Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 23 Dec 1937, p. 4

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LET YOUR GENERAL HEH He has a complete line beautiful gifts. A SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM WITH GIFTS THAT ENDEAR AND ENDURE ! How thrilling to see a NEW G. E. REFRIGERATOR, WASHING MACHINE, or RADIO beside the Christmas Tree on Christmas morning ! ? One or more of these G. E. Gifts will bring additional happiness to your home throughout the years. THROUGHOUT THE CHRISTMAS SEASON WE HAVE SPECIAL TERMS TO MEET YOUR BUDGET. Russell Phait - G. E. Dealer - Russell, Ont. ELECTRIC DEALER of more than one hundred SE * Te Teese Te Te Te Te Te eae a Tee eae 0% 4% eT Tea 0TH eT Te Te Tea eT Te Tea 0 6 Tee 04% ee 0 Tee 0% eee eee a a a a a a a EE EX a XX eX XE RR a MERRY CHRISTMAS To our many Friends, a Most Cordial Greeting-- Our Best Wishes for Happiness, Health and Prosperity during the year 1938. HAMILTON'S GROCERY We Deliver Io HT HTT Gr T4300 Hoo GIT CGT To Go Gr To Googe Foe" bo*e, one * (> ' 2 s' jo4; reas "' "' oo) * > ee"aa® XIX , " a Coo 2S "s IX x3 a! > RD bs SRD bs' Phone 37 " jo "' oo BS J SUCEPPIOITIIIILEIE IEEE OUR CLASSIFIED SECTION é& Qedoddrideadodacioafoaededoifococirednadododiradoadoioddeided STRAYED -- From the premises of the undersigned during the last week of November, 1937, 5 Hol- stein Calves. Anyone knowing of their wheerabouts, notify JAMES PARK, Kenmore, Ont. CUSTOM TANNING-- Deer skins, manufacturer of deer skin mitts and gloves, and oak tanned Eng- lish leather for skate straps, also leather laces. Chesley Pillar, , Tanner, Russell, Ont. chb1tf FOR SALE--Connor Hand Washer and Wringer, in good condition. Priced reasonable. Apply The «7 Ader Office. ' rE ny ur -- ayy snenot WANTED to supply Rawleigh's Household Products to consumers. Salles way up this year. We train and help you. Good profits for hustlers, No experience necessary. Pleasant, profitable, dignified work. Write today. Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-356-53-L, Montreal, Canada. c¢51 a aaa a a" ] BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Qoideidoadodesfeadontocdaifesfonocdedfeifociocdaidefodiociaifeodtoiied JOHN B. WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner for Quebec 33 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 Residence 224 Special attention to collection and Commercial matters. WC RR Qrradrofeadodioniods a) 0 Raced Po %ecbocte ete teretecte ecto te este ctecs egregregeeg afer afecirifeaileirifedeideted HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. = Vankleek Hill, Ont. a *CAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur Hubert Pothier Avocats - Barristers Office at.J. A. Lacombe, Embrun hn Wednesday Evenings. 45 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 es Grinds dodedododedododedede dod Te doted E. A ESON BA LL.B. Monday in Each Week, office over McEwen & Stephenson's Store : i Russell Ottawa Office: McNulty, Berger & Charleson, 74 Sparks St.,, Ottawa. Telephone Queen 298 Seageateidadealralsadesdrifedrdriro dd McILRAITH & McILRAITH Barristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every Wednesday afternoon Dunc. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. Mc]lraith BRI od ~- » J. E JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 30 FIGURE IT OUT A magician was performing a card trick in which he placed the ace of diamonds so that it was the 38th card from the top of the deck. Then he discarded some cards from the top of the deck, dealt the remainder into even piles so that the ace of dia- monds was top of the 5th pile. How many piles did he divide the cards into and how many cards did he remove from the top of the deck. Answer next week. Answer to last week's puzzle. No. 1--The Milkman Puzzle. He filled up the five gallon can, filled the three gallon can from the five and put the three gallons back into the eight gallon can, then emp- tied from the 5-gal. ean, which now contained two gallons, into the 3-gal. can, then filled up the 5-gal. can from the 8-gal. can, then filled up the 3- gal. can from the 5, thus making 4 gallons in the 5-gal. can, 1 in the 8 and 3 in the 3. No. 2--The Watchman Puzzle. He fired the Night Watchman be- cause he slept while on duty. sO MORE EGG MONEY A healthy flock of poultry is a laying, paying flock. Insure the health of your birds by feeding Watkins Mineralized Poultry Tonic. You will get more eggs and have less trouble with sickness. This will both make and save money for you. Increased egg production alone will be enough to pay for the Tonic, Wait for my call and see the bargains I have for you. HARRY BECKSTEAD Phone 612-R-4 Russell GERM FREE "CATGUT" MAKES OPERATIONS SAFER When a major operation is per formed, the wound has to be sewn up, and until now, catgut has nor- mally been used. This "thread" 1s made from the intestines of sheep and not from the cat as is some- times imagined.' { It is essential that a substance of animal origin should be used, be- cause when internal wounds are stitched up, the "thread" must he slowly absorbed into the flesh. If ordinary thread or horsehair were used, dangerous inflammation would set up. : oe But catgut also has its danger he- cause, being made from the intes- tines of sheep, it often harbours germs, © Called "Brocafil" Several cases have recently occurs red where germs in catgut have come to life after an operation, causing the patients concerned to become desperately ill. This has brought about the introduction of a new gut made from the tendons of horses and cows, and the makers FOR SALE--Overcoat, new, will fit boy of 12 years, priced reasonable. Apply Leader Office. THE INN KEEPER MAKES EXCUSES "Oh, if only I had known!" Said the keeper of the inn. "But no hint to me was shown, And I didn't let them in. "Yes, a star gleamed overhead, But I couldn't read the skies, And I'd given every bed To the very rich and wise. "And she was so poorly clad, And he hadn't much to say! But no room for them I had, So I ordered them away. "She seemed tired, and it was late And they begged so hard, that I Feeling sorry for her state, In the stable let them lie. "Had I turned some rich man out Just to make a place for them, "Twould have killed beyond a doubt, All my trade in Bethlehem. "Then there came the wise men three To the stable, with the morn, Who announced they'd come to see The great King who had been born. "And they brought Him gifts of myrrh, Costly frankincense and gold, And a great light shone on her In the stable, bleak and cold. "All my patrons now are dead And forgotten; but today, All the world to peace is led By the ones I sent away. "It was my unlucky fate To be born that Inn to own, Against Christ I shut my gate Oh, if only I had known!" The depression resulting from the World war so far has cost up- wards of 250 billion dollars, which is far beyond the cost of the war itself. THE NEW PREACHER Warton has a poet and like Bobby Burns he works ithe soil. When Rev. W. IM. Lee called on this poet the old man was delighted and in the mext issue of the Wiarton Echo the following verses appeared: One dav this new and Godly mage Upon us came a-calling, He found us all "En dishabile' Which was a trifle galling. There was dirt upon our shoes ' and pants And dirt our hands did harlen; The cause of all this dirty staff Was working in the garden. [|] y A fine upstanding man was he About six foot in height, A kindly smile and merry eye And near two hundred: waight. i He took my grimy paw in his And did not bat an eye. It kind of 'warmed our heart a bit To find he's not dirt shy. We talkec of this and spoke of that But nothing much to mention; Yet through it all *e seemed to me A man of fine intention. So did we meet--so did we part, 'So mav we meet again, In true and lasting friendship charm Devoid in gossip's stain. And thus, Dear Lord, we humbly Our "vreaher man" will be A friend to rich and voor alike, A friend to you and me. . --E. Y. Jackson, Greyston Lodge, Wiarton Oct. 17. 19317. \ In 1815 at the battle of Waterloo, a British rocket brigade caused ha- voce among the French with thirtv- ineh-long incendiary rockets that onshed fire as they struck. Before they thought of boiling them in water, the ancient Egyoti~ ans used to roast their eggs in hot heds of coals. y ot If human beines had the capacity for food of a caternillar they woull eat 400 pounds of food a day. pray rlaim that it is free. Tn addition. it is claimed that this now "tread" called brocafil, is much stronger than catgut, and -am he made into lengths of as mnrh as a mile, as compared with two: or three vards maximum for cateut. Broeafil has already proved a great success in Holland, where it has heen used for even the most eoctrie operations. absolutely germ- Tem amarang 1B EE SE Eee. 01 December, Lon BRING YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY TO THE KENMORE EGG AND POULTRY POOL Eggs taken in every day. Poultry taken in every Thursday. Grading done by a Government Grader. Highest prices paid for 'both. B. WHITTEKER. In The Churchés ST. MARY'S CHURCH Russell, Ont. Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector CHRISTMAS DAY 9 a.m., Holy Communion. Sunday After Christmas December 26th, 1937 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, Dec. 26th, 1937 11 a.m., The Group around Infant Jesus. 7.30 p.m., 1937--1938. Sunday School at 10 a.m. A CHRISTIAN WELCOME TO ALL A Watch Night Service will be held on New Year's Eve, Dec. 31st, at 11 p.m. in the S.S. Hall of Russell United Church. Special music and message. Joint Choirs in attendance. Everybody come and watch the Old Year out. the NORTH OSGOODE PENECOSTAL CHURCH W. B. Greenwood, Pastor Sunday-- 11 a.m., Morning Worship. 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. Tuesday-- 7.30 p.m., Prayer Meeting. Monday-- 8 p.m., Service in Mrs. Sulivan's home, Russell. SAYS YOUNG ARE SOFT iBluenose sailormen, descendants of these iron men who sailed wood- en ships 50 years ago, are a thing of the past, in the opinion of Cap- tain Angus Walters, skipper of the Lunenburg banker Bluenose. "The pleasure-loving generation of to-day are a bunch of softies,' commented the man who took com- mand of the Bluenose when launch- ed in 1921, and has helped her keep her title ,of queen of the North At- lantic fishing fleet ever since. Future of the fishing industry in Nova Scotia was threatened by a shortage of young men willing to dare the hardships and dangers of bank fishing, the Bluenose skipper declared in an interview. He did not know if this shortage was caused by prospect of poor returns from fish- ing or whether it was "just the ef- fects of our pleasure-seeking age." Automobile, radios, dance music and other distractions lured the young men away from the sea, he said, adding that the time was not far distant when Lunenburg's fa- mous fleet would put out to sea manned by alien crews. Already there was a fair sized sprinkling of sailors from Newfoundland and other countries manning the ban- "Kers. The veteran skipper recalled the days when the Lunenburg fleet numbered "more than 60 sail," and said that number had been decreas- ed to about 30 in the last few years. He predicted that unless progres- sive changes took place, the number would continue to decrease. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS COUNTY OF RUSSELL Under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontario to me directed and delivered against the goods, zhat- tels, lands and Tenements of Ame- dee Fortier wherein Zenaide 'Chau- rette Vachon is the Plaintiff and Lumina Chaurette Fortier, the De- fendant as well as in her capacity as executrix and Universal legatee un- der the last Wil land Testament of Amedee Fortier I have taken in exec cution and will offer in the Court House, in the Town of L'Orignal cn Tuesday, the 1st day of Febrnary, AD. 1938, at the hour of 1.30 o'clock in the afterncon, all the right. title, interest and equity of redemption of the above named Amedes Fortier, in, to and out cf the following lands and tenements, namely: "Part of W part of N% of W 3-4 (209 feet square) of lot 17 in the eichth Copeession of the Municipali- ty of Clarence, County of Russell, more particularly described as fol- lows: -- Commencing at a point on s.s. of Montreal and Ottawa Railway richt-of-wa crosses the W. line of said lot. Thence E. following said S line of said right-of-way 209 feat. Thence S. and parallel with Con. line 209 feet. Thence W. 209° feet. Thence N. 209 feet to place of begin- ning." : Dated at the Sheriff's Office in the Town of L'Orignal, this 13th day of October. AD. 1937. A. LANDRIAULT, Sheriff, United Counties of Prescott and Russell. ¢51-52-1-2-3-4 NOMINATION MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS YEAR 1938 THE TOWNSHIP OF RUSSELL NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Ratepayers of the Township of Russell will be held at the Forrester Hall, Russell, on MONDAY, the 27th day of December 1937, between the hours of Twelve Noon and One.o'Clock P.M., for the purpese of nominating candidates for the Offices of Reeve, Deputy Reeve, and Three Councillors for the year 1938. If there are more Candidates nom- inated than required a POLL will be opened on MONDAY the THIRD day of January, 1938, at the usual Poll- ing Places from the hour of Nine o'Clock in the Forenoon until Five o'Clock in the Afternoon. J. A. LACOMBEL, Township Clerk th day Dated at Embrun. the I Ir IrIIrxIrrxrrxrrrxxxxyrxxxxy $000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOUR DOLLARS COME BACK Every cent you spend on Watkins Mineralized Tonics comes back to you and brings a lot more. Watkins Tonics cut feeding costs and increase production so that your profits are larger. Your hogs will go to market sooner with a better finish, your cows will give better, richer milk and your poultry will be healthier and lay more eggs. Feed Watkins Tonics for increased profits. They will pay for themselves many times over. I'll prove this to you when I call. I carry a complete line of Watkins products which will save money for you. Save your order for Extracts, Spices, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Soaps until I come your way and you will save money. . H. J. BECKSTEAD Phone 612 r 4 Russell, Ont. de... Pl pi ai EL HOLIDAY TEA -- A Holiday Tea will be held at the home of Mrs. C. F. McRae on Wednesday, Dec. 29th from 3 to 6 p.m., under auspices of Russell Women's Institute. Everybody welcome. Admimssion 25c. wleslefearilonlaideoloddontoiloctatroloctuatoidoctateclocduatoiloelatealocdotaaioctoataalocdentailoctaaoalotealocdedeilociatailoctaaosloctionionds 3 & : PEACE AND % GOODWILL PREVAIL AT THIS SEASON . . . Qoedaofealontooleed Xa pease With a feeling of intense satisfaction we look back upon a year of many pleasant associations. 3 It is our sincere desire that the measure of good- 3 will accumulated will again repeat itself for 4, 1938 with even greater prosperity. Xe Xa a HEARTIEST SEASON'S GREETINGS TO EVERYONE ! CO * > Soeteees! ie "¢ beaded 2, a RAEN EX °, " OMER MAHEU and SONS, Limited General Merchants - Embrun, Ont. 2 CCRC SR > CR eee' Looted Poe' RWC 3 Aretestaetodteitoststaitostiatectotoitoctoateidotoaeitoctodoitectateatoctratoatocteatoctoatoaloctuatealoctadesdoctunlelecdadocledidnlssdeddeds *, " Seelealedte SELHORERERRAHAENBEBORAENENN BEST WISHES : At This Season - Christmas rolls around again-- and once more we lay aside the cares of business to thank everyone for their splendid support. Here's wishing you the Happiest Christmas ever and a Prosperous New Year. RUSSELL PHAR - Russell, Ont. § It's so much easier to shop by TELEPHONE... On wet days and snowy days, on days when there is so much house- work to be done, on days when you aren't feeling up to scratch yourself or when one of the youngsters is ailing, it's great to be able to shop by tele- phone. And on fine days too, and when everything else is going right, it saves you an endless amount of tiresome traipsing around. Make the 'telephone - your market basket. | f J

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