Sample Bundle 15¢. Philross Textiles, Dept. LE, Station ¥, Montreal. REMNANTS 6 LBS. QUILT REMNANTS AND 72 x 90 natural cotton Quilt Batt, com- plete outfit $1.25, - Choice of washfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Silks, Eiderdown, Plannelette, Tweeds, Tapestry, Woollens, Repp. f Jarge! "Refund Guarantee." Sample ! Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles, Dept. LB, Montreal. : Strange Communities Britain shelters a number of strange communities. one of which is the Cotswold Brudcrhof, consisting of people from Liechtenstein, Hol- land, Sweden, Switzeriand and Cze- choslovakia. They are an industrious people, for they took over a barren plot of land and transformed it into a thriving village. Their marriage ceremony is one of the queerest in Britain, consisting merely of a de- claration of love before the entire community! In a forty-four-acre field near the woods at Laxton is another queer lit- tle community consisting only of four families who have rejected modern civilization and are trying to build up a new kind of social life that they hope will spread throughout the coun- try. Suffolk, too, harboured a queer group of men, woman-haters all. Some were rejected suitors; the wives of others had left them and a few were just born misogynists. Oldest inhabitant of Hamilton, On- tario, 109-year-old Mardioros Tatoian is having teeth trouble. His teeth | are wearing down, he says, and caus- ing him a lot of bother. However, he does not face a toothless future, because 6 years ago he cut 2 new teeth. Poisonous Gases Dry Vegetables Discoverer Finds They Make Vegetable Pores Relax and Give Up Their Moisture A discovery that poison gases will dry vegetables quicker than heat . alone, and speed up industrial use of many farm products, was announced last week in Science by the United States Bureau of Chemistry and Soils. Little Heat Needed Preseni commercial drying uses high teipperatures. But heat, says E. F, Hopkins, of Laurel, Miss. discov- erer of the poison gas process, causes lL decomposition and loss. In poison gas atmosphere, however, vegetable pores relax. They become - 80 "limp" that they lose even at low temperatures ag much as 60 per cent. of their water and syrups when ' whirled in a centrifuge. Little heat f is needed to evaporate most of the remaining meisture. The gases tried for this purpose in- clude ghioroform, carbon tetrachlor- ide, which is used in fire extinguish- "ers, toluene, fat solvents and sulphur | dioxide. The poisons did not "linger" afterward in the vegetable juices or flesh. , Keep Indefinitely These experiments have been ap- plied thus far only to the industrial and chemical uses of farm products. They may be used on food, but this Mr. Hopkins says has not been inves- tigated. The poison-extracted juices and pulps, Mr. Hopkins says, will keep in- definitely for future use or for manu- facture. The dried plant can be stored "without material loss from freezing, respiration, moulding or en- zyme action." The mechanical oper- ations of drying with poison gas, he adds, are cheaper. The possibilities have been shown in extracting starch and alcohol from sweet potatoes. The gas, Mr. Hopkins explains. saves the starch from physi- RVI le) 4 DIXEE is always fresh because you cut it as you 2 use ii/ NG TOBACCO cal and chemical changes before ex- | traction. It has been found by the bureau that the sugars thus extracted from sweet potatoes can be converted into alcohol. Increase in Population Demanded for Japan TOKYO.--Baron Ryoitsu Asada, in interrogating the Welfare Minister in the House of Peers last week about the population problem, said: "We must increase Japan's popu- lation. We must triple the popula- tion. It is a deplorable fact that young women of today are practic- ing birth control in the interest of beauty." "This birth control philosophy is a tragic mistake. Japan must have more babies," Mr. Asada continued. A four years' scholarship at Ot- tawa University given by the Knights of Columbus was won by Rover Scout Vincent Berlinguette, a mem- ber of the 29th Ottawa (St. Domi- nique; fdever Scout Crew. EAST MALARTIC (Quebec). Underground work on the first le- vel has definitely proven a length | of 800 feet of ore, with recent grade averaging $10 according to f engineering advice. Diamond dril- ling indicated an average ore grade of between $7 and $38 across an average width of 25 to 30 feet in a zone length of ap- proximately 900 feet. It is gener- ally conceded that East Malartic is a large mine in the making. Of- | ficial announcement has been made of preparations for a 500- ton mill. BARBER LARDER (Ontario- Larder Lake) are expected to be into their ore on the first level by early April. On this property an exceptional ore picture has been indicated by diamond drilling. An Along Canada's Mining Highway ore zone has been close drilled in- dicating average widths of better "than 30 feet grading $7 to $8 over a length of approximately 800 feet. LACOMA (Quebec-Seneterre area) is aggressively unfolding an ore picture by diamond drilling from the first and second levels. : Exceptional results are being ob- tained. A definite length of good ore for 140 feet has been close drilled in a zone indicated on sur- face to be 1400 feet in length. CHEMINIS (Ontario - Larder Lake). After earlier work indicat- ing a 600-foot length of commer- cial ore, a further diamond drilling contract has been made with the object of enlarging the ore zone. The property is adjacent to the west of Barber Larder and adjoins Fernland on the East, A Dresden, Germany, musician re- cently invented a music writing type- writer. HAVE YOU Stomach Upsets? F you are troubled with gas, sour stomach, heartburn, if you are weak and lack appetite, try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery now. It stimulates the appetite, im- proves the action of the stomach, makes 4 the food digest better. Read what Mr. Clarence House, 53 Main St., St. Catharines, Ont., said: "I had no pep, had to force myself to eat and after eating I would belch gas and had acid indigestion and heartburn. I had sour stomach quite a bit, too. I used Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it helped to relieve the stomach upsets and gave me a real appetite and I was able to eat almost anything." All druggists. fosScratching RELIEVE ITCHING /n A Minute Even the most stubborn ltching of eczems, blotches; ples, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin erupe quickly To to Dr. Dennis' cooling, antise tle, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle pi soothe the irritated skin. Clear, greaseless and staln- less--dries fast. Stops the most intense itching In- stantly. A 3bc trial bottle, at drug stores, proves it--- or money back. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 29 Issue No. 7--'38 7 ah Fruit Salad Tree A farmer in Orleans, U.S.A., owns a tree from which he can gather 78 varieties of fruit. He planted it as a seedling, and then began grafting ex- periments to see how many different fruits he could get from it. Last year it yielded 70 different kinds of apples, five of pears, and three of crab apples. Makes real high class syrup, retaining the maple flavor you like so much. Evap- orators that will make profitable your maple bush for a small investment. Write for catalogue of equipment. It is inter- esting. Price Low -- Quality High W. GORDON STEEL WORKS Maple Syrup Evaporators LIMITED ONTARIO TWEED RUN-DOWN? IT'S YOUR NERVES It is usually when your nervous balance is ' upset that you feel low in health and spirits. ; Restore that balance by feeding your starved nerves. Take PHOSFERINE. You'll feel better almost at once. At druggists, 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. 70 | PHOSFE NERVE TONIC | Northern snow and zero tempera- ture did not prevent an enthusiastie January conference of Gold Belt Scout leaders from Cobalt, Iroquois puskasing, Seuth Porcupine and Tim- mins at the latter city. Their roll of | forty was augmented to a hundred by Group committeemen and other friends and supporters of the Scout- ing movement in New Ontario, for a full week-end of discussions and de- . monstrations. With the approval of His Excel- lency the Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir, Prince Edward Island's new permanent Boy Scout camp site will be known as "Camp Buchan." The site was the gift of Lieut.-Gov- ernor George D, DeBlois. With 13 King's Scouts, the bth Welland Scout Troop claims the dis- tinction of numbering the highest On- 1987, as shown in the census figures. The 1st Weston Troop comes next with 10, and the 1st and 8rd Fort William troops next jointly with 8 each in a membership of 24. These | troops are followed by the 6th St. Catharines, with 8 King's Scouts in [ a roll of 29, the 10th Toronto (Wych- wood), with 8 out of 54; 56th To- ronto with 7 out of 23, 1st Niagara- on-the-Lake with 7 out of 80, the 26th Toronto with 7 out of 40 and 10th Brantford with 7 out of 42. | Boy Scouts of Longsight, Man- chester, England, helped prevent a | panic during a local church service when fumes from a boiler filtered through the floor and caused several | persons to collapse. The Scouts pre- sent in the congregation promptly : opened the doors, then rendered first aid to a number of persons who had been overcome. Prevention of a fire panic at a ' largely attended free Christmas week entertainment for children at the Oak Theatre, Brandon, Man., was credit- ed by Manager D. B. Roberts to four Rover Scouts whom he had invited to assist in ushering the children. When smoke entered the auditorium and the alarm of fire was given, the Ro- vers at once acted to quiet the chil- dren, kept them from crowding the aisles, opened the emergency exits, and marshalled them safely out. A final search through the smoke-filled theatre made sure that -o children were overlooked. "The theatre was cleared in a remarkably short time," stated Manager Roberts, "and what . might easily have become a serious panic was completely zveided." The Rover Scouts were Arthur Wilco. Donald Thompson, Tel {roors George Milliken. and Falls, Englehart, Kirkland Lake, Ka- | tario total of these senior Scouts for. Australian Wool Sales my Lowest In Six Years Australian wool sales for the first six months of the 1937-38 selling sea- "son, covering the last half of 1937, dropped to the lowest level for any like period in more (han six years, the New York Wool Top Exchange {Service reported. ! Transactions, as reported to the, service by the Australian National Council of Wool Selling Brokers, to-, | taled about 866,238,000 pounds, acs! tual weight. This compared with | 436,265,000 pounds in corresponding, period of the previous year and a six-, year average of 424,503,000 pounds. (| WAS NEVER SO | EMBARRASSED -FOR | KNEW THAT ACID-INDIGESTION | WAS DISTRESSING TO ME AND OFFENSIVE TO OTHERS BUT NOW-\ sus ALKALIZE THE EASY Prices' 'The quick way to alkalize Is this; Take two teaspoons of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 30 minutes after eating and drinking, Or, when among others--take two Phillips' Tablets that come in a small flat tin you carry in purse or vest pocket.--You do it unnoticed; 4 Relief is almost immediate. Gas," nausea, acid breath and other offensive symptoms leave.-- That stuffed" eeling and pains from "acid indigestion" cease to annoy. You feel great. This is the way, we believe, more doctors use than any other when alkalizing upset stomach. MADE IN CANADA Rapid Relief from RHEUMATIC PAINS In the ordinary way the victim of Rheu- matic Pains has become too hardened by long suffering to expect lasting relief. Nevertl cleus; one feature of the Fynnon Salt treatment has astonished Rheumatic sufferers is the sur- ' prising rapidity with whichit brings relief. Pre- pared to be patient, they are amazed to find that within a week their rheumatic symptoms no longer make life utterly miserable, The active Ingredient. in Fynnon 'Salt; Sodium, Potassium, Lithium, have a qumek action'; effect on the Uric Acid. They counter it and neutralize it at every turn, First the attack--then the victory. Uric Acid has a very short life when Fynnon Salt, a combination of Natural Salts of the Earth; gets to grips with it.' What a relief--when you realize vou can swi your arms and legs with the supple freedom youth. That's the happy state you soon get into when you take a half teaspoonful of Fynnon Salt, the proven British remedy, in & tumblerful of water every.morning. Get a large 75c package from your druggist end start your quick-action" treatment tomorrow. If you have any difficulty getting supplies, write: Laurentian Agencies, St. Gabriel St., Montreal. 9 - MAKE YOUR LIVER | Produce its bile Your liver has a big job to do. Make it do, what it is supposed to. Its job is to produge 18 to 36° fluld ounces of bile every day and. send it through the system. If it falls down on its job you suffer, AND HOW! I The most effective stimulant for the Hves known to medical science is calomel, which fn small doses is of the highest use in conges= tive conditions, especially those due to over eating, over indulgence in alcohol, lack. of : ercise, etc. Tanol Tabiets contain a ce . proportion of calomel, blended with cascara' ard otuer medicines. 'They are mild and harms< les. Lat. your liver understanas and takes ft Lint. For sale at all druggists, 50c.