Jarvis Record November 18, 1971 Included in the group of W.W.I, vets at the dinner Saturday are above, Ed Eastes, Bill Campbell, Reg Ion (front, centre) the oldest vet at 85 years, Gordon Birdsell, J. H. Close, George Murdock, Harold Vurtin, C. W. Beckerson, and Harry Cuff. (Staff Photo) Branch 164, of the Royal Canadian Legion in Hagersville honored World War 1 veterans at a banquet Saturday night. More than 20 former servicemen turned out for the dinner. Above are R. J. Montour, Grant Montour, Frank Barritt, R. G. Hyde, Edgar Schweyer, Reg Corbett, Brock Mattice, W. T. Anderson, and Tom Hodgson. (Staff Photo)