GBS 04 EXCERPTS FROM MINUTES OF TRUSTEES MEETING OF GORDON BAY SCHOOL Ratepayers meeting - February 5, 1898 at Jas Hatherley house. Proposed by Jas Hatherley, seconded by Joseph Barnes that the school site be located at the south corner of the clearing upon Lot 35, Concession 4 - carried Proposed by Jas Hatherley, seconded by Joseph Barnes that the amount of $200.00 be borrowed by debentures to erect the proposed new schoolhouse, said loan to extend over a period of 5 years. carried The bid of Mr. Joseph Barnes Jr. for the erection of a new schoolhouse was accepted for the sum of $175.00, according to the specifications for same building Following are the bids for schoolhouse: Young $264 .00 A. Lawson 250 .00 C. Dixon 200 .00 A. Hatherley 198 . 00 Jos. Barnes 175 .00 Trustees Meeting - May 28, 1898 Proposed by Joseph Barnes, Sr., seconded by Alf Winter that Jas. Hatherley be appointed Teacher of the School at a salary of $175.00 per annum - carried - his duties to commence at the close of summer vacation.