Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 13 Jan 1938, p. 1

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The Russell Leader RUSSELL, ONTARIO SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT THURSDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1938 No. 2 sseil Townshi HP b 2 g i Community Mourns Russell Towns ip i$ BELL and SONS Ltd., Verdun, Que., draw to your atten- & 3 SPEC] ALS : SPEC] ALS SPECI ALS i . . . 4 tion the following lines--Udder Cerate $1 tin; Wax % 3 Rc : 3 Passing Mrs. tewart OUINCI eeting % Teat Bougies $1 box of 36; Chillexine for Garget $1; 3 i i Black Bottle for Colic, Chills, Fevers $1; Antiseptic $ ; For Sat. and Monday, Jan. 15 and 17--Cash or Produce | The funeral of Mrs. Charles Hall] Russell Township Council met in |% Pessaries $1 box; Horse Worm Powder $1; Hog Worm i : Gann 4 | Stewart, Russell, who passed away |the Forresters Hall with all hands on |& Powder $1; Iodized Mineral Bricks 40c each; Iodized * : Another Car Blue Coal to Arrive in a Few Days ji [in an Ottawa: hospital on Thursday, |deck, the new Reeve, Mr. Medericlf Mineral for Cattle, Hogs, Horses or Poultry $7.25 per § 4 & | Jan. 6th, was held. from the funeral |Bouchard, in the chair and the larg-|& oe > 4 2 home of Hulse and Playfair, Ottawa, est turnout of interested, disinter- p hundred. x 3 5 on Separday last here a large A Ssted and ndiferent Spectasors op 5 When in Need of any of the above come to the & 3 % | ber of friends gathered to pay a final | han at has been seen at a council | 4 p . . . 5 $ SUNKIST Quaker Crackers, pkg. 10c #|tribute of respect to the memory of meeting for' some time. 3 Authorized Dealer in this locality + 3 J 5 % |a woman who had through her home usiness was conducted with dis- | 3» 3 Sweet and Boy's Fleece Shirts _.__.______ 89¢ #!anq affiliation with various organiza- | patch and consequently the public # hm. B. Russell 4 oe " D3 LJ . 9 9 $ Juicy Children's Black Cashmere H 4 | dons earned the undying affection Soi ee my myo |h " 5 ose | of an entire community. vy appointees. Because of the H per doz 18¢ Regular 50c for 29 to Mrs. Stewart was the wife of Mr. |speed of the council petitioners being ; a C «Charles H. Stewart, manager of the |given time to state their respective oe 4 ' & . 3 4 | Russell branch of the Bank of N cases and the cases many, rang- I vmic Men's Heavy Rib Socks 25c pair §|Smern. Mon achne Denk of Nova ine ne ocx were many, "OL RARER & : : % | N.B., where she spent her early life |the matter of relief the reeve empha-| 3 bl i $ 30a» Jam Biscuits 2 lbs. 22¢ @ and received her education. Some |ticaliy stated that every able-bodied é KENNEDY'S MEAT MARKET po 5 ars Handy A : k % | 26 years ago she married Mr. Stewarti man seeking relief would get relief, | % % % for andy Ammonia, per pkg. TC %¥)and removed to Ontario, later com-|but hie would have to work for same | 4 RUSSELL - TELEPHONE 27 4 3 10c Jelit Jelly Powde 5 pk 29 & ing to Russell, where she had, for |or rather earn his relief. To this end |% % Cg & To pgs. C #99 years "since resided. She took |reliet<scakers in the west end will be | $ x J . . b ar 3 o 3 pt E 1) 1 . 5 : & , 3 3 h 4 . . - . 4 3 Men's Horsehide Mitts _____ 69c an active part in church work, the] given jobs working in the stone quar-|1% , Nv TIME IS FISH TIME and for the discriminating % CANNED % ! Women's Institute, the Women's|ry. In the matter of relief a rather | i & CORN Macaroni 2 lbs. 12¢ %|Curling Club and gave much of her [peculiar case presented itself and|# buyer we offer-- z & ihe 0 Ce ee te : % time in the direction and staging of | concerned a man with a large family | & ' & 3 tins Green Tea 29¢ 1b. | many of the splendid plays presented | who some time ago underwent an | FRESH SALMON, HADDOCK, PIKE and HALIBUT 2 > fop-cli iil TR aL rrr : % by the Young People's Society. |operation for appendicitis. The oper- & FRESH or SMOKED FILLETS - COD FISH % Ei 5 %| Needy families in the district will | ation, insofar as the appendix was|& FRESH or SALT HERRINGS 4 25¢ ocoa ean She. B86 23 2 4 % revere her memory as a friend and |concerned, was a success but left the | 5 2 ¥ Sugar: ~~ 10 lbs. 59c & wise councillor for many of her kind [man in a condition that rendered 3 We carry a Splendid Assortment of Fresh & Cured Meats Z 3 » jacts were done in an unobtrusive him incapable of working. Said |% 2 Y BUTTER 4 & MEN'S Feed Corn Meal ___. $1.90 per bag & way. Perhaps the greatest tribute [operation was performed in an Ot-|% MINCEMEAT VALLEY CREAMER P 3 CLOTH $ | we could pay her is that she was a laws insiisorion and now an Ottawa @ Choice Quarters of Beef - Large or Small $ & V Screenings 1.45 per ba % | gentlewoman. octor claims that another operation |' $ io > 2 51 Left to mourn her loss, in addition | will put the man back on his feet and & Please Phone Your Orders Before 9.30 o'clock 2 § : Boys' Wool Mitts ________ 19¢ pair # [to her husband, are two sons: John |able to work. This man is on relief ® for Prompt Delivery. & % pair 69c EX A. P., Donald C. Stewart, both of |and wanis the township to pay his | NAHI 3 % | Cornwall, Ont.; a sister, Mrs. Geo. | doctor bill with the county paying his CARR Gg BBR en i EEE EET cE THI is pa ther, William E. Pooley, of Moncton. To do or not to do was the question z " The funeral service was held from | and it was decided that it would be ' 3 b Hulse & Playfair funeral home with | in the interests of economy if they y "- | the family pastor, Rev. Thos. Mec-|agreed to this man's plan. This is [i & Naught. SSiclaning. assisted by Rev, just an example of some of the mo i o * | F. S. Milliken, of Stewarton United | mentous questions presented to the N I Th T T H Y C General Merchants and Funeral Directors 4 and Rev. A. P. Menzies, of Westboro | council for consideration. ow S € ime 0 ave our ar b United. However, some of the new ap- . * Interment was made in Beechwood | pointees fellow: 0 h ul d F S 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE @ Cemetery. Weed Inspector--Mr. O. Levesque. ver a € or pring oy 3 Among the wealth of floral offer-| Road Commission-- Mr. L. Bour RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 §lings, besides telegrams and mes | bonnais, TE WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES AND ESTIMATES HES or ly Be Slat Gsmsone a 1. 2. GIVEN FOR LABOR ON EVERY JOB. Canadian National Railway Employes Treasurer---Mr. A. Patenaude. Sheep Cattle Valuator--Mr, Jos. of Cornwall; friends of Russell Lodge No. 479, AF. and A.M.; Women's As- | Leictoire. b AL sociation of Russell United Church;| Truant fficers--Messrs. A. La- o °° choir of the same church; staff of |Labe3dg #3 H. H. Shepherd, Winter Necessities | (the Bank of Nova Scotia, - Rifesell;{ ~ Boll 'Healti--Dr. P48. Macs pir i A paythengt | devpdh, GENERAL MOTORS HEATERS -~ DEFROSTERS -- par Dr. J. M. Bourdeau, V.S., sanitary inspector; Noe Clement, Mr. Lacombe and Mr. Bouchard; Assessors, Joseph Lemieux, Fred Scott. The Leader was again given the contract for the year's printing, and we feel just a bit more than pleased because of the genuine compliment Lodge, Royal Arch Masons, Russell; Madden Motor Sales, Russell; Russell Curling Club; McArthur-Warner Ltd. and McArthur Motor Sales and many others from individuals. ANTI-FREEZE -- BATTERIES AND SHELL PRODUCTS. 'REOPENING TO OUR MANY FRIENDS After Renovation WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO OUR MANY FRIENDS THE RE-OPENING OF OUR NEWLY RENOVATED PLACE OF BUSINESS WHICH HOUSES-- BEAUTY PARLOR SERVICE Special Provision has been made for privacy TWO CHAIR BARBER SERVICE JEWELLERY AND OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUR GENERAL ELECTRIC DISPLAY Radios - Refrigerators - Stoves Vacuum Cleaners - Laundry Equipment and Many Other Electrical Appliances RUSSELL PHAIR Telephone 29 - - - - Russell, Ont. We extend our sincerest thanks and appreciation for kind acts, mes- sages of sympathy and consolation, and floral tributes in our sad bereave- ment, in the loss of a loving wife and mother. C. H. Stewart and Family. Accepting Lower Salary for Post Romeo Begin, M.L.A. for Russell County, resigned Tuesday night as clerk-treasurer of the town of East- view and accepted reappointment at a lower salary of $1,500 a year. He had been receiving $2,100. Eastview council, in its first meet- ing of the year, appointed J. A. Ca- sault, tax collector, as assistant clerk. Mr. Begin's letter of resignation was read by Mayor Donat Grand- maitre, who said he had consulted with Mr. Begin, who agreed to ac- cept reappointment at the reduced figure in view of the fact that he would not be able to give his full time to-the position. Members of council spoke highly of the service rendered the town by Mr. Begin, who has been clerk- treasurer for 15 years. He was elec- ted a member of the Ontario House at the last provincial election. A letter was read from John Innis, reeve of Gloucester township and chairman of the finance committee of Carleton County Council, in which he thanked Eastview council for paying its county rate for 1937 and arrearg in full. Mr. Casault reported that tax collections for the year 1937 were $26,184 higher than in 1936. The repprt of Chief of Police Richard leannion indicated that $4,- 519 had been collected last year in license fees and fines. Council de- cided to have the ice in the Rideau River cut this year by town workers ipstead of asking the city of Ottawa to do the work. Report S. S. 3 Russell Standing of Junior Room for the | Months of November and paid when the older members and the township clerk said that the service was excellent and every job, no mat- ter how small, carefully finished. The Leader has always tried to give ser- tinue to do so. Annual Meeting Maple Leaf LTB. The annual meeting and election of officers for Maple Leaf L.1.B. No. 389 North Russell was held on December 22nd. District Master Bro. Gerald Hill of Marvelville was in charge of the election and install- ation which took place as follows: W.M.--Sandy Moffat. D.M.--Cora Boothe. R.S.--Ruby James. T.S.--Russell Paul. Treas.--Alex. Little. Chaplain--Helen Boothe. D. of C.--Eldon Paul. Conductor--Dorothy Morrice. Committee--Alice Hamilton, Mar- garet Graham, Mae Beckstead, Lil- lian Morrow, Lorne Graham. Inside Tyler--Herbert James. Outside Tyler--Clelland Hamilton Auditors--Robert Boothe, Leorne Graham. Sick Committee--Richard Morrow, John Morrice, Harry Beckstead. Douglas Morrice ..... ..._.... 7 Sybil 'Bradley ...............-.. 73 Everett Shelp ..................... 72 Jimmie Eadie __ : -.. 65 Verna. Shelp =... .. 61 Osborne Wood ............ 61 Grade II--- Sr--Lloyd Shelp 88 Jr--Andy Ross 73 Grade I-- Eddie Morrice Lois Eadie... .... Freda Bradley Marjorie Shap aR Gloria Thompson .............. 66 Grade A-- Iris Tohmpson Billie Wood Cora Shelp Mable Dacres ---Teacher: Lois J. B. Scott. . .COMING EVENTS. . vice and satisfaction and we will con- |i MOTOR SALES TELEPHONE 44 McARTHU RUSSELL, ONT. - - - A Scotch Amateur Night will be December | Grade V-- Wilda Buckingham 73 per cent. Ray Thompson... 69 | "Mae Thompson... 0" -67 | Keith Buckingham ........... 65 t "Mervyn Shelp ...... ....... 65 Grade IV-- Bessie Ross... ..¢8 ms, © 3 * Frances' Cherry... 8p given in the United Church Hall ' on Monday, Jan. 24th, 1938, in honer of Burns' Birthday--25¢ and 10e¢. p. Beanies Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. od If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist NOTICE WE HAVE JUST UNLOADED A NEW CONSIGNMENT OF PLYMOUTH CARS And We Suggest You See these Beautiful, Powerful, New Models Before You Purchase an Automobile Elsewhere. OUR USED CARS Are Also on Display and there is not a Cull in the Lot! VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM '! MADDEN MOTOR SALES RUSSELL - - - - PHONE 36 be & Ail ad

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