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- A secondary industry, chips, provided local employment as contractors discovered a market for them, not for burning but as part of products developed by the Sturgeon Falls Abitibi mill.A secondary industry, chips, provided local employment as contractors discovered a market …
- The tornado caused over $249,000 in damage to many houses in the village of Field. There was also a death caused by the tornado.The tornado caused over $249,000 in damage to many houses in the …
- Note the houses on Larocque St. on the crest of a hill (left top of forest). This photo is near the Sturgeon River. The white building with a blue roof is the three wood dryers.Note the houses on Larocque St. on the crest of a hill …
- Field Lumber harvested very large white pine in the Sturgeon River basin. The Canadian National Railway ran a spur line into the Field Lumber yard.Field Lumber harvested very large white pine in the Sturgeon River basin. …
- The river provided cheap transportation until the 1960s when they were hauled by trucks.The river provided cheap transportation until the 1960s when they were hauled …
- From late April into May 1979, the Sturgeon River rampage affected many communities including: Caldwell, Crystal Falls, Field, Sturgeon Falls, Springer Township and the Nipissing First Nation territoFrom late April into May 1979, the Sturgeon River rampage affected many …
- Photo de groupe des travailleurs du moulin Abitibi, Sturgeon Falls / Group Photo of the Abitibi Mill Workers, Sturgeon FallsPhoto de groupe des travailleurs du moulin Abitibi, Sturgeon Falls / Group …
- The flow in the Sturgeon River during its height on May 1, 1979 was recorded by Ontario as being the maximum flow ever in the river which means it was a one in 300 year flood which destroyed the FielThe flow in the Sturgeon River during its height on May 1, …
- The Abitibi company widened this chasm in the Sturgeon River to let the annual spring freshet waters of the river flow to Lake Nipissing following the ravaging 1979. The widening of the Sturgeon RiveThe Abitibi company widened this chasm in the Sturgeon River to let …
- Frère Zénon Labelle, fils du pionnier Moïse Labelle et de Mélanie Garceau. Il est né le 14 août 1889 et est devenu frère le 19 janvier 1914. Il est décédé le 7 janvier 1973. / Brother Zénon Labelle,Frère Zénon Labelle, fils du pionnier Moïse Labelle et de Mélanie Garceau. …
- Dr. Nicol Patenaude, Préfet du canton de Field, 1973-1985 / Dr. Nicol Patenaude, Reeve of Field Township, 1973-1985Dr. Nicol Patenaude, Préfet du canton de Field, 1973-1985 / Dr. Nicol …
- Nouveau village de Field, ON, 1979 / New town, Field, ON, 1979Nouveau village de Field, ON, 1979 / New town, Field, ON, 1979
- Premières maisons à Val des Arbres, Field, ON. / First houses in Val des Arbres, Field, ON.Premières maisons à Val des Arbres, Field, ON. / First houses in …
- Carnaval de Field, ON, 1978 / Carnival, Field, ON, 1978Carnaval de Field, ON, 1978 / Carnival, Field, ON, 1978
- Parade du carnaval sur la rue Morin, Field, ON, 1975 / Carnival Parade on Morin Street, Field, ON, 1975Parade du carnaval sur la rue Morin, Field, ON, 1975 / Carnival …
- Patinoire sur la rue Pilon à Field, ON, 1974 / Skating Rink on Pilon Street , Field ON, 1974Patinoire sur la rue Pilon à Field, ON, 1974 / Skating Rink …
- Georgette Rochefort au carnaval de Field, ON, 1974 / Georgette Rochefort at the carnival, Field, ON, 1974Georgette Rochefort au carnaval de Field, ON, 1974 / Georgette Rochefort at …