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Russell Leader, 10 Feb 1938, p. 1

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The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1938 a No. 6 a A < > : ped % 3 7 Local and Personal Rus oo Ww 3 r 2 x | 1 ES : : : ; 0% 3 oe &| Mr. Thos. Stanzell, of Carleton nstitute ! eetin 3 We have received a special shipment of Smiles 'N # 4 Bel Y 1 by . 4 ! kA . op E> $ ow Jou an Find a Few of Our Prices for Saturday 3 Place, is in town renewing old ac- g $ Chuckles Chocolates, wrapped as Valentine Gifts at $1 : 3 an onday, Feb. 12 and 14--Cash or Produce 4% | quaintarices. The regular Tonthly esting of + packages and 50c packages--Fresh Chocolates are an 3 % £ x» the Russell Women's Institute was|% ideal gift for anyone. We also have Valentines. Cards 3 60 Ladies' Oak Leaf Tomato Juice %| Mr. Ernest Harrison, of Hamilton, dig 3 % and Folders from 1c to 10c each. Writing Pads,linen, 15¢ % » House Dresses : =. % | Ont., visited with his brother, W. H. | held on Taesday evening, Feb. 1s, 3 and 25c; Envelopes 10c and 15 k Judgi by th Z & Reg. 2 for 25¢ size, Special 2 for 19¢ % H ad M ? at the home of Mrs. Arthur Shelp, |% 2 Son ¢ ptL. uagmg by tne . + 3 New Stock 4 | Harrison an rs. Harrison on with the president, Mrs. Arthur Mur- | T8ANEr in which they sell the quality must be good ! 5 4 assorted ze JAVAL WATER __ per bottle 8c Zl Sasrrday. 2.8» day, in the chair % Drop in and See Your Family Druggist $ © "Each 58 $ i eat earths i @ Strawberry Jam 32-0z. Jar 21 i Mrs. G Following the usual opening and |¥ oo & -0Z. ro. .8le: 3 rs. George Duncan has been ; : : < > i : Z| confined to the house for a few days | Pusiness period. Mrs. Jomn Harring- 1% J J, STEELE, Phm. B., Russell % § Canned Cherries JUMBO PEAS, per can .... 15¢ | uffering from a severe attack of | Hon 20 e 3 Foy IE DD | -------------------------------- pitted, in heavy BREAKFAST MARMALADE «| cold, but is able to be around again. "Hisgrfienl Resparch." Moss graphic s syrup Rez. 25c jariSpagial 19 2 2 x 0» Inde g was the chapter on Russell - ¢ pertinl2e g. 25¢ jar--=Speeial ...... 19¢ | According to the schedule of hoe: | Aid He SUTTON E die A | -------------- ¥ Corn Niblets, reg 15¢ tin for 1lc | key playdowns Russell have a bye and | MeD¥ Were the amusing incidents of B 3 . # | will meet Bells Corners in Russell on | PEPE &0d places within the ken o % 1 Lot of Prints CANNED PUMPKIN, each ____. 10c =| pe re eo SR i most ¢f the members. Notable among HEVR LET and OLDSMOBILE & assorted Lily White Corn Syrup 5-1b tin 41e¢ P garding the game. the relics and heirlooms on display 3 patterns H ' . cs . i pS 2 8's was 2 Sugar bowl brought to this] & 36 inches Yide errings in Tomato Sauce 10¢: tin 3 Mr. W. H. Harrison, accompanied country. by a descendant of Sir ° . 3 per yar Cc 7 . ' : . Frederick Banting's family. Docu- N M d | D | 0 Sh R i NEW GRAPEFRUIT .. b for 22¢ i by Rev. Thomas McNaught, attended | =" = membership in the Knight ew odaeis on ISP ay In Ur Snow nocm 3 SUGAR ® 10 Ibs. for 59¢ x the funeral Sunday afternoon, at T 4 i din Treland | 1826 | EE . 2 : emplars issued in Ireland in ¢ 10 per cent. off g 2 Edwards, of Mrs. Nels Harrison. In- ; . + pv Men's CHIPSO, large SZC oa 21c + terment was made at North Russell and beautiful cut glass wine glasses THESE BEAUTIFUL, SLEEK CHAMPIONS OF THE $ : GROUND WHEAT 6 Ibs. 25¢ 2 | Cemetery. 125 years old, brought also from the . w & Work Shirts : E "i e . Green: l:le by descendants of Mrs. HIGHWAYS ARE BUILT FOR SERVICE, EASE ) CANNED TOMATOES 2 tins 19¢ g Mrs. Sandy Waddell had the mis- [John Harrington. Mrs. Arthur OF OPERATION AND ECONOMICAL § SUNKIST ROBIN HOOD OATS 28-0z. pk. 13¢c § | fortune to slip and fall heavily on |Shelp's contribution consisted of : 8 : *Yihe icv sidewalk ini ; linen sheets woven and made by her TRANSPORTATION ! % ORANGES S 0 . ; 5 y sid sustaining a broken + ¥ ee Our Special Prices on Men's | i and putting an ugly cut in her | great grandmother, Mrs. Katharine & per dozen 19¢ Gum Rubbers ! 5 forehead, which required three | Stewart, and dated 1859, a number €330.0:2: 9:98 % % | stitches to close. of wine glasses with gold ornamen- MOTORS $ A FULL LINE OF FLOUR AND FEED IN STOCK i ia tatigfipiiven to. member of her ENE ¢ ALSO "BLUE COAL" AND DRY WOOD 3 For years American buyers have | family by Lord Strathcona, and a | PLAN & b been able to purchase first class Ca- | set of silver fish knives and forks . lr A 3 15 Per Cent. OFF ALL MEN'S OVERCOATS ! % nadian cattle from breeders in and | With carved ivory handles of ex- 4 - % | around Russell, and this augurs well | quisite workmanship. A h N d U d C $ ki £ for the agriculturists of the district Considerable business was trans- pp 1€S on ew an se ars cArt ur - Warn er % and clearly shows that there is al-|acted. A sum of money voted to be . 3 % | ways a demand for purebred stock. |sent to the Chinese Relief Fund. It Ask For d Demonstration H kX x * 9% was decided to make application for : General Merchants and Funeral Directors %| Due to the icy condition of the |the use of the Travelling Library, $ 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE $ roads over the week-end visitors by | and it is hoped all the members will RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 % | motor were scarce and far between. | avail themselves of this privilege WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE ! Ce ---------------------------------------------------------- | $°7¢ Venturesome souls skated from | for beiter reading. Morewood, and a number skated from | The Roll Call was answered by MOTOR Metcalfe, seven miles from Russell. | "Something modern grandmother did C They report the roads fine for skat- not have." SALES 'ing but decidedy poor for motoring.| The March meeting will be an open I * x x one I ail who would be interested | i RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 44 : 3 dx. Claude M. Hinmad, Dean: in he ¢, Mr. . Charleson! speak on 3 1 i | boro, N.¥., recently purchased seven- | 1aw. J? iArveshments were served teen head of purebred Holstein cattle | from very attractive Valentine HEL P T0 SAVE OUR ONTARIO IES" from breeders in Russell and Glen-! table by the hostesses, Mrs. D. Mec- ed : | garry counties. The cattle were Kerracher and Mrs. -D. Carson. j selected from herds of Mr. Ralph T. gi B ' E S I i ; a | Wade, Russell, and Mr. F. C. Mec- Russell County LOL EATTIE S YE ERVICE BURN ALBERTA COAL il Lennan, of Lancaster. as ~ - : ; ! * * * e SEREERT 2 a . 3 a | Ye Le er Wad Annual Meeting | Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should r. Leonard Murphy, & : guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, ton, N.Y., purchased seven head of $11 00 per ton 4 Holsteins from Mr. G. Erskine Ro- " Bugselts Coney LOL pe 3 ' i uesday for their annual meetin hertson, Osgoode Station, and he Delegates from every lodge in the cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. If you want to see as you should see you will see estate of Thos. Campbell, Vernon, at County were present and reports ] the same time, Murphy Bros. bought | showed an increase in meniherehip BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE 20 head f George G. A d| with finances also in good shape - -- - - rs ees ou Vi Matters which may mean a great Scientific Eye Examinations oe ? ANG | Gea] were discussed and committees We. Boots Russel: appointed to carry out the proposals Specialists on all Visual and Muscular nko The election of officers resulted | Eve Defects J H TWEED Curling teams from Metcalfe and Ze Soliows: = i AE Loh fas y . . Il. om. Russell, Ont. Russell braved the slippery roads aly Lomi Shida By movi T. T. BEATTIE, KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, and exchanged friendly games. The DM. -- H. Davidson, Johnston's Professional Optometrist Professional Optometrist Russell rinks were defeated at Met- Corer. I Maciod Begrbrook . i ; iChap.----L. Magladry, Bearbrook. calfe while the Metcalfe rinks were RS Osgoode Bradley, Russell. defeated at Russell. Friendly rivalry F.S--Ford McKeown, Bearbrook. EERO RDRIOEY | Between small towns and their clubs) Treas Ziiiarl Hil Ware le ® I is a splendid thing and curling seems | Marshal--R. J. Boothe, Russell. G E ° $ KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET %| to be the popular medium to keep| BFocts, "Aor Sullivan, Russell; eneral Electric i : % | alive this rivalry. S. Kinnaird, Bearbrook. {ws memonern fC 0Ten [ESSE See worl TRIPLE. THRIFT REFRIGERATORS % ° : 3 3 arrson, aras. - i 3 a a T= Jes The Ladies of the L.T.B. served # ANYTIME IS FISH TIME and for the discriminating % would 'suggest that the town fathers meals to the delegates. | ; buyer we offer-- ke hire some one to sand the sidewalks i FRESH SALMON, HADDOCK, PIKE and HALIBUT #|and road crossings. This sanding GOLDEN VALLEY THE 1938 MODELS ARE 1 FRESH or SMOKED FILLETS - COD FISH % | may be within their jurisdiction and : , él i M EFFICIENT AND FRESH or SALT HERRINGS | a rertare wn thels| Geraldine and Betty Acres, of! ORE We carry a Splendid Assortment of Fresh & Cured Meats %) part. One has to remember that one Yatton Shas the ve Pon MORE ECONOMICAL MINCEMEAT - VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER 3 of our community was badly hurt the > -- a Sou Ps ) THAN EVER! Choice Quarters of Beef - Large or Small kt other day, and we read of the death Miss Ada Hughes spent part of COME IN PI Ph y Ord Bef 9.30 o'clock KY of a citizen of our neighboring town last week with her sister, Mrs. Roy} ease Phone Your Orders Before 9. 3 i a S ' . i o'cloc 4 | of Winchester--due to a fall on the MReown, of Yorks Corners, AND SEE FOR oo % , for Prompt Delivery. oo icy pavement. Must we have an unnecessary sacrifice of limb and , life before lethargy passes and wil X. 8 Porteous' one after: sidewalks be made safe for those who n Mr voip] Mrs. R IL. MeAndrow ond are sure-footed and those who are a tr en past the age when a bit of a toss ° " YOURSELF AND BE CONVINCED ! Mr. Neil Dow, of Echo Valley, was boo} sn-- om | 1 | | | | | children spent Wednesday afternoon in. Metcalfe. does mean a great deal. : : , ' The Meétcalfe A.Y.P.A. held their s Y : Food moms ere xine Meme ot!| A G. E. Refrigerator Protects Your Food, : Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cowan on Fri- (R: re¢ Too Late For Last Week Se Homer." "MeKaown and | day evening. Your Health, Your Pocketbook A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF HIGH GRADE WHOLE ROOT NURSERY STOCK LUKE BROTHERS Limited 6 204004 x2 RD 2X 4, Rw) doidecdeideddaddoddes XE ae a] " & $ daughter Mildred are spending a Mr. Clifford Cowan is helping Mr. J | few days with friends in Ottawa ] 3 d. 3 "INTERNATIONAL NURSERIES" %| and City View. aa te bh gl 4 b Mr. Robt. MeKeown who is visit- Tr. Maurice Ling es, o ree, R P H A I R % GROWERS OF 3 ing his son, Dr. Hilton McKeown in | spent the week-end at his home. 3 % | Phoenix, Arizona, has been stricken - RUSSELL § JIT AND I %| with appendicitis. He was operated $ FRUIT AN T R E E q ROSES, SHRUBS, | on and at last reports iis condition | RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH 3 V NT! <Q % | was good. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING, --™-------------------- -- & ORNAME TAL VINES, BULBS 2 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fielding cele- | : 3 £ Drona ane (Meviysionih ye of At the Y.P.U. of Russell United vener, took charge of the worship subject of 'What the Business Is" & Represented By Offices: % | nawber of Russell people ey for the | Church on Monday evening the sing- service, assisted by Alex. Poravite! and then fhe DieNber Sigiaek me ; 3 R. L. GRAHAM Tram Bld % evening. Bridge was played and a|song was led by Robert McNaught. | and James McNaught. The topic o [Wo groups 0 iscuss e o @ Ye 2 ways 8 %| delightful lunch was served the | The president presided for the busi- the evening was "Business" for the ' of Preparation" for the work. The & 381 Lyon St.,, OTTAWA, Ont. MONTREAL, Que. % guests who expressed their kind| con and then Miss Lois King. findings were then brought before "ches towards Mr. and ] 1eld- * i i wishes towards Mr. and Mrs. Field Jennie Roberts spoke on the: the whole society for discussion. ing. [ of D ' Scott, Christian Citizenship Con- Liiss |

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