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Russell Leader, 3 May 1935, p. 1

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Fist Ma Ent THE ONLY NEWS PAPER PUBLISHED IN RUSSELL COUNTY Epp ves fos RH RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MY .3 1230 CE YOUR COLUMN Rev. H. P. Mer-hy, of the Cobourg Baptist Church, who preachea here Suncay. remai ed ov r tocondect the fureral of Mrs, Ronan. Mr. A. A. Fraser is in Cum- berland township, norih of Navas, this week dcing carpe: ter work, Mr. Bert Romtough left cm Monday (0 accept 2 po ition at Be mont with the C. M. Ps Mr. Wm, Boothe, accompasled b his motheg, Mrs. M: gk Boothe, attended the funeial of per cousin, Mrs. Golightly. at Cu.nbesland, who was 98 years of age. One of the famous grey Pergher on stallions which are being placed around the country this 8¢A800, i8 reported 10! e coming tO Russel} pexc week. Plum trees are in blocm, just about a month la er thau usuai. Miss Helea Rombough is : pend, in town, gecuper ating after her recent operation Miss Estber Stevesson heard from her nxams, [ast week aud received first class honors in one ubject, with secord clas % in t.e oth rs, in her fus: ye r ai Queen's Kes. J. C. Turley, who bas been curate at Si. Ge'rgeS Church, Ottawa, bas been ap' pointed Rectcr of ths Ru eel shar e of the Aogican Church. Dr. Ro. hon hed Court of Re. vision here yesterday. Ver few ehang.s were made. When Ms. Roy Léng went to awaken his only son, El ner aged 17, yesterday morning he did not answer when epolen to and on touching him fouad he « as dead. Stunred by the shock, a doctor wes summoned, and sai he had .tawa, where she died. LEE en Russeli United Church Rev Thos McNaught B.D. Minister 11 A M.--The Extra-Ordi. nary Claims of Chriss. 730 P. M=Tte Swerd that Chr gt Brought. Sunday Sc¢roel--10 A M. A Chretian Welcome to aj MRS. NEL-ON ONAN On Sunday morniag last there passed away at an Ottawa hospital a former reside it of this towr, Mrs Neilson Ronan, after havisg bee . ill for absu: six years, Deceas: d, whose maiden name was Miss Nelie Mclones, was| raised in Cumberlend townnohip, and about 35 years ago came to Ruszell as the bride of Mr. Ronan, and iived here wu ti] about two years ago, when she wmovid to Ct=, For ho past six years she had seffer. d from ara mia and comp!i- cat vis, a d was talien 10 the ag pital on >aturd y m roiug, where 'she lived uv tl Sunday, 'he fur tra! tack place Tuesday afternoon from Cttama to the Un. ited Chur.h her , where service was corductsd by Kev. Morphy of Cobou g Bap'ist Chnrch assist. ed by Kev, (hos. M Naught, of Rus ell United Church, Rev H. Moliine, of Fcurth wvapus Ba-, tist Church, Ottawa, who eang a beauti u! soc, anp - ev. T§ Fj Shaver. of Richmo: d Interme it was made in the Ronea pot in the Methodist cemetery, She leaves to survive an ad, obted daugbies, Jean' ann some nieces znd n:phewns, Sympathy is extended o the bereaved. A very quiet wdddi. g tock place ou. S.turday afternoon last, at passed away mma hjg sleep and bag ben dead for seme u.mer Tie ad had never been strong, but was always fairly we'l and chege, ful. He had complaineZ of being pilious on Tuegy, and during the night had peen uneasy, but ealied to his mother that he w 8 Brittarnia Heights, when Miss Edna Mildred "ay, youngest daunghtet of Mr. Jas, York and the jatze Mrs. York, was united in marrig-e to Mr, George Milton 'We may nct be as bright 8 Some, and n° one can ay %€ Lave souzbt honors. for 12 yeas we have eea ignored, passsd cver otherwise sli, hted by diff. renticrn, a zations, Frem now on, #8 lonh as we remale, fany ¢ ub or: gaaiz.tion or secieiy wh give 1s thie shcrt end cannot use Of c.lumsns un ess he sp ce is paid tor. And ws don't m an ra be Ms. D. P. Gormley returned ircm (he hospital on Minday anu 8s doing mideyaalter h. recent opciations.é Mr. Jas. D:c psey, son of Dir. 20d Mrs, Russell Demps:y, was op:ratcd on for appe.~1 i'i= mm an Ottaw. hoapitel last neck and it repoited doinz well. TENL ERS FOR WORK AT N. R. CE wETE.Y Tendeis will be rec 1.ed up wo 12 o'clock noon of Sa urday ,May 26 h. for spading, diggirg und \-velling, the por h eas corner tegonming at porth post of the miacie gate to the porth ede, chience to i ird fenc: post west from roaa thence s uth tc middie walk, Lowest or any tender not pee. + 85arliy accepted. For further particulars apply to Ctus. Hitsnan or R. N. Hemlil, ton, Tenders to be given te ary o. ibe toliowing-- M. kwpcialey i o A. E. Hamilton Wm. Hamiiton COURT QR REVISION Take Notice 'hat tue Court cf Revision on the 1935 Assesment R.11 of the To rship of Osgoode wi! be h:ld in THE TOWNSHIF'TALL MET: nL; E TUESDAY, bc 4s DAY OF JUNI 1¢8% At the hoer of 1.30 O'Clock p.m Ail parties having basine:s with W.iker, only son of Mr, and Mrs Andrew \ alker, ty Rev. LS. Hughson, In the presence of only all right except for @ headache. Phe shosk has heen reat to the parents, to whom tne sy mpatey o! the community g =8 out. I te funeral will be held Friday afternocs at 2 o'clock. Fuller a. ticulars next week We regret to report that Mrs. Dan McBcnald, othe Oth. of Osgoode, is dead, after 81 il ness of several years. Her husband predeceased curing the winter, The funeral is being hel today. Me. H, A. Cordell i+ n the city owing te the sericus i Iness of her mother. The repairs on the bridge arc mde and are a big improve nent. A new bridge is what is needled, however. The many friends of Mr Agt White wil! reget to learn that he cied as the re:ult ol a motor accident in Togoaro | Bt week He was buried in Toron 0, on Morday. Lhe sym atay of ali is svtended to his widow and sof, goging friends. mm diate friends of the comtr-ct parties, : The happy couple left on a sho! hon¢ymoon by motor to Montreal and E-stern pcict Both sre p pulag and ths best of all are extended for a happy and proaperous married life, Mr. Hubert C chrane h:s put a new asphalt rcot on his ho 'se, which adds greatly to its appear, ance. Hub rt sas the depress on ® not over--iue ther are the rains. On Sunda: :<t rhe Services in the Unt-o Chu, gh wese cond ueted reawMels e in the variou sci ois in the dis'r ct. Une acted a: conductor of the Ser vice, one read th. scripture, another i. din prayer, while the pastor delvered the messagz. Th: proceedingswers viry ii teresting and instructive. Mr. a:d Mrs Wm, Stearns of Whitcey Eont, N.Y. have been :pend ng the week ith thei. brotbers and s = ers in his disti,ct the szil Cour. of Kevislon wi} will please govern themselves ac. cocding'y Thi: i «'udes pimes tob: added to the Voters' Li-t R R F. B'AIR, Clerk' Township of Osgood Dated at Metcalfe this 14th, day of May, 1935. NOTIGE COURT OF REVI3ION Town:hip of Russell Moiice is hereby gives that the First Sitting sf tte Cort of Re~ vition for the Township of Russell, to revise the Assessment Rell for the Municipality for the year 1935 will be held on TUESDAY, the At 10.08 c'clock A. M. in the Forester's Hall. Russell, and at 2.00 o'clock P. M. in the Munici pal Hall. Embrun. J. A. Lacombe, Clerk Dated at Embrun, this 10th. day of May, 1935. | Named Varielies 4th, day of TUNE. 1935 as foljows, | = Kodak Sas oh Ia with us the year round, but Pright Sunny Days suggest th@ taking of Pictures '0 remember certain everts We carr the East® man Kodak and Brownie Films, ordinary and v.r chrome. We also attend to your Developing and Prin ing . SEASONABLE *UGGESTIONS Belay Coto Pads....caeesvunsn-isiini.en.. civ. eens. 25 Cones Nal Comm Cree un suss zr soone. van rs. ve 30 vans nnne v2 CONES Schools Corn, Bu .icn or Ca lors pads ) » Bu. ds, c.ea....£8 cent FOR MOSQUITOE:-- . Oui of Citronella--to prevent biting. ... .......cevu.n... ..25 cents Mecurochrome--to combat infection, STEELE, Phone 3() es see ves 25 cents OE een smtp © 1b ar 4 FOR GRADUATION A BEAUTIFUL WATCH BULOVA MON1ROSE LA SALLE Thit yerr altoauliful new waich vill te g vem away at half price, to the Iscky name at which the haads stop oo the large clogk ia the d'splay window. my Op+a topils in Entrange Classes and H'gh Schools Those mot atiending Ru<sell Schoo ki dl call and have youl now placed co the clock da'; - Make your choice of any watch in stack, The clock starts Juae 1st RUSSELL PHAIR Barber aad Jeweler RUSSELL Dahihas 20 Varieties Named Sores Reac<onab'e Rale, Unnamed Varretiest I5C each GLADIOIL.T 20:0 Bulbs 150 per 100 50c 1: PERENNIALS | Hine List 12 gear ord bloom.nqg size Sendfor List G, HALL Box 85 Russell *® Insurance Restcentlal, Meicantiie, Farm®or ' lanufacturine Automobile, Hala + W. nd ror~ Best Cempanicsaud + +v.-. ates Consult us abrit wa lic ALEX. FRASEK Kenmore, Int Lh AEN

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