Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 3 Apr 1902, p. 5

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THE] RUSSELL LEADER APRIL 3d 1902 ZENNY BROS. Tiqaaintanc VARS. | Mr. and Mes. M. Boyd, of Hunt- dngdon, Que, Mr and Mrs, J. Perey and Mr. A. Hoy spent Sunday at = Mr. George marks', Orehard Frent I Me LC. Curiows renewed ac- "at Hunupgaon dering Eidsicr week AUCTION SAL BILLS Neatly printed. We give a free notice of sale in The Leader with i ER 4 meena] | pli ; oie stn press wes supped) gach set of bills printed. = eles onrech so} dire ira, jo | BRO SL TIN | Mr. 1. Fetter vy has engaged a LEADER OFFICE - : 5 A TE | Mr. C. Heppinstall 1s spendii o & IRE ANOTHER CAR OF BRAN] | iotumteomiel peg Palmerston | Mi A KE Sparks spent part of AND SHORTS AND OGIL- VIE'S FLOUR TO SELL AT FOLLOWING PRICES :- new sawyer anid business 18 gait brisk this spring last week in Boston, Mr. Sparks is thighly pleased with his trip and [speaks well of the "Yankees." | The ladies of Vars are giving & | Calico ball, 1 alter Hall, on | Wednesday, Ayril 2nd. A good | time is anticipated. 'Lie chaperons 'are, Mis. Chas. camstrong, Mrs, WW. W. McVeigh, Mrs. T. Asselin, and Mis. Robt. Spaiks. Among those who went to the AN: cel nae Ee 293 00 ¢¢ « Cty last week were, T. Kane, Mrs. DEAN a. rey $ and Miss EGritfin, Russell Sparks, SHORTS... dia aang .... $25 00 per ton A. Rey, A. Boyd; Chas, Smith, F. RAGS INCLUDED. GLENORA PATENT...... ccooeee. 8210 HUNGARIAN PATENT.... .... £225 Ball and W. Guiftin. Mr. James Hell, of Ottawa, spent Saturday aud Sunday under the parental roof. Mr. Duncan McArthur, of Ken- more, sper:t Freday in town on Buggies, Waggons, Road Carts, Wheelbarrows, Cultivators, Washers, business. : fe Miss C. Rock, our popular teach- er has returned to Ler duties after Churns, Wringers, Seperators, Harness, Fanuingmills, Harrows, Plows, Rollers. =, Wenow have a large stock of bran and shorts on hand and you can rely on getting them here. REINNY BROS. | TE lth A; mL tL a - * The Russell Harness Shop. We supply everything needed by horsemee, : SWEAT PADS, BUGGY RUGS, WHIPR, CURRY SOMBS, BRUSHES, HAMES AND COLLARS. FACTORY HARNESS AT COST. Heavy Working Harness, Hand Made, $33.00. pi "Rr Joseph Lacelle, 3 See! meee ser HAY WANTED rd en ET Wap tnd a gE The undersigned are pre- pared to give the highest prices for Hay of any qual- ity or quantity and are al- ways pleased to quote prices on request. 7 GEO. SPARKS & SONS A. F.SPARKS, MGR. spenilivg Kaster at her home -in South March. Mrs. Graydon has returned to her home in Streetsville after a three week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw, The gramaphone mentioned in last week's Leader was missed from its place Saturday evening and the owner would like to know who the miscreants were and where the instrument was taken. Mr. Russell Sparks has the lat- est in overalls. Judging by the pattern they should be cool and comfortable in hot weather (From another correspondent.) Perhaps the happiest per.on in this village, is our genial friend, Mr. Archie McVeigh, who is one ot the gallants of this place, As itis well known that he often takes the place of the liveryman aud has been in the right place on stormy days and times when the roads were bad, it" was deemed proper by the favored that he should le rewarded for hisservices. On Tues- day evening a surprise party claimed his attention for a few hours during which he was pre- sented with a handsome alarm clock Mr. McVeigh was vaken by surprise but expressed his appreciation and said that his driver was good for a few years more, though he stopped quick'!y sometimes. The evering was spent in playing games and singing songs. Archie says he has the most wonderful clock in the village for he took it up stairs that night and it ran down. A few weeks ago a warning was printed in the Leader to strangers hiring livery horses before making engagements but vne of our young men, who drives a small jet steed has proven to be long:r in the head. I his young gallant made a habit of passing the "Windsor" quite fre- quently and each time he could not refrain from locking towards the kitchen. Recently he mustered courage to stop though what le said is pot known but on Monday he drove to Sarsfield and since then he teels as though spring not only broke the bonds of winter but also started a glow of warmth in his heart. Ottawa, Mar. 17.h 1902. James Simpson Esq. Ex Reeve Tp. of Osgoode. Méetcalie, Ont. Dear Mr. Simpson, In view of the fact that we have met on friendly terms since our recent election contest, I am very much surprised that you have thought it neccessary to charge me with slander in connection with my speach on nomination day. The idea that I charged you with hav. ing sold the tolls to Mrs. Ryan for the consideration of allowing you A complete line of hardware always in stock. Come and see. No trouble to show goods. | GHERRY & COGHRANE | to the eyes. tancy prices. the rest. Cheap Glasses, yre not only dissatisfaetory but injuriovrs By cheap glasses we do not mean cheap in price, but glasses which are made from 2ud and 3rd quality lenses. These are the kid sold by hawkers and pedlers at We use only 1st quality lenses. You know Medical Hall. to pass up and down the road free is entirely wrong. It is a fact as think you yourself know, that some of those who were opposed to you were asking why it was that you had sold the tolls to Mrs. Ryan without public tender and. it may be that these people were insinuag- ing that you had received some consideration for doing so. In my nomination day speech 1 referred to the rumors that were going a--- bout and asked you to explain them. You did explain them and that isall that I had to say about them. I consilered that what 1 did was proper under the circum- stances and I had no desire what- ever to injure your ieputation in any way. If people still think there wus anything in it Tam per- sonally very sorry for it, and I am quite ready to tell my friends and acquaintances that from what I have learned of the matter since I do not think that you wonld act dishonestly in .that or any other matter. While do not think that you have any grounds for an ac- tion cf slander against me, I would think it very unfortunate that you and I should have itigation and I hope that you will see your way clear to let your action drop so that we can be as. good friends in the Yours Truly, future as we have been in the past. You may depend upon it that if this is done I will do all I ean to set you right before the people. Thos. W, James, "1 was very poorly and could hardly get about the house. I was Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 2nd it only N tired out all the time. Then I tried § took two bottles to make me feel F i perfectly well."'-- Mrs. N. S. Swin- § § ney, Princeton, Mo. Lu ; Why ? Your blood is im- # ® pure, that's the reason. § You are living on the g § border line of nerve ex- § . Tired when you go to § bed, tired when you get tired all the time. haustion. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. Take Ayer's E | Sarsaparilla and be § § quickly cured. Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. He knows all aboutthis grand old family madicine.. Follow his advice and 3 111 be satisfied. bi ak c. AYER Co., Lowell, Mass.

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