THE TONIC THAT GIVES STRENGTH 'After Acute Diseases the Blood Must be Built Up Before Recovery is Complete. . Fevers and other acute diseases like pneumonia and influenza, leave the patient weak, with thin blood and un- strung nerves. The period of con- valescence is often long and trying, and years of poor health have fre- guently followed so brief an illness as rn attack of influenza or pneumonia. Much of this sort of misery could be avoided by taking steps to build up the blood so that it can carry to the nerves and other tissues of the body the elements they need to re- store their normal functional activi- ties. To build up the blood and re- store it to its rich, health-giving vig- or, no other medicine can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. From first to last it is their mission to improve the blood and thus restore good health and vigor. : The value of these pills in condi- tions described above is shown by the statement of Mrs. Rebecca O'Brien, Pembroke, Ont., who says:--*"In Nov., 11923, I was stricken with pneumonia, 'and at the time but little hope was held out for my recovery. However, with the best of care I was able to walk about after some months. But I did not recover my strength. The doctor told me I was anaemic. My nppetite was poor, I grew nervous and restless, I was deathly pale and prac- tically gave up hope of ever being strong again. However, remembering that in my girlhood I had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with decided suc- cess, I decided to try them again. By the time I had used two boxes there was no doubt the pills were helping, ~ me. Continuing their use I was soon able to attend to my household duties. I continued taking the pills, however, until I had used twelve boxes, by which time I was enjoying better health than at any time in the pre- vious ten years. In gratitude for what the pills have done for me, I give this statement in the hope that it may point the way to health to some other weak, despondent woman." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mall at 60 cts. r box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Merchants and Politics Hong Kong Press: The ineffective- ness of the merchant class in Canton is creating a feeling of pessimism. They do not participate in politics to appear to be unable to unite in any way to make their influence felt. They should be able to procure a dignified interview with the militarists and politicians of the Kuomintang now controlling affairs in the city, but in- stead of this it is said that they have decided to follew the example set by factory girls of camping out in front of official buildings in order that the officials may be forced to listen to their grievances. According to pre- sent arrangements, Canton merchants will camp in front of the Canton Gov- ernment House with the idea of per- suading the Kuomintang Administra- tion to reconsider their order to tax necessities as luxuries. : mmm As we understand the report of the commission, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is safe so long as it doesn't get much leaner--New York Evening Post. In the opinfton of a well-known Yyudge some husbands are too sus- picious of their wives. Still, there is good cause for suspicion when a man finds a long hair on his wife's should- es ---- Open-door life helps men to lead an open life. Toronto, A party of British public school boys the White Star liner Albertic to make a tour of Montreal, Ottawa; : Algonquin Park and New York, to become better acquainted yi Canadien boys and 10 Shaewsnd the points of view of other nations by means of personal friendship. The i EB 5 FollowerBaron, MA. PROD, ob Oren cuane of Reve third from the left in the front row, and Rev. of Oxford University, on the extreme right. arrived in Canada on Saturday on Cambridge University; Howard J. Rose, M.A; Bon Money isn't everything, but every- thing takes money! wo A miss is often good for a smile. Some folks don't have to patronize loan sharks. They could starve. Patent (gaspingly)--*I seem a little better, doctor, but I'm still short of breath." 4 Doctor-- 'Have patience and we'll stop that." Gladys says her friend Clarice is off again. She thinks that the hem- lock is an attachment for a sewing- machine. She--*"Let me speak." He--'""You mean continue, you?" don't There may be nothing in a name, but who would want to be named Skunk? "What is the rent oi this room, in- cluding the piano?" "Well," suggest- ed the landlady, "perhaps you'd be so good as to play me something first."-- From The Outlook. Had to Learn English. Among the many contacts of Sir Arthur Currie in France, was one with a Frenchman, a working man whose mastery of English amazed the Gen- eral. The man used even Canadian slang. | "Where did you learn to speak Eng- lish se well?" Sir Arthur asked. "I learned it in Regina," replied the jFrenchman. "I had to learn English there. 'When you get as far west as {Regina and tell them you can't speak English, they tell you to go to hell." = on \ \ Fast Work. . Bug--*"Where you goin' in such hurry?" } Snail--"I'm finishing that twelve inch marathon I started last sum- mer!" ; ------ Experiments of more than thirty years have prover that Aluminum is the best von- tainer for tea. Red Rose Tea is now packed only in Alumi- num, and every package is guaranteed to be in perfect condition. oT ee It is about time to call off these record-breaking stunte. The silly sea- son and the vacation months are about over. It is time we got back to work and sanity. The one who will be found in trial capable of great ccts of love ig ever the one who is always doing consider ate small ones.--F. W, Robetson. Marry in haste and you'll never have any leisure to repent in.--El Paso Times. MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WELL Nothing makes a mothef more grateful than a benefit conferred up- on her child. Mothers everywhere who have used Babys Own Tablets for their children speak in enthusias- tic terms of them. For instance, Mrs. Zepterin Lavoie, Three Rivers, Que., writes: --""Baby's Own Tablets are a wonderful medicine for little ones. They never fail to regulate the baby's stomach and bowels, and make him plump and well. I always keep a box of the Tablets in the house and would advise all mothers to' do likewise." Most of the ordinary ailments of child- hood arise in the stomach and bowels, and can be quickly banished by Baby's Own Tablets. These Tablets relieve constipation and indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers, ex- pel worms, allay teething pains and promote healthful sleep. They are guaranteed to be free from injurious drugs and are safe even for the young- est and most delicate child. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢. a box from The Dr. Willlams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ie irae Silo Fillps Practically ever since silos: came into use it has been one of the cardi- nal rules of silo poreation that the silage must be very thoroughly tramp- led as put in, to prevent molding and ~spollage. This job of trampling in the | silo is one of the most disagreeable ! ones on the farm, and the good wages "demanded adds quite a little to the "cost of filling the silo. The high cost and scarity of labor led a number of farmers in diffeffrent sections of the country to try the plan of filling- without trampling, and sev- eral have used it the last three or four years with perfect success. Many claim that there is less, loss from spoilage in silos filled this way, than urder the old plan of two or three men trampling down the silage. By not trampling the silage, and us- ing a small engilage cutter and tractor, and a binder with bundle-loading at- tachment, a farmer and his hired man or boys can fill the silo without extra help, greatly reducing the cost and labor of filling the silo. The advocates of the non-trampling plan recommended cutting the silage in one-fourth-inch lengths, adding plenty of water if the corn is frosted and dry, and directing the filler pipe at the centre of the silo, allowing the ensilage to fill up in a conical shaped pile, the center tending to push down and out, packing the ensilage tightly and eliminating air spaces, Experiments carried on at some of the agricultural experiment stations indicate that these farmers are right, {and that where the silage is cut rather 'fine and made rather wet, that thers 'ig little, if any, more spoiled silage i than with the older and more costly method. It is important that the sil- age be quite damp, so that water can be squeezed out of a handful, that the 'silo not be filled too rapidly, and that iit be refilled after settling. Also, it 1 is recommended that the top two or three feet be even wetter than the average, and be tramped well --ILW. Spree ee Minard's Liniment relieves backache. To feel much for others, and little for ourselves; to restrain our selfish and exercise our benevolent affec- tions, constitutes the perfection of hu- man nature.--Adam Smith. Because of his tender years, the lit- tl¢ King of Roumania will not be charged with the responsibilities of modern kings, a dispatch says. "And what," King Alfonso and King Victor Emmanuel might ask in chorus; "are those" ISSUE No. 38--'27 Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in Aluminum. > "is good ted" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. _----_ i re -- in a Day That the housefly not uncommonly makes a journey of five or six miles in twenty-four hours is shown by ex- States Bureau of Entomology. Fly flight tests were conducted in Texas. Approximately 234,000 files of many different species were trapped, then dusted with finely powdered chalk and liberated. Fly traps with food re- lished by the flies were placed. The tests showed that the housefly covered in some cases more than six miles in less than twenty-four hours. Observations at Rebecca Light Shoal, Off the coast of Florida, indicated that flies come down the wind from Cuba (ninety-five miles distant), at times from the Marquesas Keys (twenty- four miles distant), and from Key West forty-six miles away. The maxi- mum distance traveled by the fly in these experiments was 13.14 miles. ®, Ssmasase---- ee ------ Minard's Liniment eases sore feet. rp Will Rogers Sees Humor in Customs Search of Fliers To Editor, The New York Times. Washington, A.C.--I see the customs authorities in England searched the round-the-world fliers when they land- ed. I guess they thought the boys had smuggled over a couple of baby grand pianos or some early Oklahoma period - furniture. I was there last Summer when Gertrude Ederle swam in and they searched her. Iigured she had brought in some cigars or cigarettes or millinery in the pockets of her bathing suit, I reckon. People tell you England has no humor. Why, they are funny even when they don't try to be. The Congressman at Large, WILL ROGERS. P.S.--Did ou ever see two people as much alike as Levine and Lindbergh? Both their names begin with an L. Tennis Rackets Re-Strung Golf Clubs Repaired All work done and guaranteed by SPALDING EXPERTS Special! Prices No. B Pure Lamb's Gut, reg. 87, spel. No. P Pure Lamb's Gut, reg. 88, spol. 85 Work sent out 24 hours after receipt. TORONTO RADIO CO, LTD, Representives for A. G. SPALDING & CO, 241 "Yonge Street, Toronto. Housefly Can Travel Six Miles | periments conducted by the United i Classified Advertisements . SITUATIONS VACANT ADY OR GENTLEMAN WANTEH in every city, town and villagé in Ontario, to act as exclusive Tepregen- tative in distribution of Bi ] Prayer; whole or part time; positi 0: mportance; do business at home; Dleags ant and profitable occupation. Apply by letter only. Bible Prayer Association, €18 Ontario Street, Toronto. v 1.223% WANTED TO DO PLAI and light sewing at home, whole 0 spare time, Good pay. Work sent any. distance, charges pald. Send stamp foP particulars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal. ; RATIS. (LITTLE FRIEND) TO either sex; mailed in plain envelops, Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. It is still permissible in Chicago to gay that neighbors live within gune shot of each other.--Arkansas Gazette, Foot Weary and Sore? Bathe and rub well with Minard's. Soothing and re- lieving. OPERATION LEFT HER VERY WEAK Letter Tells Be er a Relief After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 7 Coniston, Ontario.--*"After a se- vere operation and a three weeks' : 7 |stay in a hospital I returned home so weak that Iwas unable to move a chair. For four {months I was al- most frantic with ains and suffer- - ling until I thought sure there could not be any help for me. I hadvery severe painsinm left side and suf- ATENTS List of "Wanted Inventions" and Full Information Sent Free on Request. THE RAMSAY CO. Dept. W, 2723 Bank St, Ottawa, Ont. SF Sad OS 43 The Purity of Caticura I Makes It Unexcelled For All Toilet Purposes Proved safe by millions and Colds Headache Pain Neuralgia Neuritis Toothache fered agony every month. One day when I was not able to get up ni mother begged me to try your med- icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I'took it. I started a second bottle, and to my surprise and joy the pains" in my side left me completely and X am able to do all my work without help, I am a farmer's wife, so you see I can't be idle long. In all, I have taken six bottles of rs E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, five boxes of the Compound Tablets, two bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and have also used the San- ative Wash."--Mrs. L. LAJEUNESSE, Box 103, Coniston, Ontario. . _ @ SAMI | prescribed by physicians for * Lumbago Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART | | ' Fe SO Accept which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggista. Aspirin 'is the trade mark (registered in Oanada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic- ~ acidester of Sallcylicacid (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'A. 8. A."). of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trade muck, the only - "Bayer" package While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets 'Bayer Osos,