Page 7 —SAULT DAILY STAR—TUE.. JULY 8, 1958— Iron Bridge - Jim Brown, president of the Iron Bridge Lions Club is married and has three children. His daughter, Colleen, will be 10 years old July 8, however she will celebrate on Iron Bridge's Community Day, July 9th. Her two brothers, Micheal, eight and Patrick, six, are looking forward to helping their sister celebrate. Special rides for children will be an added feature on the Community Day programme. Prior to coining to Blind River, Mr. Brown hailed from Lambton, in Bruce Couty. During the last war he served one year in the RCAF. Mr. Brown Is a baseball fan and is vice-president of the Iron Bridge Outlaws, currently playing in the North Shore Baseball League. He is also secretary of the League. The president said that prior to organization of the Iron Bridge Improvement District, January. 1958the Lions Club provided electric lights for the town. MAIN STREET — Algoma's busiest little big town will take on a festive season appearance tomorrow as this main street, busier this year than it has been for many years, is the scene for the mammoth parade to start Community Night celebrations This shot of the street leading to the White River road was taken looking south toward Highway 17 which runs through the village. Photo by Bell Heavy Schedule For Iron Bridge Community Night IRON BRIDGE — Wednesday, July 9 could dawn as the biggest single day in the history of Iron Bridge with events commencing in the afternoon from a Soap Box Derby, bicycle race, bingo and various other games, as well as fireworks and dancing crammed into a thrill packed schedule of fun, excitement and competition. George Fearnall, chairman of Iron Bridge Community Day activities assisted by Jim Brown, president of the Iron Bridge Lions Club and other members said, "All proceeds from the day which is sponsored by the Lions Club will go toward the building of a community centre for Iron Bridge." Evening events will start off with a giant parade scheduled for 6.30 p.m. headed by the Sudbury Lions Club Trumpet Band ,and Algoma Mills' Majorettes; prizes will be awarded for floats, decorated cars, bicycles, novelties and costumed citizens and will trigger activities catalogued to run through the hours from 6.30 in the evening until midnight. A draw for a boat motor and trailer will be held to climax the day. It is expected there will be a last minute rush on crepe paper streamers, color foil, haywire and thumb tacks as the various organizations, and merchants prepare to do their part for their community and business by entering the parade. The people of Iron Bridge, the members of the Lions Club, the civic leaders, the merchants, motel operators, miners, hydro employees, housewives and lumberjacks will join forces to spread a wide welcome mat for Community Night visitors. Efforts of the club are aimed at arranging a schedule of events which will entertain the oldest and the youngest members of Iron Bridge society, a town steeped in some of the oldest Algoma history. Planning Heads - Although these gentlemen are quick to share the credit for Community Night plans with other members of the Iron Bridge Lions Club, George Fearnall, left, acted as chairman of the Planning Committee and President Jim Brown accepted his responsibility. Proceedings will start at 6:30 tomorrow as Lions plans schedule a parade to open celebrations and the rest of the evening will be taken over by Community Night participants with games of chance and skill followed by a public dance and draw for grand prize. Photo by Bell.