TIMES-JOURNAL TUESDAY. JANUARY 13. 1953 Schreiber Has Plans for Citizens' Forum Says Reeve Handel In inaugural Address The Municipal Council held its inaugural meeting last Thursday when Reeve W. J. Handel and councillors W. D'Arcy, E. G. Caccamo, J. Corbett and J. R. Bailey were sworn in by clerk Spicer. Reeve Handel declared his intention in accepting office was to make Schreiber a better town and asked for the support of the councillors in accomplishing this purpose. He also hoped that a citizens' forum could be established, to be held at regular intervals when council and ratepayers could meet to discuss municipal questions. All council expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Reeve for the betterment of the community. The only important note in the reading of the minutes of last regular and special council meetings was the writing off of some $600.00 of old taxes. A general discussion was held on the matter of Long Lac Telephone Company's ignoring of Council's requests in the matter of their lines interfering with hydro wire, thereby creating a hazard. They also refuse to honor a payment due for the use of town thawing machine with man, for one full day, at the police detachment, after requesting use of same when their underground conduit for wires had frozen. Council feels that the company is ignoring its responsibilities and violating the terms of its franchise and adjustments will have to be immediately considered and head office is to be notified. The matter of lighting the school grounds was discussed and tabled, A requested raise in salary for town employees was held over while tenders are asked for three employee's positions; the highest, lowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. Bailey pressed for the buying of a town truck to act as utility truck and also do snowploughing and although Council was unanimously agreed that the present town truck is a white elephant on which further expenditure would be wasted, it still cannot see where the money to buy a new truck can be found. j Bailey pointed out that by having one competent truck the town work could be all done by one man, who could then, be offered an adequate wage. The matter was filed for further consideration. Information will be sought as to the duties and necessary certification of an MOH as a move in this matter is imperative. The request of the hockey association for $50 donation was granted. An east end resident pressed for steps in the matter of garbage disposal which at present is responsible for alarming increase in rats and could lead to an epidemic of disease. This condition apparently is charged to the CPR and Supt. McCuaig has assured Reeve Handel that all areas will be properly cleaned in the spring. The appointment of the ratepayer's representative to the Board of Health was held in abeyance. Mrs. C. Bentham was appointed ratepayer's representative to the Library Board and E. G. Caccamo was appointed Council's representative on the rink committee. The standing committees were appointed as follows: the first named to be chairman: waterworks, P. R. Bailey and J. Corbett; roads and culverts, E. G. Caccamo and W. D'Arcy; finance, J. Corbett and E. G. Caccamo; property, W. D'Arcy and J. Corbett. Mr. D'Arcy will also be building inspector and pass on building permits. Mr. Caccamo will again be Council's representative on the fire brigade as he is also a member of the brigade. The by-law authorizing borrowing of $20,000 until collection of taxes was passed as was the by-law .for road subsidy. Reeve Handel and Clerk Spicer were appointed signing officers for the year. The regular meeting night for Council was set for second Thursday of each month. Reeve Handel and Councillor Corbett will with representative from polict, form a police commission to discuss police work in the town. It was decided to enlarge the sump in the Galena street area and the cost of constructing a drainage system to take care of spring flooding in that area was turned down as prohibitive, particularly since it might, after installtion, fail to serve the purpose. Councillor D'Arcy and Reeve Handel, both familiar with the situation there since boyhood are of the opinion it is subterranean water which causes the flooding and not surface water, as has been supposed. To reach this the ditching would have to go many feet below the surface and rock shelves could naturally be expected so close to the mountain which would necessitate blasting. Rates for the use of the tank truck were reviewed and revised. At present the rates do not cover the cost of maintenance. The new rates are $10.00 for period of 3 hours with each additional L mr at $3.00—for private dwellings; $25.00 for the first three hours and $3.00 per hour afterward, for commercial use. This is subject to change if cost is still not covered, with necessary repairs to equipment.