Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 12 Nov 1931, p. 4

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The Annual Eliminating Com- petition for the seleetion of the tem winners of the Royal Trip was held at the Central Expeimental Farm on Monday, Octobe 27th. There were sixteen competiters. Three classes of Live Stock and two classes of Seeds were judged. This was followad by the ideneifi- cation of twenty common weeds and a written examination on questions pertainin o practical farming, This Comyetition was under (ha d rection of F. Larase, Agricultur- al Representative, who was ably asgl. ted by members of the Far, Staff. Here is a list of the winners: Lester Taylor St. Eugene J. Howasd Smith S.¢ Rugene Stanley McRae Vankleek kill Wright Moffatt Leonard Leslie Newton Vankleek Hill Lawrence Hamilton Pendleton Robt. Proudfoot Vankleek Hil Arthur Potvin Wendover Gerard Racine Casselman Russell Young Ham ond @C "OBER REPOKT MARVELVILLE P. S. what our family and friends think ef us, a d tee esteem in which w are held in the community. Thee words we hangered ard .hirsted te hear, the love tnat we broke our hearts for, are only whispered into leaf ears --Ex. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a cer: tain morrgage that will be produe- ed at the time of sale there will be sold by public auction en WEDNESDAY, the 18th. day eof NCVEMBER, 1931, at the Law Office of Arthnr Flynn, Rnssell, at 2. o'clock p. m. the follewing lends, namely; -- One of the best dairy farms in County of Russell, being cempos- ed of the north half cf Township lot number Four in the Second Concession, containing 160 acres more or less. On the premises there is a fine Orchard; a good two-stny frame house wi.h kitchen, shed and gas~ age attached; also large barn, 180 by 37, with cement {loor andwate in stable fcr cows; also 'cement piggery, gr nary, hen-house, and milk house, with gord water sup- ply com. lete for use shipping, al- 80 two large "ement silos, and two good wells. The property is situated three miles scuth of the important vill- age of Russell and is offered sub- ject to a reserve bid. TERMS--Ten per cent of pur chase price shall ke paid to Ven- dor's Sclicitor, on day cf sale and balancein 15 days without inter" est. Fu.ther terms and condit'c ng mide known on dey ot sale or on application to the undersigned. Arthur Flynn Kusseli, Ont. Ve .der's Solicit r ag LR Te Sr. IV x Agnes Fader............ ot 597 x Ruth Bruntom.............. 70 Helen Johasoa.. ,.......... 54 Mervin Eastman............ S¢ Je lV x BerylEastman.............. 67 Willie Geod................ 63 Sr. III x Leslie Robinson............ i2 x Margaret Eastman, ..... ..99 Jr. 111 x Agnes Barbhr.............. 77 x Gaace McVey... ........... 72 Leslie Johnsen, ...... ...... 50 11 x Willie Phair. ............. 76 Hilda Eastman,............ 52 I x Margaret Phair Sr. PRIMER Margaret McVey B. | Sheila Jehnson Fuli ottendance.......... xX Average attendanee............ 15 Sceoel open 19 days Margaret Hill Tencher A story is told by the Ailsa Craig Bammer comcerning a poor sick woman whose suffering had made her a little morbid and in this state made this curious request of a friend ; When | am dead and my neigha bors some to my deer with regret and sympathy, do net let any of them in the house, because | have .ived here for years, lonely and for- ARTRURFLYNN Barrister Solicitor, N¢ tan Conveyancer Etc. Russell Office open Wednes.ays nthe Flynn Bleck on Broadway Mouey te loan on easy terms on Farm Property USSELL ON iorn and shut in and not one eof! them has dropsed ia to: cheer and | et their cars for thr funeral refuse them, be- | confort me: If they offer eanse they naver sked me to tak: ride, though they have know. how much 11 invalid would' enjoy out, 'them lay a fiower on my coffln, for gave me a siule must a Jo not le: (or they never bloom in life." The Collingwood Bulletin, re- peating this stery, very truly says: Now this woman's neighbors are mot especially hard and heartless people. They are just busy people | engrossed in their own affairs, ev- en as you and I. Amd when they near that the poo invalid asross the street is dead, they will be cep. scicus strici en' »t haviug failed in ¥3indnsiso her, ard th y wi'] rush over to her house and try to atore, for their meg'ect by heaping their tributes on her bier, We all de | the sam= thing, and I oft n think | that the moss cvnical thing in the world is that we have ts die to fin. | A Safe old Herbal Remedy for Sick Kidneys Rich in those healing herbs Indians used People so crippled by Rheumatism they couldn' walk have taken Gallagher's Kidney Remedy and got well. It is wonderfully healing and cleansing ta kidneys. Comes right from the heart of Nature. Throbbing backaches, dizzy spells, rheu- matic pains and nagging bladder ills caused by inflamed kidneys. 8 herbs soon ends these ills. Tt is one of James Gallagher's famous §.yeabaid Herbal Household Remedies. now by a are Dear Customer ;-- 2;ty buying ttraegtive. a EE -- cou -------- EE ---- Red and White Chain Steres THE OWNER SERVES--THE BUYER SAVES Russell, November 3rd, 1931 We aie g'ad to annonnce that we are now mewbers of the Red and White and a pafit of a co-operative system that buys goods for thousands of gruceey stores. and low cost of handing will ¢nab!s us to sell to you at prices 0 ossible in the past, and will be a big saving to our customers. The Red and White system is soun, and an ecomic methed of handling cause of its servicete the public, it has. during the past ten years, Canada nnd the United States : by €anadians with Canadian capital and in veur own community by business for years, and who are now adding the extra features which Red and White Chain Stores are Yours fcr Better Service, Chain Srores, " "This capa- which have been im- 1 foodstuffs, and be- establishcp itself througheut owned and operated in Canada men with whom you have dene make Red and White se Iu erder to give \he best service possible te our customers, we find that we must do awa with the old Credit System, believing it te be altogether too expensivefer our customers and de A rimental to eurselves. : The present economic situation of our country is enough te make their menoy go as far as possible and by paying cash you prices in all lines that we carry, and in order to carry out what we believe will on and after November 16th, 1931. We would requ>st that 2ll open accounts be settled in a satisfactory manner on or before December 15th, 1931. Our stere is newly decorated. our goods are fresh, and we will be glad to tomers and welcome the new ones, assurirg ail that their we fare wil be oyr iiterect, comviace us that people should will receive a big reduction in sell for €ash only see al! old cus: We hop: vou will like our new system, apnreciating the fact that it is MacEwen & Stephenson Corn Starch. . .. i Gold Medal Oraage Marmalade Lely's Toile! Soap. ... Rolled Oats Oxvdol.., ..-'...... aes P & G Soap Red and White Vegetable Soup... .. Ciover Leaf Medimm Red Salmon. . Crus-ed cr $liced Piueap:le. (Goid Medal Plum Jam. e Sapreme Rice Pure Lard (Guna's).. .. Malt or Cider He'nz Vinegar, Re! aid White Pekoe B arl Tea R.d a 1 Vhite Special Coft-e Red an? White Matche:., We Sell tor Ca bh or Prod uce The fo |.wing are Specials se.ected f..r the 16th aud 17h Nevember cil pops 2c .......40 ozs 21c 3 tins 21¢ 2 tims 21c 1 tiff 21c ...pertin 21cc 40 oz 21c 3 lbs 21c ..2 lbs 21c . 21bs 21c SRE 40 oz 21c per 1h 58¢ per Ib47¢c per pkg 22¢ ak a SAY AL rt le SO SRNR ind telephone is CREAR oe A Lh a BE TER measure of its value. "The value of your telephone 1s just what you make it." HE few cents a day your telephone costs are no Its value is in the use you make of it -- the time it saves you -- the safety and con- venience it gives you. Your always ready, always dependable. Authorized Sales and Service Russell, Ont.

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