- Carroll Herman Little (1872-1958) was a Lutheran pastor, and a professor and administrator at the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada (later Waterloo Lutheran Seminary; now Martin Luther UniversiCarroll Herman Little (1872-1958) was a Lutheran pastor, and a professor and …
- St. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The congregation was formed in 1837, and a modest church waSt. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of …
- St. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The congregation was formed in 1837, and a modest church waSt. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of …
- St. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The congregation was formed in 1837, and a modest church waSt. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of …
- St. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The congregation was formed in 1837, and a modest church waSt. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of …
- St. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. The congregation was formed in 1837, and a modest church waSt. John's Lutheran Church (1837-2018) in Waterloo, Ontario was a member of …
- The Royal Canadian College of Organists (RCCO) is an arts service organization that supports, promotes, and celebrates Canada’s organ music community through learning opportunities, professional certThe Royal Canadian College of Organists (RCCO) is an arts service organization …
- The photograph is affixed to an album page.The photograph is affixed to an album page.
- The photograph is affixed to an album page. Rev. David Metzger (1931- ) was ordained June 6, 1956 at First Lutheran, Port Colborne, Ontario. He is a graduate of Waterloo College and Waterloo LutheranThe photograph is affixed to an album page. Rev. David Metzger (1931- …
- The photograph is affixed to an album page. Rev. Garfield Remus (1931- ) was ordained on July 19, 1957 at Zion, Pembroke. He organized All Saints Lutheran church in Edmonton, Alberta, and served therThe photograph is affixed to an album page. Rev. Garfield Remus (1931- …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is one of five synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, consisting of more than 200 member congregations and 78,000 baptized memEastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada is one of …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- Martin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Founded in 1955, the church is now located at 2379 Lake Shore BoulevarMartin Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Eastern Synod …
- The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Montreal, Quebec was established on January 15, 1905. From 1905 to 1910 the congregation met in a house located on Mountain Street in Montreal, QuebThe Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Montreal, Quebec was established …
- Carroll Herman Little (1872-1958) was a Lutheran pastor, and a professor and administrator at the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada (later Waterloo Lutheran Seminary; now Martin Luther UniversiCarroll Herman Little (1872-1958) was a Lutheran pastor, and a professor and …
- The Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada began in 1911. In 1924 Waterloo College was established, providing courses in post-secondary education. In 1960 Waterloo Lutheran University was formed, coThe Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada began in 1911. In 1924 Waterloo …