Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 20 Jan 1938, p. 1

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The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, JANUARY 20th, 1938 : No. 3 . | . . A oo op 2 Annual Meeting Anfual Meeting of ~ |# HALIBUT AND COD LIVER OIL--As a cold preventive 3 SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS > ioe 4 we recommend using Halibut Oil Capsules--50 in box 4 3 AL tl East. Count. Plowmen! Russell District No. 2|3 at st00--ecach one contains the Vitamin equivalent of 3 : EA % one tablespoonful Cod Liver Oil. = Malt Extract with 3 $ Below you will find a few of our prices for Saturday #%; Fastern Counties Plowmen's As-| The annual meeting of Russell [ Halibut Oil for those who eannot t KS 3 and Monday, Jan. 22 and 24 -- Cash or produce 3 | sociation chose Wm. E. Marshall, "of | District No. 2 was held in the Orange [4 absolutely no taste of fish--2 lb. jars at $1.50. 5 % ' > P South Mountain, their president at Hall, Metcalfe, on, Tuesday afternoon % Tastless Extract Cod Liver--A full 16-0z. bottle of a po- 3 : 3 & | the annual meeting held Monday in [January 11th. The meeting was|4 | le extract of Cod Liver for only $1.00. Pure Cod 3% 3 Grapefruit Men's Gum Rubbers, & | the Ottawa offices of the Ontario | presided over by John Warren of 205 | 3 atab ex : : y$ : h Eh & bs tote ; » Liver Oil--Biologically tested and standardized in 16 3 9 4 for 19¢ regular $2.45 for i. $1.98 ig) department of agriculture. Other of-| Meteaife, District Master. o> : "%* by ; rth % |ficers are: C. F. McArthur, of Rus-| There was a good representation |% 0Z. bottles for 75¢c-- Also in gallon bottles. % % Social Tea Biscuits 2 lbs. for 21c #% sell and Oscar Labelle, of Clarence |of the six primary Jodges in fe & Consult Your Family Druggist % & : & | Creek, honorary presidents; Tace| district. The reports of the several [4 ¥ & Fresh A few pair of Men's Cloth % | Wade, of Russell, first vice-president; | committees were very favourable, § J.L. STEELE, Phm. B., Russell $ x Cranberries Rubbers left at... .. 69% 5 Roy Shaver, of Finch, second vice-|and an increase in membership was | XS 3 ; . Pi a " & | president, and Bruce Smith, acting |reported for the district. 3 per Ib. 16¢ Br oken lines Ladies Silk Hose & agricultural representative at Mor-| Bev.ord Morrow, P.D.M., conduct- regular $1.00 for ............ B59¢ é rishurg, secretary-treasurer. ed the nection of pificers and AE > ge J ; : : Kt On resolution by A. Walker, of | Long ©.D.M., conducted the installa- |; 3 Snowflake Ladies Sauk Cashmere Hose 20 | Russell, the association decided to oo hi iid oy " Jolows! 20% Ed THE PROOF OF A USED CAR IS IN THE 3 . size -&; reg. (oc 10r ______ c #|invite the Ontario Plowmen's Asso-| D:M--- Tagiey 7. Ed- 3 Shortening | Invi me i oe ry DO t t h 1d th "ial h wards. 3 2 lbs. 25¢ Crofter Sweater Yarn 4 balls 25¢ % Son 4 lB maton Ba Jt--G. S. Duncan, 706 Mar- q It Gi Y & : s & 1 pl f the 1938 tch has already Veiville.y 3 Soda Biscuits 2 lbs. 22¢ ¥ Pe ar ne J. I & Chapliin--Rev. A. M. Wootton, of ervice Ives oil, 4 RED ONIONS T Sia 3% | chiel; is representative from the |Bepmaze sf VANILLA, 8-0z. jug... 22¢c 3% igasticr tera oH] Rec. Sec.--Hugh A. Fader, of 706 d 0 U d C $5 lbs 19c E {Proven organ oon. £0 1° | aturveivill, and vur Used Lars 3 FLAKED WHEAT 5-lb. bag for 27c %|"™% jo he Se nt. |. Fin. Sec--S$. A. Kinniard, 1095, 4 2 re list committee was appoint- G . 0 Amber SUGAR ve. 10 Ibs. for 59¢ & ed at the meeting to comprise J. W.| VIL poy MeKeown, 2207 are Re-conditioned to & % | MacRae, Lochiel; Wm. E. Marshall, rhe ace Co 4 HONEY PITTED DATES 2 lbs. 22¢ % | South Mountain; Bruce Smith, Mor- a Win Loney, 205° Met I 4b. tin31c | Men's Felt Lined Gum Rubbers ~ f|nstwesT Lorose, Plantagenet; Woleuge, = 7 © 70 °% Provide That Service § per'pair or. $2.75 - Kemptville; and A Vv. Langton, of mh a Hamjsen, of es § Sumkist | OU Own Laving Mach $239 a bag §| Mond, hip commitee ned #50 SUIS, George men, oti Bf) Bf CUARANTEE ON ALL USED CARS & unis 4 owing € 8en-|10495, Vernon. %® ORANGES RICE... .. 3 ]bs 19c. 7 eral meeting 1935 OLDSVIOBILE SERAN & . ES The next meeting of the associa- 3 : : ; 4 per doz. 18c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin ___ 9c % tion will take place in June when Annual Meetin of 1936 MASTER CHEVROLET COACH 4 de Sreangements for the various plow- be 1934 CHEVROLET COACH 3 * 1ing matches in the district will take 3 . 3 § Aron pn or Hote am ren laroe Hin bl omg Briton Lodge| 100 umvRater coer by + the Eastern counties match also will ng 1930 PONTIAC COUPE % : 2 be set. 1930 DURANT SEDAN 3 i The annual meeting of Russell 1929 CHEVROLET SEDAN = rn er %|RUSSELL WOMEN'S County Oiange Young Briun Lodge 1930 FORD COUPE i 2 4 INSTITUTE MEETING | 28 held at North Russell on Jan. ve & 10th with a good attendance of mem- Al N b f R dit d Ka The Jutindty meeting of the Bab bers irom the different lodges in the SO d um er 0 e-con 1011¢ General Merchants and Funeral Directors %{ sell Womens Institute was held at{ co ny; each giving very encourag: the home of Mrs. John Harrington, a Of i P.C.M., last Tuesday evening. The meeting | . ndqucted the election and installa- was under the Health Convener, Mrs. | ion of officers which resulted as Lorne' Harrington. Mrs. Harry follows: Slaughter presided, and during the C.M.--John Warren, 260 evening spoke of the passing of one D.C.M.-- George Cotton, 261. j of our members, Mrs. C. Stewart, Chzap.--Wallace Bowman, 67. I ES, Chap.-- Wallace Bowman, joo Used Trucks McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - - ®, "s' Jods} a' 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 *, a4 2 5 b> & MOTOR SALES TELEPHONE 44 The Secretary read a letter from F.8.--George Walker, 260. the Crippled Children's Association | Treas.--L. B. Graham, 39 in acknowledgement of $5 sent by | Dow C.--Sandy Moffat, 39. 5 ° ; fe Bra a Hen: thus .o. wid Teed. Alex MdKewan, 260. 5 All Our Winter: 2ods Must Be Sold i ¥aseet | the x but eo ring or eiwel Wa). B. Sdwan, 26 a od . Sad dl i) graduate nurses, Mrs. rainor Yo (i--George Rexon, Sy § 0. Si--Jack Little, 39. program and gave Practical Following the meeting, supper was Demonstration and Talk on "First |served by the members of 0.Y.B. No. 'and Mrs. T 2 Alaska Cutter Robes one rs. Tace Wade touk charge of 350 lbs. Wheeling YARN size 54 x 72, reg $18.00 Assorted colors 59c 1b. Besries Eve Service | 35 pairs Ladies' Galoches for $13.95 Aid which proved most interesting | 39. instructive. Bookle: ; Fur Trimmed Men's Fels a Socks "Health" and "Food" LIE the . Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should Regular $2.69 for $1.99 g. $1. Metropolitan Life Assn. Co. were Russell United Church guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, to sacrifice at $1.49 Rubbers for same at $1.05 42 Ladies' Winter Coats make us any offer 12 Men's Winter Coats to sacrifice at $6.90 Men's Winter Gloves reg. 50c--mnow 25c¢ Ladies silk and wool distributed by Mrs. Trainor. Copies of "The Baby", issued by the Dept. of Health, Toronto, were also distributed. The meeting closed with singing of the National Anthem, after which refreshments were served by 'the hostess. 41 pairs Cashmere cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. Galoshes for Ladies Reg. $2.25 and $2.50 for $1.45 36 pairs Children's Galoches -- Reg. $1.59 _. and $1.89 for $1.19 15 prs. Men's Galoshes Young People's Union The Young People's Union of the United Church met in the hall on Monday evening. A sing-song at] 7.45 was led by Eloise Gaukrodger, with Gwen Gaukrodger at the piano, after which an impressive worship If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular NEW WARDEN ELECTED IN Eye Defects. [4 Reg. $2.25 and $1.85 for $1.25 and $1.65 Children's Felt Boots 25 to 35 p.c. reduction Stockings 15c¢ regular to 49c¢ Heavy Woollen Stockings reg. to 59¢ for 39¢ PRESCOTT AND RUSSELL Andrew Boyer, of Vankleek Hill, was elected warden of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell at the annual meeting of the"counecil held in L'Orignal court house this service was conducted by Robert and James McNaught and Helen Maddell. George Cherry, the president, then took the chair for a short business period during which she and R. J. McNaught gave very interesting re- ports of the winter school for leaders Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist afternoon. Mr. Boyer, a prominent De tha Merron ra | last weel; of December. Extra Good Bargains in Radios . business man and newspaper owner, : ' 1 only, VICTOR RADIO, reg. $79.00, less batteries has been reeve of Vankleek. Hill for The missionary convener, - R. Ju N 0 T | C E now offered for only ©... $49.00 the past several years. He was elected | McNaught, then took charge . and 1 RADJOLA RADIO at only dll, $5.00 today with a majority of two votes|gave an account of the Saskatchewan WE HAVE JUST UNLOADED A NEW CONSIGNMENT. OF PLYMOUTH CARS 3 charge of Yellowgrass, to which the Y.P.U. contributed for support this year. He also gave a sketch of the life of Rev. Jesse Arnupp, who is author of the study book for the year. At an executive. meeting held afterwards, arrangements were made over Mr. Morin, of Bourget, the vote being: Boyer, 11, and Morin, 9. Russell W. A. Instals 1 DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIO now ; priced at $10. 00 Canned Goods 7c tin Other or Sood Golden Bantam CORN Coal Oil, 1st quality 14c Golden WAX BEANS Choice Molasses 49c gal. . And W i , : for th t on Jan. 24th and for n e Suggest You See these Beautiful, Powerful TOMATOES ; Hand, picked Beans Officers for 1938 ner ~ Torn, 31st. New Models Before You Purchase an : PINEAPPLES 10°1bs. for _.. ..... 25¢ Automobile Elsewhere. On Thursday, the first regular M k : C meeting of the Russell Women's As- ar eting Ourse sociation was held. In the absence of the president and vice-president, F R Il C Mrs. T. McNaught occupid the chair. or lisse ounty Installation of the new officers by A course in "Marketing of | Home Baked Foods" is to be held at Navan, Russell County, from Keep Your Animals in Good Condition We sell Cod Liver Oil, Molasses, Lice Powder and all kinds of Condition Powders. A. Latremouille OUR USED CARS Are Also on Display and there is not a Cull in the Lot! Rev. T. McNaught, was as follows: President--Miss Ella Hamilton. Vice-President--Mrs. A. Morrow. q 0 0 Secretary--Mrs. G. T. Browne. February 1st to February 25th, VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM ! t. nge nt. Treasurer--Mrs. L. A. MacEwen.| ;,.jcve Class hours are from Executive--Mrs. T. Trainor, Mrs. 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., five days a week. All girls in this dis- trict can rescue further informa- tion from Mrs. L. E. MacEwen, Russell, Ont. BI --. --S_ rr zed WEEKLY MEETING OF C.G.LT. I 1 ivor. Mo. T. Fielding, Mr H. McKeown, Mrs. R. W. Atkinson. 0000 KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET RUSSELL - TELEPHONE 27 MADDEN MOTOR SALES METCALFE LADIES' SCORE RUSSELL - - . PHONE 36 OVER TWO RUSSELL RINKS 2, ho os, o Xaaaxag-- J Sos Jooles b Two rinks from the Metcalfe La- dies' Curling Club defeated two Rus- sell Ladies' Curling Club rinks in a 2. Soo, "' The weekly meeting of the C.G.L.T. was held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. MacRae, with Soa 2 "s 0 x Poe ER a BIE ER INA NRE REACAR APNE NPAT REA AAR IRAP AONE REREAD NEAR AE NONE NRE NE ey : i % | friendly match on Metcalfe ice by a 01 < i ANYTIME IS FISH TIME and for the discriminating ¢ margin of five shots. Following the | Solonge Blois in charge. The mest 4 IODIZED MINERAL by Bell & Sons Ltd. Verdun, Que. } ; 4 ffer-- 4 | play, the visitors were entertained | ing opened with the "Purpose" which) Brings your cattle up to their maximum quantity and ¥ buyer we offer & a ol £3 i 4 | at afternoon tea in the club rooms. | ¥8S followed 5 one Foe %2l% maximum test in milk. When your cow is in good physi- 4 % FRESH SALMON, HADDOCK, PIKE and HALIBUT % Rinks and scores: Breathe on Me, Breath of God" as} 1 dition it lv th it animal ail + dihe 3 & FRESH or SMOKED FILLETS - COD FISH * Russell Metcalfe a prayer. A business period followed % cal conaqailtion 1 easily throws o animal aliments an e $ & FRESH SALT HERRINGS % Mrs. C McCaffrey Mrs. J. E. Craig | during which the C.G.ILT. banquet|% calves are strong and healthy. The wide awake farmer & or phic 3| Mrs. A. Higgins Mrs. E. MeGirl | Was discussed. Mio sy ership peried % realizes the time has arrived when he must feed mineral. j $ We carry a Splendid Assortment of Fresh & Cured Meats 5 Mis. % Rader Mrs L Sram rocting closed with "Taps" © 4 Costs only $7.25 bag. If Garget or milk fever developes 4 MINCEMEAT - VALLEY CREAMERY BUTTER I -- (Skip) 7 (Skip) 14 % we recommend ym as 8 drevien 31d Udder Canals 2 3 : | Miss A. Lowrie Miss M. Leahy % as a massage-- $1.00 ea. er s S 0 4 * Choice Quarters of Beef - Large or Small Sf AIS ! A EVENTS. . : 3 Choice 0 E 3 Yr Saulredger Tes > Bowser . ; . 3 Come In and See the Authorized Dealer ] ) 3 . 2 Tera | Mrs. G. Gamble Mrs. L. Dow & K 3 Please Pheas Your ok gid 3-20w'clock % | Mrs. W. Loucks Mrs. J D Cameron| 9on't forget the Y.P.U. Scotch |& be ¥ or rromp elivery 3 | --{(Skip) 12 -- (Skip) 10| Concert on Monday, Jan. 24th, 1% J. lL. STEELE, I. os ussell, nt. & o Hl -- -- 1.1938, in the United Church Hall. |& > HARARE TRRTRRRCH TERCERA RAINEY oat To Toul oo... 24' Admission 25¢ and 10e. ST ES Semeur SOP,

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