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Russell Leader, 9 Dec 1926, p. 3

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RH | i ] | i a i ferme ---- ep AREY ea Be - Here i8 a bit of proof. .pervous and got so thin and pale my . The news like squirrels ran. : "The Grading and NEGLECTED ANAEMIA Often Leads we a Deis Eo rich the Bleed by 'Taking Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills. In their early teens it is quite com- mon for girls to outgrow watch the health of thelr deughters at this time, for it is whem strength is gapped by rapid growth that anaemia develops. The first signs may be no: ticed by peevishness, langour and headaches. The face grows pale, breathlessness and palpitation foliow, with low spirits. At the first symptom of anaemia mothers should act at ounce. Neglect- ed anaemia often leads to decline, but if you see that your daughter's blood is enriched there need he no causs for anxiety. The finest blood earicher ever discovered is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The pure, red blood created by these pills will quickly banish all signs of anaemia. They will bufld up your &irl's health and ensure her a robust girlhood. Give your daughter a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills now. Make her strong like thousands of girls who have been rescued from the clutches of anaemia by Dr. Williame' Pink Pills. Miss Mary Venditt!, Catamount, N.B., says:-- "Three years ago while attending a convent, I studied very hard to gradu- ete. The result was I became very teachers thought they would have to send me home, 1 took different kinds vf medicine which my perents sent me, but my condition remained unchanged. At last one of my teachers gave me a box of Dr. Williams' Pluk Pills, and I had hardly finished it when"I could feel an improvement in my condition. I continued 'the use of the pills for some time longer, and I-¢an hardly tell all the good they did me. I gained in strength and weight, and ths color .re- turned to my cheeks, and at the end of the term I graduated. to recommend Dr. Williamy' Pink Pills to my friends snd. acquaintances when & tonic is necded." "Yon can get these pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box from' The Dr. Williams' Medicine CA, Crockville, Ont. . Sunrise and Sunset. Til tell you how the sun rose,-- 'A ribbon at a time. : he steeples swam in amethyst, The hills untied their bonnets, The bobolinks begun. Then I gaid softly to myself, "That must have been the sunf® But bow he set, I know not. There seemed a purple stile Which little yellow boys and girls - Yr climbing all the while. Till when they reached the other side, A dominie in gray Put gently up the evening bars And led the flock away. --Emily Dickinson, Collected Poems I= S orarnant Pampkh let Reveals HOW TO GET MORE MONEY FROM HOGS How to atoid breeding short, thick pigs, and how to deve op those of a suitable bacon type; how to eed a sow to prevent her devour- ing her litter; metheds of breeding to be avoided; how to get two good Mtters a year; how to pick the best rood sows--these are just a few ®. of the helpful facts Santhineddn the free pamphlet "Breeding and F. . ing the Market Hog" issued by the =. Department of Agriculture, Gttawa. i It will pay you to get it. Use the form below. Marking of Eggs" Another helpful pamphlet. Tells the law relative to grading, inspect- ing, shipping of eggs, etc. Every poultry farmer should get this. There are over five hundred free government pamphlets on all the i different branches farming. : Write for the list of these publica- tions. Fill in and mail this slip POST FREE to PUBLICATIONS BRANCH , Depart, t of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario. Vidase send me free pamphlets on together with list of all free pam- phlets. their; strength, and mothiws should carefully '1 never fail} " {flew with happy twitters. -{ bones had to be kept ready. And now 11 know what I am going to do next. J oughly and put them away for the Y"Will it be rcady then?" 'WHY DON'T WE HELP? By Florence Jones Hadley I sat at my window one cold winter day, watching a flock of tiny brown birds hunting their dinner---or very likely it was breakfast--for food was pretty scarce then The little fellows few from one tall weed 40 augther, from one bush to an- other, hunting for some tiny. seed of dry red berry that might have beefi. loft from some former breskfasts. . Sometimes a berry was found, drop- ped in the snow, and it was greedily picked up, and I shivered as I thought of the icy morsel going down the warm little throats. My own breakfast had besn worm, etill I grumbled a bit' be- cause the coffees was not quite hot enough. But the tiny feathered lunch- er never grumbled---just twittered his thanks for every seed, every berry found. At last there seemed to be not a seed or berry left, and away they all flew to see what could be found else- where. Such a scanty meal divided among §0 many was not very satisfy- ing, you know. 1 felt a throb of pity as I watched them in their search, then something (said to me, "Why didn't you help them, insi<z" ci wasting your time pitying they Why dnt you?" "Fgip them? But what can I 'do to i:lp?' was my first thought. Then I Knew, I decided that every day I would we fhe crumbs that alwave gather on table and dishes--every meat scrap, everything that a bird can eat with a relish. This 1 did, asdi-with 1t. I Served a nice piece of suet for dessert, banging it by a- stout string to a limb of a tree near bY. Anotbor day I hung a small bone with a good serving of meat on it, and it is a question as to whether tho birds that found it or I who had given it to them, enjoyed it the mast. Such a twittering, such a scrambling from one side to the other as there was! 1 wished with all my heart that I .could understand bird language so I could know just what they were say- ing. From crumbs to meat, from meat to crumbs they flew, until at last the meal 'was consumed and away they Tke next morning there was a sur pise for me. For there were not only the birds who came for brakfast yes- terday, but nearly os cany again, and as I watched, they still can: from all | directions. almost held my breatir = amazement. Where aa the others come from? How did they know about the food put out for them? = Surely, surely there must have been some way of com- 'munication between them, for it just did not happen, but how can they tell one another of such things? Well, I really got myself into. deep waters, for as I increased my food al- lowance, just so often did the little liners come for it. And sometimes it puzzled me how to feed so many, but chops, 'my kaffir corn, which they seemed to like very much, and more year. : I am going to save all the melon seeds that we have, dry them thor- birds' dinners and breakfasts. Many kinds of seeds can be used this way. crumbs, scraps of bread; meat, from' our tables, and scatter them, like seeds of kindness, where they will do good. I am going to--will you? RE St Upset stomach, sluggish liver, and acid condi- tion cause bad breath. Seigel's Syrup gets at the cause. Try it and have a wholesome breath. Any drugstore, He--"Science says man started from a single cell." She--"Most of 'em should be taken back to one." En a The Solution. Husband--"Isn't supper ready vet?" ' Wife--"No, dear." "Well, I'll step over to the restaur- ant." ; "Wait just five minutes."- "No, but then I'll go with you." EE Tn * Amnni 4 "beautiful for the sake of doing so, and that when a man buys anything he | ought to demand beauty in it, for the | at -last I dipped down into my corn | Let's all do it. Let's all save seedsy | Beauty in 2 Our Work. We do net knew that when a man makes anything he ought to make it sake. of that beauty. We think "of beauty, if we think of it at all, as a mere source of pleasure; and there- fore it means to us ornament added to things, for which we can pay extra 12 we choose. As we do not value the agsthetic activity in ourselves, so we do not vaiue it, do not even recognize it or the lack of it, in the work of others. > The artist] of whatever kind, 1s a nan so much aware of the beauty of the universe that he must impart the same beauty to whatever he makes. He has exercised hig aesthetic activity in the discovery of beauty in the un verse before he exercises it in {mpart- ing heauty to that which he males. .+ . And we should know, also, that work 'withdut beauty means: unsatis- fied: spiritual desire in the worker; that it is . . . lke thought, without truth or action without righteousness. --A: Clutton-Brock, in "The Uktmate Bellet." IS THERE A BABY IN YOUR HOME? Is there a baby or young children in your home? If there is you, should not be without a box of Baby's Own Tablets. Childhood 'ailments come at hand 8 to promptly fight them. Baby' 8 Oww , Twll«i¥ are the Ideal home remedy. They regulate the: bowels: sweeten the stomach; banish conati- pation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers--Iin fact they relieve all the minor ills of little ones. Con- cerning them Mra. Moise Cadotte, Ma- kamik, Que., writes: "Baby's Own Tab- lets are the best remedy in the world for litile ones. My baby suffered ter ribly from indigestion and vomiting, but the Tablets soon set her right and Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. times as sally as ocean water, It estimated that an average of 8,000.00 tors of water flow into the Dead Sea ".48ppears by evaporation, Dr. Franklin's DIGESTIN Strengthens the Stomach, relieves apd provents Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heart: burn, Blliousness, Nauaca, Flatulence, Headache, and all other troubles caused by disordered' Stomach and Bowels. Buy at your drug store or mail fifty cents to our address. Dr. Franklin Laboratories 'Toronto quickly ard means should alweys bel now she is in perfect health." The} In the Dead Sea the water is fived daily, and since the level of the seal charges but- little, an equal emount 0 SOUR STOMACH | [RED ROSE is good tea" TEA | % on nh I have a very speci, dream, Fragile and star-white, © Ki 'That I kesp carefylly packed 'away From other people's sight. " Once I very foolishly Wore it out to dine,-- I was 'rather proud, you see, To think the dream was mine. But when the people saw i They stared and then they smiled, They shrugged and loudly whispered: "The dear, old, foolish child!" So now I have it stored away From bland and stupid cyes; I keep It safe, you understand, Till they have grown more wise. . : --Doris Nanstte Peel. a at ma Physiclans Use Minard's Linisnns, ----------rn A Dog That's Lost. You may have scattered bounty s With your right band and your deft; You muy have sat beside the sik; And wept with the bereft; * You may have cheered the weary on, Ang helped some one doubt-toesed; But have you ever found a home . For a wistful dog that's lost? - ~Claire Tower Allen. --p mene Ruseia Seeks Potash. The Ruesian government is to found a potash trust with a capited of £500, 800 to exploit. native potash beds. : el : REMNANTS. 3 LBS, $2. 5 LBS, PATCHES, Lg 50. 'A. McCreery, Chatham, FARM WANTED FROM OWNER. Describe, state price. C. Herbert, 1019 Des Carrieres, Montreal. | Plans for Homer fl Last word in builders' sd. Practicd, f building, rts en : oii JE Profialy Hurt Tair F:saving owiok ey oe 25 cents 'gurrent issue. Maclean Bullders® Guide i St. W., In the Stable Minard's is favaluable for strains, bruises, cuts, swellings. % Don't Negl Bronchial fds a Peuonis, acvaias' ol dons : i J es crt foe eR ~~ Prov ed safe by millions and Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART prescribed by physicians for WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits There is only one genuine "ASPIRIN" tablet. If a tab-. 7 let is offered as "ASPIRIN" and is not stamped with the "Bayer Cross"-refuse it with contempt-itisnot "ASPIRIN" at all! Don't take chances! ¢ EN NS NINS NNT NSN NGS NSN NI NINN NINS NINN NS After Shaving--Minard's Liniment. Accept only "Bayer" package H+ which contains-proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12. tablets Also Yo facture of Monoacetic- Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manu acidester of £alicylicactd ¢Acetyl Salicylic Acid, "A. 8. Wed of 24 and 100--Druggists.. A"). While it is well known ~ y Tablets that Aspirinmeans Bayer manufacture,to assist the public against imitations, the of Barer Company will be stamped with thelr general trado mark, the "Bayer Cross." THIS WOMAN NOW WELL Her Suffering Relieved and Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable : Compound Toreato, Cnterio. -- 'I am certainly vi teful for thebhenefit Fhavere- p Led trom Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg-. ¢ Compound, also the Sanative In the i Was Waals «al Ng Ry from fring blood thet Y 3 Ix would never be any better. ads oy 2 medicine relieved me for 1 time bein 1 saw the Vegetab'® Compound dverticed in the Foronty Star,' and Yfind the Vegetable Com. und Tablets the best for me. ave been taking them since Spring, and I intend keeping them by Tes the time. After reading your gal vate Text-Book I saw it was necese sary to uee Lydia E. Pinkham's Sans ative Wash, and I can safely say I feel a different woman. My friends remark how well I look, I am a ver busy woman, but I am ready at 2 times to boost our medicines. "-- Mrs. CHARLES GIFFIN, 949 Lands- downe Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. "You may be having an experience similar to Mrs. Giffin's and will be interested to know what she did. Every sick woman can feel confident that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will help her, since we are told that it does help 98 out of every 100 women who take it. ; Sold by druggists everywhere. © dav and the Liver Pills. on anifar' Cuticura Talcum Is Unexcelled in Purity '11ts delicately medicated, antis properties make it ideal for daily use. Sampis Each tos by ha Addre Perot: Etentionse, 1. BC % end sho. Talogm elon ee ies cura Shaving Stier 35¢. ISSUE Ne. 48~-'26. R Wa a \ PA ATE ATA Tal oe Sala TE NS

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