Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 29 Jul 1937, p. 1

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21 Ms. eC eS 0° Xi RX TE Ba Foor ® ot The Russg 11 RUSSELL, L; ONTARIO. SERVING THE COUNTIES OF RUSSELL AND PRESCOTT PRESCOTT, ONT, THURSDAY, JULY 29th, 1937 = = : No. 30 > 4 & ) : i SPECIALS! % ® i oe 3 3 2 a 4 § 3 5 Read Below for a Few of Our Prices for Friday and 3 3 Saturday, July 30 and 31 & kX & SEALER RUBBERS -- per dozen 6c % 4 " CO * e 0 5 CANNED PINEAPPLE -- per tin 10c JAM FILLED BISCUITS 2 lbs. for 21c LARGE BOTTLES TOMATO CATSUP 25-0z. size 15¢ ea. PITTED DATES -- 2 Ibs. for 22¢ Ladies Art Silk HOSE--Assorted Colors--per pair ___ 29¢ $140.00 worth off Embassy Dinnerware received a few oh e "s 2 $0500, > bo Hes PX & - ". °, > "s' , %s' > ®, *" . Xa > 0 osdeifoe does % 0604, RD "s' & days ago--to be given away-- ASK FOR COUPONS. & § DOMESTIC SHORTENING -- 4-1b. package for ____ 55¢ 5 2 GET OUR PRICES ON BINDER TWINE. & * "8 > ~ " > Cocoa per lb. 12¢ Strawberry Jam 8-0z. jar 10c Gillett's Lye 2 tins 23¢ Ta ee "8% % > 0.0% 's $e "s 2 roe] "s Men's Fancy Sox per pair 19¢ Handy Ammonia pkg. 8c EX "> " Kkovah Jelly Maker per pkg. 13¢ Ey ees "s es® Xo > Men's Invisible Braces 19¢ pair 0S Super Suds pkg. 8c New Cabbage per head 5c % "8 joe oo "8 Channel's Fly Spray Imperial gal 95c¢ Free Running Salt |. New Stock per box 5¢ Coal Oil per gal 18¢ "s oo, " ot, by " joe " "* New Apples for pie--7 lbs. 25¢ Rice 3 lbs. 19¢ McArthur - Warner General Merchants and Funeral Directors 24-HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE RUSSELL, ONT. TELEPHONE 11 " EX X TX " RS 4 > , " s' Q e " > ° "8 CaS ee Xo o> RS oa esdodocdoadeddsdododeatoateidedtodestostitidoddealistudtoddoctoadatiidocdodeadi ede idodeadestustuctoadesd SS CRaaXaX "% = "a 9, 4% RS Eve Service Thirty-five years of successful Optical Practice should guide your footsteps to Beattie's Eye Service, cor. Gladstone and Bronson, Ottawa. Beanie If you want to see as you should see you will see BEATTIE'S EYE SERVICE Scientific Eye Examinations Specialists on all Visual and Muscular Eye Defects. KATHLEEN M. ROLLINS, Professional Optometrist T. T. BEATTIE, Professional Optometrist General Electric Announce the New 1938 Battery and Batteryless RADIOS INQUIRE AT THE GENERAL ELECTRIC SHOP FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THESE NEWER MODELS AND NEW LOW PRICES ! A G. E. Radio is a welcome addition to the home as a desirable piece of furniture or as an instrument that will give you and your family endless hours of enjoyment. INQUIRE NOW ! RUSSELL G. PHAIR RUSSELL - ONT. EMBRUN HARNESS SHOP-- Harness Repairing - New Harness Boots and Shoe Repairing A 1 Job Guaranteed LEO. BISSONNETTE EMBRUN, ONT. "ol Shi the guesis of LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Lizzie Morrice called on Mr. and Mrs. John Morrice on Thursday. Miss Carrie Wynn of Ottawa spent | the past week in Russell. Miss Lizzie Morrice called on Mrs. Geo. Morrice on Wednesday evening. Miss Edna Pillar of Prescott is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Edward Wynn of Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Scharfe of Edwards visited Mr. and Mrs. Hora- tio MacDonald during the week. spending a few holidays mother, Mrs. Andrew Fitzpatrick. family spent Sunday with Mr. and | Mrs. Robert Morrice. Powell in Ottawa on Saturday. quois spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Little. Miss Vic Olsen of Ottawa spent the week-end in Russell the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Saunders of Ot- tawa, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Le Maistre. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Higginson and sons, Kenneth and Harold, of Kin- burn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morrice. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalgleish and family of Detroit, Mich., have been spending a few holidays with the lat- ter's father, Mr. Ken. Dalgleish. Miss Helen Burns of Almonte is spending a few holidays here, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Me- Ewen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Morrice and children, Peter and Elaine, of Ot- tawa, spent last Monday and Tues- day afternoon with Mrs. Geo. Morrice and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morrice and family. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Garible oi Trenton, N.J., are spending Wir. ail John dGangae Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carson and) fam- ily of Detroit, Mich., are spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carson. Mrs. E. C. Adams of Ottawa has returned home after spending a few day in Russell at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burton, Master Richard Burton and Miss Kathleen Woodman, visited at Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morrice's on Wednesday eve. Mr. Ernest Brown, former local school teacher, now attending Queen's University, Kingston, was a guest of Mr. J. Twiname for the week-end. Despite the rains of the past few days, water in the Castor river is extremely low and judging by the odor eminating from the water, said water is more than stagnant. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison have returned from Trenton where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Harrison. While there Cpl. W. G. Harrison, R.C.A.F., was transferred to Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burton, Mrs. : Geo. Morrice, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Morrice and family, and the Misses Velva and Irene Campbell were visi- | tore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | John Morrice, on Sunday evening. Mr. C. B. Routley, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos Carson, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Sparks, have returned home after spending a few days at Charbot Lake, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Allen. Rev. Thos. McNaught was cailed to Cobden on Tuesday to conduct the funeral of the late Mr. Silas E. Morris. Funeral was held from the United Church. Mr. Morris was a member of one of Mr. MecNaught's former congregations and was 2 personal friend of his. for many years. Miss Lizzie Morrice, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with her cousin, Mrs. Geo. Hay, North Russell. The Misses Velva and Irene Camp- | bell are soending their holidays with | their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. I Morrice. Work is progressing nicely on the new bridge spanning the Castor in the village and said bridge is cer- tainly a splendid one. Of single span with a foot path on one side and standards for electric lights at either ends, the new bridge is a credit to the powers that put it there. How- ever we must give Dame Nature her share of the credit because she cer- tainly put over a splendid job of re- moval and if Dame Nature hadn't re: moved the old lanmark, we natives would still be doing a sort of glorified "hula Lua over the old one. Mrs. R. F. Allen of Charbot Lake! is spending a few holidays with her | parents; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Carson. | i Mrs. Arthur White of Toronto a with her | and able to go about her home until Mr. and Mrs. N. Higginson and | OBITUARY : MRS. THOMAS' STEINBURG Thege passed to her reward early 'Monday morning, July 19th, an od and highly respected resident of Hilton Beach, Ont., in the person of Mrs. Thomas Steinburg, in her 91st year. "Deceased whose maiden name was Katharine [McLaren was born at Felton, Ont. in 1846. She was the ei¢est daughter of the late Peter McLaren and his wife Margaret Mc- Gregor. Thomas Steinburg of who survives. n Deceased had been in good health Morewcod; two weeks before her death. Left t5 mourn the loss ofsa devoted wife +27 loving mother are. her husband, the j Messrs. Hackett and Chester Cher- | ry attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. McCaslin of Iro- | William ,€ain. one son" William; of Hilton Beach; four daughters, Mrs. John R. Mat- | heson, Sault" Ste. Marie, Ont.; Mrs. Richard's Landing, Ont. : Mrs. William Wood, Hilton Sra gr. ake Berk, Ont. and Miss Grace Stein burg, at home; afso eighteen grana- children ands several great grand- children and one niece, Mrs. James 8. Graham, Russell, Ont. Interment was at Hiltoa "Beach. The sympathy of the community oes out to the sorrowing friends, H FORMER REEVE OF CUMBERLAND DEAD One of the best known and most respected residents of Leonarq, Ont., Richard James" Moffatt, for- mer reeve of Cumberland, died on Saturday at his home after a leng- | thy illness. He was 72 years of age. { : 'Born in Leonard, he was a son of date Mr. and Mrs. J. Moffatt, i came from one of the older cy families 'of the ' districr. v years in his, youth fe gion bo ffilowii ak L309 eoT Melvin, he moved to Leonard agam- For three years Mr. Moffatt con- ducted a general store there but later took over a farm 'which he operated for the rest of his life. Mr. Moffatt enjoyed the warm' esteem of a host of friends through- out the district. For one year, 1928-1929, he was reeve of Cumber- land, but did not seek re-election. He was a member of the Anglican church in Leonard and belonged to the Orange Lodge. Surviving him besides his widow are six daughters, Mrs. 'C. H. Mar- shall, Fastview; Mrs. Robert Bick- nell, Bedworth, Ont.; Mrs. Carleton Farmer and Mrs. C. Wright, Cum- berland, and the Misses Muriel and Mary, at home; three sons, Lyman, Wright and Melvin, all of Leonard, and a brother, Herbert, Belmont, Man. The funeral was held Monday at 2 p.m. from his late home to Trinity Anglican church, Bear Brook, for service. Interment was made in Bear Brook cemetery. YOUNGSTERS SWIM RIVER Three aspiring young water babies summering at Point Iroquois Pine Tree summer resort on Monday swam the River St. Lawrence. They were taken to the American side in a row- boat by George MacCaffrey of Rus- sell, and plunged into the water and swam the one and a half miles to the Canadian shore. They were in the water about 20 minutes. The current at the Point runs at about ten miles a minute but the youngsters enjoyed it to the fullest extent. They were Emily MacCaffrey, aged 13; John Lee, 15, of Ottawa, and Jack Davies, 14, of Winchester. -- Brockville- Recorder Times. COMING EVENTS A garden party will be held Friday evening, Aug. 6th, at the | home of Russell E. Young under the auspices of St. Mary's Angli- can Ladies' Guild. Keep this date in mind. You maybe the luncky winner of the gate prize. See bills for further particulars. COMING EVENT The Young People's Union of the United" Church, Kenmore, will hold a lawn social in the Kenmore rink, Tuesday evening, August 3rd, at 8 o'clock, featuring "Mr. Jack and His Stars of To-morrow," of CRCO, Ot- tawa. We have all heard these stars over the air. : Here is a greater treat, why not see them in person? Refreshments served on European In 1880 he was married sto © TS - ENTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE -- A scientifically made tooth paste by Parke Davis & Co designed for cleaning and beautifying the teeth, for preventing discoloration and decay, and -for protecting the mouth and throat against germ 'infection. Just 25c per tube. We Also Carry' TOOTH BRUSHES--25¢, 35¢, 40c, 50c. Have YOU tried FITCH'S DANDRUFF SHAMPOO-- Dissolves and removes dandryff, cleansing the scalp from all foreign matter. Only 55¢ bottle. Buy a bot- ~ tletoday. 5 YOUR FAMILY DRUGGIST . J. L. STEELE, Phm., B. = There Is Only One FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 4 MASTER MODELS 4 DE LUXE MODELS PRICED FROM $195.00 and up installed McArthur Motor Sales RUSSELL, ONT. - - TELEPHONE 44 DI a Eo oa XD vo a SE RE Re XXX XE XEN ] BX D3 z 3 r 4 <Q : EX eo 2 , oo! 3. "a 0% XX 3 € ureavest I k) ke MAKES THE WORLD YOUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR 3 and CE § MARCONI HAS 7 NEW FARM RADIOS 4 3 now on the market for your approval. ? % Come in and see for yourself the advantageous $ + of Marconi "year ahead' models. 4 { BUY MARCONI QUALITY -- COSTS NO MORE. % 3 3 3 oe 8 9 "8 2, oe Seeafofeaions ' 04 2, 5! O. Maheu & Sons 3 3 i LIMITED z D3 $ *% : EMBRUN - ONT. % J Qedededdedededodedfododadodededadodeddadodededodededododededdodededoddedeods peegregesfasfostestestosiesiestertsedesfo test: BX ¥ Did Dad, Mother, Sister or Big Brother Promise or 4 i Suggest a Watch as a " 4 3 °0e 3 ' £3 sgraauation rresent : 3 + i : z & for the Good Work Accomplished during the EX ® E> ool 9 4 Last School Year? °, Lad "8 3 If is a Desirable Gift--and a lasting one. > 4 FOR THE GIRLS-- % % 15 Jewel movements from $7.50 up--or 5 % The Dainty and Desirable Lady Bulova priced from £ & $24.75 to $42.50. > *, XD © LZ od °, s' FOR THE BOYS-- 15 Jewel movements from $7.50 up-- or The Rugged and Masculine Bulova priced from $24.75 to $49.50. Liberal Trade Allowance on Your Old Watch. RUSSELL G. PHAIR RUSSELL - ONT. >. * > 0s' a4 SS °. aaa CRIN) RR o id *, > s* -, 0 XA XX) ° o * Rt EAR aS 90% id boo} 048, ($944 CA) AXE) °, a Ses o o*%* > 2, % od 0, * > 03 os, * 208% > La , $0" CARD Xd a EX Las , 5 os 2, 2S 00.6% 63042042050 4% %0 4% 204% Co 4% 05.6% 6% 4%06% 0% 6% + 9, POX DIIN INE IXENTX EXER IX SRR NCNE NEE RENN NE RE REP RENN N00 20 00 RC NCTE RE RE NCR M0 REE REE ARE VERNON PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOC. +00 Cate ob : -- Presents the Play -- : £ 6 . > 3 : "A Poor Married Man : 3 In Kenny's Hall % ON FRIDAY, JULY 30TH, at 8.00 o'clock p.m. % 0 XIX ddd "s' Under the Auspices of RUSSELL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Admission 25c and 15¢ Admission 25¢ and 15c. plan. Deis ES eedesfeaioaioideaiondeddeionoidraionodsidealodridoalondodralodeddefofoedraloadoadradeateatradealond RO RN RR as, Adal ddd sedd essed fs ful wd RA ME 2 2 ds mca

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