1. This certificate may be redeemed only in favour of the registered holder whose name appears on the face hereof. It is not transferable and cannot be pledged, sold, or otherwise disposed of. 2. Subject to the right of the Minister of Finance to require ninety days' written notice of any application for redemption of this Certificate before maturity, this Certificate will be redeemed on the application of the registered holder, but not before six months from date of issue, at the prices set forth hereon. 1. Ce certificat est remboursable seulement au proprietaire enregistre, dont le nom apparait au recto. II n'est pas transferable et on ne peut le nantir, le vendre. ou en disposer d'aucune autre facon. 2. Sous reserve du droit du Ministre des Finances d'exiger un avis de quatre-vingt-dix jours par ecrit de toute demande de rachat du present certificat avant l'echeance, ce certificat peut etre rachete a la demande du proprietaire enregistre, mais pas avant six mois a partir de la date d'emission, aux prix specifies ci-dessous: After— 6 months......................$4.00 1 to 11/2 years..............4.04 1 1/2 to 2 years..............4.07 2 to 21/2 years......, 4.11 21/2 to 3 years.. ..4.15 After— 3 to 31/2 years..............$4.20 31/2 to 4 years..............4.25 4 to 4 1/2 years............4.31 41/2 to 5 years............4.38 5 to 51/2years..............4.45 After— 51/2 to 6 years..$4.53 6 to 61/2 years..4.61 61/2 to 7 years..4.70 7 to 71/2 years.. 4.84 At maturity.....5.00 3. To obtain payment at maturity, or if redemption before maturity is desired, the registered holder should complete the form below and forward this Certificate to the Registrar, War Savings Certificates King Edward Avenue, Ottawa, whereupon, subject to the conditions in paragraph one. a cheque for the amount payable on redemption at the time the cheque is issued will be mailed to the registered at his address as indicated below: Apres— 6 mois..............................$4.00 lan..................................4.04 1 an 6 mois......................4.07 2 ans................................4.11 2 ans 6 mois....................4.15 Apres— 3 ans................................$4.20 3 ans 6 mois....................4.25 4 ans................................4.31 4 ans 6 mois....................4.38 5 ans................................4.45 Apres— 5 ans 6 mois.......... $4.53 6 ans................ 4.61 6 ans 6 mois.......... 4.70 7 ans................ 4.84 7 ans 6 mois (echeance). 5.00 3. Pour obtenir le payement a l'echeance, ou le rachat avant l'echeance, le proprietaire enregistre doit remplir la formule ci-dessous et envoyer ce certificat au Registraire, Certificats d'epargne de guerre, avenue King-Edward, Ottawa, a la suite de quoi, sous reserve des conditions stipulees au paragraphe un, un cheque pour la valeur de rachat payable lors de remission du cheque lui sera remis par la poste a son adresse telle qu'indique ci-dessous: Application is made for the redemption of this certificate. Date Oct 14 1949 /Vo- TA 134487 Signature of registered holder Je demande le rachat du present certificat. Signature du proprietaire enregistre Address of registered holder- Adresse du proprietaire enregistre 4. No person may hold, or have any interest in, War Savings Certificates dated in any one calendar year to a total maturity value exceed $600.4. Personne ne peut avoir des Certificats d'epargne de guerre dates de la meme annee dont la valeur totale a l'echeance excede $600, ou posseder un interet dans des certificates de passant cette limite. 5.Upon the death of the registered holder of this certificate, his legal representatives or heirs should notify the Registrar, War Savings Certificates, King Edward Avenue, Ottawa, whereupon they will be informed as to the procedure to be followed in order to have this certificate redeemed, or subject the provisions of the preceding paragraph, to continue to hold it. 5. A la mort du proprietaire enregistr£ du present certificat, ses representants legaux ou heritiers doivent en aviser le Registraire, Certificats d'epargne de guerre, avenue King-Edward, Ottawa, qui leur indiquera la procedure a suivre pour racheter ce certificat ou continuer a le detenir, sujet aux dispositions du paragraphe precedent. 6. This Certificate is governed by regulations approved by Orders-in-Council and published in the Canada Gazette.6. Le present certificat est regi par les reglements approuves par arretes en conseil et publies dans la Gazette du Canada.