Prescott-Russell en Numérique

Russell Leader, 13 Mar 1902, p. 8

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THE RUSSELL Personals. Notice To Cenirastors. The NEW YORK 8 Ribrero' * oun owww Tenders wanted, by the uuder- NEA Mr. W. Yell, our popular station | signed; for kuilcing stone founda-| 1 ori Is \drighituck daent, spent Sunday at his home tin of Kenmore Presbyterian Lr fads at St. Regis Falls. church. plans and specificati ms Lo ey tum Mr. Crary Morris' many friends | be seeu ab D: mie McLaughl i SRN a 2 om will regret to learn that he is cons fined' to his room with a serious] illness. Mr. W. R. Petrie is able to be around again after his recent sick- ness. Mr. W..G. Wriglit, Science Mas- ter of the Hawkesbury High Schocl, has resigned his position to become inspector « of the Berlin Fire Insurance Co. Mr. Wright is well known in Russell, having pre- sided at several examinations bere. Miss Ida Fielding was the guest of Miss Lorrdine Morris last week, Mr. Jas. Morris and Master Lorne returned from Wakeficld, Que., on Saturday evening. Russell, is the Vankleek Miss Summerby; guest of friends in town. Hill Review. Mus. Peter Lacelle left on Sater: day for a two week's visit to her daughter in Avenmort: Mr. and Mrs. Me:irill, of South Mountain, visited Mrs: Merrill's father, Mr. J. Cochrane, last week, Mrs. Campb. 1 and baby, of Ww estboro, visited her ntother. Mrs. Greorze Shepherd, over Sunday. Mr. Tom Arbuthnot of Finch was mn town on Wednesday. Mr. Dennis McCarthy of Frank- toi» was in town this week. = Mr. Tom Mather, who has been working In Tinch, has returned home for & short the; Mr. Paynter, of Paynter & Ab- lott, Ott wa, was in town on Fri day. | Mr. Jos. McPhersor, Wincliester, was in town on Tuesday. Among the visitors in town this. week were Messrs. Will Ward, of Ottawa, and Harry Irwi n, of Al monte. Hiss Lucy MacDonald, who was the guest of Miss Olive McCafirey, ret nad to Lier home in Ottawa on Tuesday. Mrs. 8. Fitzpatrick and Master Willie visited Ottawa on Tuesday, W. L. Palmer, Barrister ete, of Winchester, was in town Tues- day. Miss Rose McDougall has re- turned to her home in Ottawa. Mrs. York ard Miss Ruth have returned to their home here after spending the winter months in the city. Miss Aibuthnot, of Finch, is visiting Mrs. Thomas Corscadden, Benoit and Bucing, General Merchants of Casselingn, have dissolved partnership. D. Racine ¢ontinues business. EMBRUN. Mr. Fardina St Onge left last Friday to visit in New York city, Mr. Arthur Dupuis, of Crysler, was at Embrun last Sanday aud Mm Mr. J. Sabourin, of Pars, spent a day visiting his friends in the vill- age. Miss Maud Pelletier, of Chester- ville, was the guest of her uncle Mr. Pierre Matte, last week. Mr... Louis Menard's splendid shop at Fmbrun is just a- aogt completed. He will continu- ously have good fresh meat at the disposal of every body, Though a bad time to lose a horse we cant not prevent one from dying. Last Saturday 4h (). Nadeau was so unfortunate as to 'ase one of hi workirg horscs. While drawing a en cad of wood the her e began to tremble and instantly By dead In consequence of this Mr. Nadeau will have to buy ancther horse to do his spring werk. Veal. fronts, per 1b, whom sealed tenders must be ad- dressed not later than March 15th. Lowest or any tender not neeessar- ily aceepted. Dan"l Me 'Laugh lin, Kenmore. S vy of Building Committee. RUSSELL MARKETS Oats per bushel...... 050 to ---- Boans A ate +L 2htc----- 1900 --- Brau per ton... 22 00 to ---- Shorts per ton..... Bags, fresh perdoz.... 0 20 to ---- Butter, per Ha 0 18 to ----- Lard per:lb...v ...v Silo Flour por enti od 06 10:20 O tmeal per ewt ..... 3 00t0 ------ Cornmeal per ewt.... 1 90to ---- Pork per éwt...... ii 6.50 6) ---- Voalpor hoi iva siete > OITAWA MARKETS MEATS. Mutton, hinds; per 1h. Mutton, fronts, per-1b 0.07 t6 0.08 0.06 to 0.08 0.0% to 0.06 0.07 to 0.08 0.07 to 0.09 0.07 to 0.09 0.4G to 0.60 Veal, hinds, per 1b; Laiob, ver Ib Mutton, per Ib Chickens per pair. ; Turkeys, each. . 0.90 to 1.25 Turkeys, per 1b... 0,08 to 0.10 Ducks, per pair. 0.65 to 0.75 (Geese, cach. . 0.90t0 0.75 DAIRY PRODUCE Print butter per 1b. . 0.19 to 0.22 Pail butter, Bo ib... oll butter per Ib 0,18 to © Tub butter, per Ib. 0:18 to 0.20 Lard, per Ibi: 0:11 te 0.12 Honey, in comb, , 0.10t0 0.12 Honey, extract. 0.08to 0.10 Fresh eggs verdoz.. 0 25to 0.26 Packedeggs, per doz, OlGito017 iDES AND wool. rough per dL. 0.00---0.55 des, Pe cach 0.70--0.80 She trimmed per JL 0.051---06 Suk Jing. rough per ib 0.08 trimmed per Ib, 0.09 1b. 0.04+1--0.05 0.00--0.13 alisking Tallow per Wool per 1b VEGETABLES, Cucumbers per doz. 0.17 to 0.99 Celery, per doz. 0.35 to 0.40 Beans, per gal. 0.10 to 0.15 Caulifiower per doz. 0.90 to 1.75 Onions,s per bag 0,00 to 1.50 Green onions, per doz... 0.05 to 0.10 Radishes, per doz S80 to 0.10 Lettuce, per doz 0.15 a ) 6.2 25 Rhubarb, per doz Pota Atoes, per bag, Beets, per bag. Cabbage, per doz. Parsnips, per bag, Turnips, per bag Carrots, pcr bag 1.00 to Mixed pickles, per gt Onion pickles, per qt 0 46 to oh 0.00 tc 0.35 8.25% to O85 CLO 16 0.050 g 30 to ¢.35 (40 005 0.13 For convenience and security in ren:itting money through the mail 18a AMERICAN Exraus s MONE Yy On- pERS. They are cheaper than other safe methods as you will sce by the folowing rates;y-- $3 and under 3cts, over 3% "0 dois, 4 Be ® 10 Gets, ". 5510. ¢ "20 10ets, $2.90 "30 12¢ts, wog0 oe a Jae «50, GO ots, BENS STS inte ne Due FOX GALE B KE NY BROS ton ; O., Alex. McKeracher ; I. W H. Kenny ; 0. W,, W. R. Cherry' Fin, W. C, Miller; Bee, WW. T. Annable ; Guide, Jno. Yoik ; Ree, S.J. Manchester; Trustees, John Hall G. Harringtenand DP, McNair, A second meetit g wos held and two new members were initiated. Brother Glenn of this village, a member of Newbnr and gave a short a wddrcss which was appreciated. The meetings were held in the Commercial hotel, Mr. Kinkaid The Russell Lodae of the 2 0. . W. was started in his village by Grand Organizer Clarke, Sa 7th. 1902 Eichteen members were enrolled, the ¢ foll lowing 5 officers be- ino elected :--P. M. Wa D.K. Cook; MW. WW B.Craig; Fo. Wm Bien very kindly lending the parlor for the occassion. DIED--At Ottawa, ¢n Wedn: s- day, William, second youngest son of Thomas Wil on, Russell. Ile will be buried in Russe il ) =0,18to 0.20 g Lodga, visited | FROM CANADIAN NURSERIES, inv Voapper la S00 AM « Sani Clay a 50 wD Regis 41H i a Pickinson Cu Iss. | ora ' Yisag tr Express : Daily, wikEx Hun Southbound Lv. Uudwa 3 5.30 P.Mi0.00 A.M : Russell: ise} 6.09 *¢ 6-53 °* Fincti i 0.46" 19.35 > Coravdll.. 9.377% Ig hoz" > Nyando +030 "47.33 dre gr " . 9.33 {1.30 * Ho,4t & ss PTR TT Beto CIEE TT on fe 1 thst wCrrito.2r * E15 12.03 * SCR aisFalls]1o. 3 Le ERIE Ry >» Santa Clara', Host wig irre ALT upper L ake: 12.10 Mito. Ios 3 00 P. 51 Connections at Yorn all for all points East and West, alse at Tupper fal ke for New York. G+ H.FPUILLIPS, i. K. Gays, Genl, Pass. Agetit A. Gen. Pass, Agh: Citawa Cnt. Mew Meat Market LT oN 5 PAID FOR DRESSED T'ORK A LL kinds of tow]; fresh meat and +8 "sausages Kept in stock. Pigs' 2d ready for head cheese ORNAMENRAL TREES AND HEDGES ERUIT TREES, ROSE BUSHES AND SMALL FRUITS. If our stock docs not live we replace it the following year free of charge. I will have pleasure in ealling on goods. anyone req uiripg my J W.. J. Agent, COO, Kenmore, 80 YEARS' EZ EXPERIENG SE TRADE MARIS DEsIGNS CorvRrIGHTS &cC. Anyone sending a skefch and osoNiption may qute Kkly ascertain our opinicen free whether an tuveniion is probably patentable. Communieca- tions strictly confidential. Hlandbooi on Patents sent free. Oldest agen~y for securing patents. Patents taken thro Maen & Co. receive apecial notice, without rge, in the "Scientific American, A handsomely illnatrated weekly. Targest cir- culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, $1. Soid by all newsdealera. MUNN & Co 3518maay, Now York Branch Office, 626 ¥' Bt.. Weshingtorn, D.C Pieces for Pian Cents. Yearly Su will send us the n performerson the you a copy of the PEP LEADER, MARCHE is1id. 1 fire, price $8.0 A Duslishes i Eighth a Locust & is., Philzdeinkia aa re Sp ak 23 ENE SX SR £ut RELRZUBRpymmy Dae NY AA EY lh Ng) = io We are stock-tak- ing and building don't come for two weeks, C. F.McArTaur &Co H Cheap Rifle Sale from Bankrupt Stock. We only Lave a few of each. 2 orly, Sharps--24 i { Pond barrel, 56 eal, welght 7 Ibs. Price $5.00 eacl rim fire, ainglesho <P vk : 1 3 eh | Sharp's Repester--$ Ve ots, 56 eo). contre fire, weigh bt 85 1hs., pmee $8.0. Sneneet Carbine-- 2 56 oc: H YD Were -- - or Carbine--Sin shot, 56 cal, rim fire, weight 74 Ibs, pre _1 Only, Spen eer Muskot -- 3Lin.. round barrel, 7 shots 56-eal 1 only Sprinefiicld Musket--31 in barrel (second hand but in goed order) cal. 45-70 C. F. Price $600, Ballard Corbine--44 eal. rim tire, weight 7 Ibs. 1 Ouly, Kentncky Ballard--46 cal. rim fire, 24 in, All ofthe above prices are less than Lal Price $%.00. barrr], Price £7.88, price. Write $0 :-- McDOUGAL & CUZNER Hardwar Ottawa MAPL HE SYRUP AND SUGAR SEASON 1s DRAWING NEAR Sap Buckets and Boiling Pans made to crder at shortest notice. rarekn. Si ut fuareka Sap Spouts, Cast Iron, dupe wnned. Maple Leaf Spouts Steel, Japanned. SQ, gm TE Sap Pails, Everything neccessary for the Sugar Bush always on hand, WM. P. CHERRY, - Tinsmith. INIT Flour & | WE ALO] The Following @ ED Feed always on hand. FLOTITR HUNGARIAN PATENT, STRONG PAKE ey ROLLED 0. AT'S, CAT MEAL, CORN MEAL (for table use), LUCKWUEAT FL OUR, GEM AILIIvNd 1sE4 u FLOUR, ER = FEED 0 BRAN, SHORTS, GROUND CORN, he GROUND BARLEY, WHOLE BALLEY GRUUND WHEAT. . THOS. HOWE, wk

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