Schreiber Resident for 36 Years J.Handel Dies After Long Illness JOHN HANDEL, SR. John Handel Sr., 55, a resident of Schreiber for thirty-six years, died very suddenly of coronary thrombosis on the afternoon of January 11th, at his home. His illness had been apparent for some three years, 'Jack' Handel came here from is brthplace, Winnipeg, Man. in 1912, and worked at various jobs on the C.P.R, untii he enlisted in the 94th Division, Canadian Infantry, in 1915. He went overseas soon after and received in France in 1917, the wound which resulted in the loss of his right area. He returned to Canada in the same year, and worked for the C-P.R for a short time, and in 1918 joined the Schreiber Municipal Police Force, where he served until his retirement in 1940. During his term as a con-stable, he was on several .occasions credited with the capture of major criminals nationally 'wanted', and it is said of him that he was a just and fair officer, whose advice and opinion was respected and remembered by many whose youthful misdemeanours might otherwise have led to more serious tr o u b l e . When the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. was organized here, Jack was an active worker, and was President of the Legion in 1934 and 1935. In more recent times, he was manager of the Legion Building, a fine worker whose example was an inspiration to all, whose cheery welcome and suggestions will be sorely missed. On the Monday preceding his death, Jack had just commenced his second year as a member of the City Council, where he had been an able and active worker for the good of the community. His death occurred shortly after his return from an inspection of the Town's new fire truck, the purchase of which he had advocated and supported. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. and of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and was a sportsman and fisherman who took a great interest in all types of sports. The funeral was held on Friday January 14, and was under the auspices of the Canadian Legion. A large number of Legionairres gathered at his home at 2 p.m. to pay their last respects be -fore the casket was closed. A service was held at 2:30 p.m. at the United Church. Burial was in Schreiber cemetery, where a graveside service was read by Past President Gino Caccamo of the Canadian Legion. The Last Post and Reveille were sounded by Legion Bugler Don Gilliland, and members filed past the open grave where each dropped a poppy on the casket. Pallbearer were Hugh Stewart, Pat LeBlanc, Basil Tremblay, Reg. Bailey, Oscar Laine, Harry Welbourne. Honorary Pallbearers Ed Perry, Tom Bryant, Tom Bolan, Tom Whitton, Joe E. Cagnon, E. Gino Spadoni, R.C. Riley. Many beautiful floral tributes were received, among them offerings from the Canadian Legion, the Township of Schreiber, Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion and the I.O.O.F. Surviving are two sons, Jack Jr. of Schreiber, Earl at home, and two daughters, Marg, Mrs. J. Spillane of Schreiber, and Adeline, Mrs. R. Sheedy of Fort William. The wife of the deceased, the former Miss Edith Robinson of Schreiber, died in 1932. Other surviving relatives are brothers and sisters in Winnipeg. Relatives attending the funeral were Miss Ann Robinson of Schreiber, Mrs. P. Macadam of Schreiber, and Mrs. Betty Lombard of Marathon, sisters in-law; daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. R. Sheedy, and Mr. Eric Pearson and Mr. Albert Pearson of White River brothers of Mrs. J. Handel Jr.