Winner of best ewe prize disagrees, wants award to be given to neighbor IRON BRIDGE — The annual harvest banquet of the Iron Bridge Agricultural Society was held in the Lions Community Hall and the cash awards were presented to the members who had won with their exhibits at the fair. The president, Neil Draper, was pleased to announce that the outdoor competition had in-creased over the past years, but he and other compeitors did not agree with the jdges decision on the best year old ewe. Draper had been awarded first prize, but he contended that "Red Doherty, a good friend nd neighbor, had a better one and so declined to accept the cash award and a sheep skin rug. Grant Mitchell, the agricultural representative, was asked to make the presentation to Do-erty, who was absent from the banquet. The cash awards were pre-ented and special prizes awarded d as well. A relish tray donated by Eaton's of Canada was resented to John Tait for having the best beef cow at the fair. A silver creamer and sugar set donated by Simpsons-Sears was won by Evelyn Berry for her Cherry Loaf. Kevin Reed had the best two-ear-old heifer and was presented with an engraved silver tray donated by the Royal Bank of Canada. The best painting in the Junior section was won by 13-year-ld old Ann-Marie Arnill for her 'Autumn Beauty" and she was awarded the Ontario Hydro Study Lamp. Edith Gagne took the most points in the fair, with Ella Allen and Merle Burbadge following in that order. Mrs. Burbadge took the most cash prizes, a total of $78.50. Grant Mitchell was pleased with the frank discussion of the judging as it indicated that the exhibitors were sincerely interested in their fair. "Competition is good and along with it, is the developing of hobbies. By getting your exhibits ready you get into a change of pace and in an urban community it gives people the opportunity to know what the farm people are doing. "Many times your executive! wonder if their efforts are worthwhile in keeping the society going as it is usually just the same few who are active in the organization. "However, when the fair time comes around the exhibits and visitors at the fair show that this type of competition is worthwhile." stated the agricultural representative, who is the liaison between the farmer and the department of agriculture. The annual meeting will be held in the near future and the president thanked his present executive for their assistance, especially Janet Reed the secretary. who above the usual secretarial duties was active in getting donations for prizes. Many of the other directors also assisted in this endeavor that made the special prizes very interesting.