CASTE 1. ADDRESS - Peter Halonen 2, SONG -Edmund Paradis, William Paradis, Neil Ross, Leonard Harris, Peter Halonen. 3. MARCH - Gordon Partridge, Vincent Cosgrove, Walter Yarva, Joseph Harris, William Paradis, Wilfred Charbonneau, Ronald McCarville, George Moon,Peter Halonen, Bruce Brown, Gerald Barton, Donald Elliot . 4. SONG - Margaret Ryan, Edna Day, Margaret Handel, Mary Irvine (Alto) 5. CHORUS - "Wait Till The Cows Come Home" - Ardith Birch & Russell Macadam, Willa Scott & Earl D'Arcy, Freda Winters & Tom Webb, Irene Ryan & Steve Megilski, Helen Rattery & Cecil Fummerton, Lorraine Scott & Leslie Gerow, Norval Small & Kenneth Davis, Luella McCouan & Douglas ?, Alice Lawson& John Rummery, 6. SONG - George McAteer. - 7. FANTASY - Under the direction of Miss Rowena Drake. Costumers - Miss J. Stewart & Mrs. G. Spadoni, Stage Managers- Mr. T. Sanders & Mr. J. Harris, Piano - Mrs, J. Bryson, assisted by Mr. B. Kelley and the Orchestra. ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Camilla Smith. KING OF HEARTS -Annie Milks, QUEEN OF HEARTS - Margaret Handel PAGES - Betty Riley & Ruth Phillips. TIN SOLDIER - Muriel McChristie. DUCHESS - Toini Koski. PETER RABBIT - Ethel Corbett, TWEEDLE DUM- Victoria Law, TWEEDLEDEE - Marjorie McCarville, HUMPTY DUMPTY - Patsy Partridge. MAD HATTER - Mima McBride. SIMPLE SIMON - Mima Lamb. PETER PIPER - Barbara McCuaig, PETER PIPER'S DAUGHTER - Polly Bottomley SMARTY SMARTY - Edith Paske, WOMAN IN THE SHOE - Stella Carmichael. FELIX THE CAT - Lillie Bryson. JACK HORNER - Edna Morrow, MISS MUFFETT - Nora Sheehan, GEORGIE PORGIE - Cecelia Paradis, MARY QUITE CONTRARY - Norma Herriot, BO PEEP - Joan McMullen, PETER PUMPKIN EATER - Alda McCuaig. PETER'S WIFE - Dolly Drake MOTHER HUBBARD - Marion Wilson, JACK - D'Arcy McMullen. JILL - Aline McBride. FROG - Margaret Anderson, JACK BE NIMBLE - Aileen Hogg, TOMMY TUCKER - Helen Wilson, BOY BLUE - Gwenneth Milks. TOM, TOM THE PIPER'S SON - Georgina Hiller. POLLY PUT THE KETTLE ON - Sybil McCoshen. KNAVE OF HEARTS - Myrtle Hepburn, PETER PAN - Ruth West, ORPHAN ANNIE - Dorsa Reid. SANDY - Harry Smith, GOOSE - Eva Brown. MOTHER GOOSE - Dorothy King. The Songs are under the direction of Miss I. Arnot. The first March is under the direction of Miss G. Mathewson, The Chorus is under the direction of Miss H. Paske. The Make-up is under the direction of Miss E. Gray assisted by Mrs. J. Phillips, Miss H. Paske and Miss J. Stewart. The Lighting Effects under the direction of Mr. F. Caldwell. The lunch for the Caste was under the direction of Mrs. R. Bailey. PATRONS - Mr. W. Black, Mr. J. C. Stewart, Mr, H,.H, Barton, Mr, D. McCoshen, Mr. W. Wither spoon, Mrs, R, Bailey. Every Artist on this Programme is a Public School Pupil.