Andrew Witspetriek 'THE RUSSELL LEADEI THE ONLY NEWS PAPER F F UBLISHED nN RUSSE LL COUNTY EF " _---- Mar. Ist 1028 YOL. XXXIV No. 2 Ee ---- RUSSELL, ONTARIO, THU 25D TY Your Column _ Next Sunday morning, the 8th. of September, a special service will be held in the United Church for the unveiling of the four new win- dows which have been given to the church. The windows are ef art glass, similar in general design to the one given by Mrs. Kyle last year, and the work has been done | by the same firm, Robert McCaus-| land, Ltd., Toronto. One window is given anonymously, and the other three are memorials given by,--Mr. K. N. Hamilton in mem ory of his grandparents, Mr. Dal- ton McKeown and his sister in| memory of their parents, and Mr. Wesley Adams in memory of his] of Pembroke, accompanied bytheir| examination showed that both legs [he service will begin | daughter, M Miss Hildreth and Mss. her broken, speat the t mother. at the usual hour, eleven o 'clock. Mt. Ernest Hamilton, Mrs. Howard Merrow and Misses Helen Paul, Edna Morrow amd Dorothy Meharey motored to North Bay to attend the Grand Lodge of the Loyal TrueBlues and repert a very enjoyable time. Mr. Jas. Cochrane, of Buffale' spent ths week-end with his par- ents. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Cochrane. Mr. Harold Sullivan, of the Bask of Commerc, Cornwall, was a boliday visitor ci nis mother. Mr. Russell Gormley, of the De- partment of Mines, speat the week- end at his home here. Miss Jean Cumming, of Ottawa! speat the holiday wit) ber.mother! Mrs. D. Cumming. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarke and daughter, Elsie spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shep herd. A special prize of $3.00 has been received for the best pair of bacon hegs, any breed, exhibited at the Russell Fair. Miss Gormley, of Ottawa. spent spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. H. L. York. The Russell Fair is held next week, and promises to be better than ever. The direetors are spar- ing neither time nor trouble to make this faira real agrioultura] fair, and now it ie up to the exbib-- itors to do their part. Citizeng are asked teput oue their flags and trim up their premises, so that our town will present its best appear- ance to the visitors on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shelp, and daughter Beatrice, ard Mrs. Doe ald McNair, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Farber, all of Colebrook N. Y., renewed acquaintances in this district over the week-end. Mr. C. E. McCaffrey was in Hawkesbury the first of the week acting as starter at the race meet. The Gelden Rnle Mission Baad of the United chusch will sell home baking, alsoice eream and cake, from 3 to 5 o'clock, Saturhay aftermoon, at the home of Mrs. Leonard MacEwen. We solicit your patiomage. Serviee was resumed last Sunday aftermeon in the Baptist Church, aftes being closed for a couple of weeks while Rev. Merritt was ab. sent om his holidays. We regret to report that Mrs. Jas. McDonald was taken to an Gtirawa hospital where she under went a very serious operation on Friday iuorning last for the rer moval of a tumerous growth. We ave pleased to be able to say that the operatien was successful and she is doing nicely. Jack Cameron was very success- ful «. Bourget races on Monday, taking the free for all with Kurtz. Mr. Binks, of New York city, is spending his holiday here with hi: father, Mr. Geo. Binks, and his sister, Mrs. K, R. Buras. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hamilten, Trilby | Sparling and little son, | first of the week with their son, Hamilton. Mrs. M. B. Ford, of Mountain, accompanied by Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. Durant, of Chesterville, were guests of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton, on Saturday. Rev. Wesegar has returned to his duties after a couple weeks holi- days spent at Morrisburg and other points on the St Lawrence. Born--On Wednesday, Aug. 28th. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brewn a daughter. B th well. Born--On Thursday, Aug. 22nd., 1929, so Mr. and Mrs. Gee. N i illa¥, a son. Both well. Mr. Joha McCormick and fam ily, of Nertolk, N. Y., attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs Mac Donald, at Kenmore. Born--On 1926, to Dr. Booth, a daughter. Sunday, Sept. lst, and Mrs. G. R, Ayth well Mr. J. C. Hamilton and Mrs. ¥ her daughters, | Clerk's Notice Of First Posting Of Voter's List Voters Lists 1929, Municipality of Cumberland Connty of Russell. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voter's Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at | Vars, Ont., on the s1st. day of Aug 1929, the list of al Persons entit= led te vote in the said Municipali ty atMunicipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspec tion. And I hereby call upon all voters te take immediate proceedings te have amy errors or omissiens cor rected according to Law, the las day for appeal being September 21st., 1929. Dated at Vars, Ont., this 3rd. day of September, 1929. A. E. Morris Clerk of Township of Cumberland SHED FOR SALE §The Wardens of St. Mary's Church, will sell about 40 ifeet of the Drive Shed at the church. This is a timber frame which will be easy to take down and ere:t again, would niake a first class implement or carriageshed. Priced right. Apply to D. J. Barsor or L. T. Stanley Church Wardens | concussion of the brain and died 'soon {rom cerebral hemmorhage. | maiden name was Miss Margaret | -- SEPYS Sth 1929 $ L50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE MRS. ALEX The comm aity was Led on | Sunday last tc | ear of the sudden and violent ceath of Mrs. Ale ! MacDonald, oi Kenmore. The cleceased and her luebar were goin to OQitawa to viSit the daughter, Mrs, A. Morrison, Mr. McDonald went te c-t car. Mrs. MacDgnald ¢g ady and after locking the hot ood waiting for him. He 5 up, and she started across i at of | the car to do semething nd he became confused in el g the] gers and the car leaped forwards] kn.cking her down and runsing Over her Dr. Byers wis summoned and her ribs fractured, 1d her head badly hurt. She was hed to an ©Otta wa hospital wher | ghe was found to be suffering from Mrs. McDonald was bora in Osgoode township, and except fof a lew years in Ottawa and Vars, has a'ways resided there. Her | McCormick, daughtrr of. the late John McCormick, and was the last of a family of three daughters and two sons. Besides her husband, she leaves to meuin, one daughter, Mrs. Morr. ison. The funeral was held on Tuesday atterncen from the. residence of | her dzumghrer, i Spriughill cemetery. The husband is prostrated with grief, while the sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the entire com- mun:ty, 'he sorrowing friends have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole district. v1 TTISON, to) * MAC DONALD l Visitors to Our Fair We invit -- te yeu to call and inspect our stoek while 1 town. We carry everything in Schoo! Text Boeks . and Supplies, Fountain : a} Films, Tci and Drugs We @ Pens, Victrolas amd Records; 'et Geoeds, Veterinary and Poultry Remedies so conduct a Lending Library Pemember, the value of this store's service to yea dep~n@s on what use yeu make of it. STEELE, | Your Druggist Phone 30 Our Garage Is Open frem7 a.m. to II p,m, Bring your car to ws for service, guaranleed and prices salisfaclery. Work We have on hand at all times, Batterles, Tires, Tubes, Paris and Accessories D. A. McARTHUR ) NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a By-Law was passec by the Munici pal Council of the Township of Cumberlasd on the 5th. day of August, 1929, previding for the | issue of Debentures to the ameunt of $2500.00 tor the purpose of constructing a new School House on the present cite in P. S. S.No. 8 on part of lot 16 in the 5th. cancession and that such By Law was registered in the RegistryOffice for the Township of Cumberland in the County of Russzeil on the 31st. day of August, 1920 at 10 o'clock a. m. as number 101. Any motion to quash or set aside the came or amy part thereof must be made within three months of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. A. E. Morris Township Clerk Dated this 3rd. day ef Sept., 1929 ADVANCE SHOWING Of Pall Miiiinery Ar the Pariors of 'McKirthuy Warmer Ltd, SATURDAY, SEPT, 7th er All the newest styles of Felts fer Fall for Ladies, Misses and Children Phene 70 Pickling Season And we carry in stock evergthing needful to assist you in the Pickling such as pickling Spices, Tumeric Rowder, XXX Vinegar, Ciaer Vinegar, Parowax, Certo, Rings, and all other requisites for the making of Pickles, Jellies, ets. Sealers, Sealer Our stock is fresh and of best qwalitg. K. R. BURNS Russell Wet Weather Finds ths weak spots in yeur roof. A, leak disregasded sood Gt an! camses damage. A few shingles and a Httle werk will make a differences We have just reomved J AR CRRLoADP OF SHINGLES Aad can supply your requiremsats A Vorsada Bex, Window Bomes, aad a, fw tssehea of this dad add to the appeasance of your ptesainee. CHE 7 We coa supply the maserdal or mabe them to ender | Culling ma arial ofall Jiimds. AckVior; prices Your ingpection invited Qrive G. Boyp Kemfncre D. CRRKMER 3 Co, Sutarte