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Russell Leader, 9 Dec 1937, p. 8

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Bazaar Held at +. The annual+Baz d aus- Mos rama aar under the aus Aid was held in the Orange Hall ernon, on Saturday evening, and Proved most successful. 'Many use- ful and fancy articles were offered for sale, including knitting, aprons fancy work, quilts, home cooking, candy, and small gift table, all of which were well patronized. A hot supper was wileh he 100 partook. © door prizes for the even Feu ik the following, Wy gg age, of Os ion; edn goode Station; 2nd Campbell. The results of the most ' gratifying, yielding over $90. Science, although achievements, g great power, and worthy of all our acknowledgements | is, however, limited in its scope, and cannot sustain this infinity called splendid in its Presbyterian Ladies' | fi y 1 A Pa } i pi ¥ - ] \ | MARVELVILLE Mrs. Isaac Griffith visited: daughter, Mrs. N. McCormick, | | day evening. Mrs. Mr. and Willie Rob; || and family visited . and served from 5.30 to 8, of Fisher; 3rd, Mor Lorne evening were | green tea "TEA 17 | led on friends || Sunday. John Hill, Vernon, on Sunday. _ The W.M. held their annual m Ing at the home of Mrs. W. Fa | on Thursday afternoon. All offic || weer re-elected. Mr. L. M. Brunton has purchas a new car. = Congratulations La rence. | Lizzie Robinson made a busin trip to Kenmore last Thursday. Mr. Geo. Lewis from Daimnl called on Mr. N. J. McCormick l: week. . companied by Mrs. Jas. Brunt made a business trip to the Capi: Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Robinson ci in New Russell ih He who 'would live from what || e knows, and provision his beine | with nothing but Sn 1) so-called 'positive order, would perish of inanition.-- Charles 'Wagner. 206%6%.6% 4% <%.s% 0 0 JI Poses! 200% ¢% Pest t Shoadoadeaienioatent PIR Dread dntede ited OUR CLASSIFIED #, SECTION lrdsadeodosdeedeeodoodondesdocdeditintostontosdosdodont STRAYED -- From the premises of | the undersigned during the last Me week of November, 1937, 5 Hol- [ge stein Calves. "Anyone knowing of les their Wheerabouts, notify JAMES ay PARK, Kenmore, Ont. res re FOR SALE--Connor Hand Washer or- and Wringer, in good oly The oY e Priced reasonable. Apply The Leader Office. y evs CUSTOM GRINDING--Monday a Thursday of each week. Mill at Russell Eastman farm, Marvelville, § Ont. Phone 608-24. oid TO RENT: Hayes property in Russell | to distribute household, farm, me- dicinal and alimentary products in reserved territories. Cash Terms. Fair Profits. No Risk. Splendid opportunities for willing workers. Complete information. WRITE FAMILEX PRODUCTS CO. 570 St. Clement St., Montreal. 48-47 MEN! PERSONAL GET VIGOR AT NEW OSTREX Tonic contain raw oyster and other stimulants. Peps up organs, glands. ONCE! Tablets invigorators One dose If not certitudes of the m= TANTE Rau aXe J -- were so kind to us during our recent bereavement and also for the beau- tiful floral offerings. SEED GRAMN SUGGESTIONS The Ontario Department of Agri- culture has just completed a care- ful survey of the seed situation for the spring seeding of 193% survey indicates that there is now sufficient oats province to look after the 1988 seed) requirments PROVIDED, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Brunton | Mr. Norman McCormick made || business trip to Ottawa on Saturd: Miss Agnes Fader spent Sunds: || at her home. . | BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Robe BY || Wade, on Dec. 1, 1937, a girl. Co, gratulations. ™ Sharon Wynne the car. Rodney caught her. His ¢ suddenly tightened as her face upturned to his. Their lips met and clung. Nati ly. Inevitably. "Oh, Rodney!" Gay whispered He kissed her again as she c| to him. Then---- "No, Gay, honey," he said hus] "We--from the first, I haven't 1 able to think of anyone but yg but we must not . . . " Afraid of Mother | "You mean -- " Gay remembe what Irene had said ("You --Rent $12.00 a month. Apply] fool him but you couldnt fool at Leader Office. "ctf46 | | mother.") -- "You mean = . CARD OF THANKS MEN -- (Ambitious, active, trust- We wish to express our .sincere' worthy, preferably with car, ex-| thanks and appreciation to our perience helpful but not essential, | many friends and neighbours who --Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McVey and Family. FOR SPRING OF 1938 This and barley in the Miss Margaret Wood, of Ottaw { and Mr. Henry Wood, of Vankleeg| Hill, are spending a few days an the home of Mrs. W. A. Wood. Mr. Wm. Sharpe has returned i the employment of Mr. Rgbert RY: bertson. Iy > WATCH The Leader For Qur Announcement for Thrifty Christmas Shoppers Beautiful, New Imported and Domestic Christmas Gifts in Quality Merchandise | O. MAHEU & SONS LIMITED Embrun Miss Louise Stearns, of Dalmer® spent the week-end a+ hop hot, . 1 here. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bruntou! spent Sunday with Mr. and M: gp Hugh Fader. id Mr. Russell Eastman is engagi Ji in threshing these days. Mrs. Wm. Fader, Mrs. Chas. F: der and Messrs. James and Hug Fader attended the funeral of the & cousin, Mrs. Arthur Swerdfager Van Camps on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Charles Brunton called of | Mrs. Olin Stearns on Wednesday ai ternoon. ; a Mr. George Hay has Mr. Milfor | Brunton in his employment at pres® qi Several of our young people at¥ tended the Commencement of the] Kenmore Continuation School ol. © Saturday evening. Y. P. S. MEETING The Y.P.S. held their regulal meeting in the church on Friday evening. Miss Little presided dur ing the worship period. Miss Var: Brunton gave a splendid talk en titled "Intemperance." The recrea tion led by Mr. Harold Brunton was; enjoyed by all. é The W.M.S. held their December meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. ¢ Fader on Thursday afternoon. Lo obinson gave a chapters of ed. Mrs. H.. C. svnopsis on one of the the W.M.S. study book. Mrs. John Stearns read a paper paying tribuie Mrs. McVey was the organizer of the W.M.S. here in 1909 and hac. always taken an active part in ite work. Mrs. Stearns presided du to the memory of Mrs. Wm. MeVeyy' In The Churches ST. MARY'S CHURCH Russell, Ont. Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Third Sunday in Advent December 12th, 1937 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer. ST. JAMES CHURCH Edwards, Ontario Rev. J. H. Turley, B.A., Rector Third Sunday in Advent December 12th, 1937 3 p.m., Evening Prayer. 2.30 p.m., Sunday School. NORTH OSGOODE PENECOSTAL CHURCH W. B. Greenwood, Pastor Sunday-- 11-a.m., Morning Worship. 7 p.m., Evangelistic Service. Tuesday-- 7.80 p.m., Prayer Meeting. Jas. Brunton, the president, presid-"Monday-- 8 p.m., Service in Mrs. Sulivan's home, Russell. RUSSELL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Thos. McNaught, B.D., Minister Sunday, December 12th, 1937 11 a.m.--""The Momentous Tidings delighted, maker refunds price paid--$1.85, Call, write Steele! Lrg Store, 2 a | MCE Lie M 17-1938 a BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BE RR Ra an JOHN B. WOODS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Commissioner for Quebec 33 Main St. W., Hawkesbury Telephone 168 - Residence 224 Special attention to collection and ¥ Commercial matters, Qredestostostosdendadadududectecdostosdoddoddoctidudocioctododsd HALL & HALL Barristers, Solicitors, Ete. Vankleek Hill, Ont. Qoafoadociondoafosdoadeafateadeidredridedododredodiodeoiodoled LAFLEUR & POTHIER Lorenzo Lafleur - Hubert Pothier i i iv ithin Avocats - Barristers quest. Where farmers live wi . driving and trucking distance of Office at J. A. Lacombe, Embrun nower cleaning plants that have Wednesday Evenings. scourers and carter disc machines, 46 Rideau Street, Ottawa Telephone Rideau 7260 A E. H. CHARLESON, B.A, LL.B. Monday in Each Week, office over. McEwen & Stephenson's Store Russe! Ottawa Office: McNulty, Berger & Charleson, 74 Sparks St., Ottawa. Telephone Queen 298 McILRAITH & McILRAITH Barristers and Solicitors 56 Sparks St., Ottawa Telephone Queen 5440 Metcalfe Office open every . Wednesday afternoon Dune. A. Mcllraith - Geo. J. McJlraith 20. oso bectsstoctetectoitetectectets BE A a 4 J. EE JOHNSTON Funeral Director and Embalmer Phone Metcalfe Rural 47 r 32 Day and Night KENMORE - - ONTARIO C. E. L. MORROW, B.Sc., M.D.C.M. Physician and Surgeon Offices at Russell and Metcalfe Russell office open Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday afternoons, or by appointment. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m. Tel. Russell 40 - Metcalfe 30 of coursz that every farmer will immediatel) have the best of his grain clean ! and set aside for his seeu. any farmers appear to think that because] their grain this year is off colour and a little under standard in weight that it will not make suit- able seed, but tests already made | shows that when this and under-weight grain has he thoroughly cleaned up t* cut in some instances, ¢ was secured which g high_as 90 p.c. If this NOW the cleaned out used for feed. : With this in view the Department feels that if Ontario farmers follow out some policy there will be no great shortage of seed next spring. They will have seed of known varie- ty and origin and will not be oblig- ed when spring comes to buy un- known seed, probably at very high prices or use weedy ungerminatad feed grain. : Many farmers have a fanning mill of some description, which with a little repair and an extra screen or two, will clean grains. The cor- rect screens, of course, are import- ant, and should any farmer be in doubt, the Department will be glad to furnish this information on re- > it will pay them to have their clean- ine done at one of these plants. What is most important is that the farmers start now so that the cleaning and germinating can be done properly and not leave it until a spring rush develops. Germination testy are slow and often more than one test is necessary for satisfac- tory results. : To make a germination test in your home, put a piece of blotting paper on a plate with just enough water to keep it damp. Spread a de- finite number of seeds, say 100 on top of the blotting paper, and cover with another piece of blotting paper Put this in a fairly warm place, about room temperature (70 deg. F) keeping the blotting paper moist through the test. At the end of six to ten days. if it is oats. barley or wheat, count the healthy normal off-coloured [ent o+ = ing the elegtion of ce whichis God." Tesulted Inge eSNG, | . 7.30--%"A Look at Japan." Ing their posit] ihe (ffcers contin Sunday School 10 hg : ons for anot] : President, Mrs. James another yeat| AChristian Welcome to All re; ; 2 $ er ive "Wr, gin Stearns; trans "7.8. Christmas Tree Thurs. Dec. 23 I. and Mx»re 10, 35 'he five odors which the average son dislikes most are garde, . ber, lard, kerosene and raw fish. 'he Tarahumare Indians of Mexi- o. we€leo rarely keep horses and never pigs. because pigs are held to be Spaniards in disguise. sawn trat feeling of snristmas and speaking of 'Christ- LETTER OF APPRECIATION FROM THE WEST United Church Manse, Siltone Sask., Nov. 1, 1937. Dear Mr. McNaught: I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my own appreciation and that of the comrss=mity for the splendid car of potatoes and vege- tables which arrived here on Friday morning and were distributed to the needy families. We also received letters from a number of donors which will receive due recognition. We tried to visualize our good friends in Eastern Canada as' they brought their donations to the car. We distributed its contents as fairly as possible. All glasses of people par- ticipated in the privilege. (Roman Catholic and Protestant). Mr. Robt. Brown, our secretary, will write you more fully. He, with others, worked diligently in the dis- tribution of the produce. T feel sure that this kindly act on the part of your people will tend to bind East and West all the more closely. Glad to say prospects for 1938 are much more promising, We have had wonderful rains this fall and farmers are more hopeful. Of course, this is a "next year" country. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF RUSSELL Election Act, R.S.0. 1927, Chapter 8. Extract of election expenses of Dr, Philip B. Proudfoot, candidate, elec tion of October 6th, 1937, made une der Section 199 of the Ontario Elec- tion Act. ' ELECTION EXPENSES Re: Printing: ........ 0.2... $ 85.00 Postage 125.00 Ottawa Papers... 54.00 Transportation. ......~ 25.00 Meals .. 5.00 Clerical Help ..... .. ... _. .. 50.00 TOTAL ... ... $ 444.00 J. C. HAMILTON, Official Agent, Russell, Ont. TAKE NOTICE that the accounts mentioned above will be kept in my office for a period of six months from December 1st, 1937, which accounts can be examined by any voter. ~ J.'A,CASAULT, Returning Officer, 110 Montreal Road, EASTVIEW, Ont. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF RUSSELL Election Act, R.S.0. 1927, Chapter 8. Extract of election expenses of Mr. Joseph Cyr, candidate, election of October 6th, 1937, made under Section 199 of the Ontario Election Re: Act. . ELECTION EXPENSES Printing $ 50.10 Postage: =~... a 37.50 } Advertising - 64.00 Transportation... 2 35.00 Meals 12.50 Clerical Help... ff = yn. 15.00 Rent of Halls... ~~ 97.00 Telephone and Telegraph... 18.55 TOTAL... ..... $ 329.65 J. H. NIXON, Official Agent, Osgoode, Ont. TAKE NOTICE that the accounts mentioned above will be kept in my office for a period of six months from December 1st, 1937, which accounts can be examined by any voter. J. A. CASAULT, Returning Officer, 110 Montreal Road, EASTVIEW, Ont. Due to the evaporation of a cone siderable quantity of moisture through the eggshell, an egg actu- ally weighs more when freshly laid than it does immediately before the chick hatches. your work. Please express our gra- titude to your people. Very sincerely yours, A. C. McCALLUM. Minister of United Church, Long- Let me wish you every blessing in laketon charge in Regina Presbytery. PRICES REASONABLE deodsaissleaieilsdriionioadiaodsiiond bos! os CX a 00.6% 4% ba®¥% ef °, he LEO BISSONNETTE *, CS °. Los} Embrun Harness and Shoe Repair Shop WE HAVE MOVED OUR BUSINESS TO THE SHOP FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MR. LABONTE, BUTCHER. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER WORK GUARANTEED EMBRUN, ONT. mas do vou realize that but a few short weeks separate us from Christms and the preparatory hustle and bustle of shopping. In connec- I tion with shopping did you know | *hat The Leader advertisers have prepared their shops and enlarged | Christmas and preparatory hustle that means that you can get worth- while Christmas gifts from those same advertisers at very reasonable prices. ; 'Why not visit their stores--give them a chance to show you their merchandise--They will appreciate 1832 wour patronage. Try it. WHO DID WRITE "THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR?" An article in The American Week- ly. with the December 12 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, will ex- nlain that nobody seems able to settle whether the tearful American saloon classic is having its 65th an- niversary or merely its 50th......... oie and presenting the versions of its "origin" by BOTH its living and dead "authors." } percentage germination. x Should you desire 'to have this germination made by the Dominion Seed Department, then it will be necessary to send a one poun' sample of your seed properly labei- led, addressed to -- Dominion Seed Branch, 86 Collier street, Toronto, "or all samples in South-western Ontario from and including Ontario "0. Muskoka and Parry Sound Dis- 'ricts: for Eastern Ontario all the Coast area Fast and North of the above mentioned line should be addressed 10 sprouts (not just everything that! '~ TDominon Seed Branch, Jackson Coast sorouts) and from thiy calculate the ™-ilding, Ottawa. " | Canada | | BRING YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY TO THE ° | KENMORE EGG AND POULTRY POOL ji pal Eggs taken in every day. Pan Hi Poultry taken in every Thursday. DOMINICAN Li Grading done by a Government Grader. ® ih Highest prices paid for both. ons. iin BOSTON. Hit EE rR er Er LONDON, ENGLAND |||] | B. WHITTEKER. Helpful Service . . . WITH over a century of success- ful experience behind it this Bank stands ready and willing to render helpful service with any banking problem. World-wide facilities in every department of banking Ihe BANK of NOVA SCOTIA OVER A CENTURY OF BANKING SERVICE 3713 wir

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