Whole Family Invited! Family Day on Campus — the third annual open house event — has been set for Saturday, February 11. Parents, teenagers, uncles, aunts, grandparents, and friends of all students and alumni are invited. Top feature of the day, reports William H. Timmis, president of the Parents Association, will be the dedication of WLU's four new residences. Participants in the ceremonies will be parents, professors, students, alumni, and Women's Auxiliary members. An address on the subject "Living and Learning Together" will be given by one of the university family. The Family Day schedule begins at 2 p.m. with an assembly in the theatre auditorium. Brief talks will be given by Senator W. Ross Macdonald, chancellor of the university; Dr. William J. Villaume, president, and Steve Little, president of the Students' Council. Parents Association reports will be given by Sid McLennan, association treasurer, and Dr. Henry Endress, university vice-president and Parents Association secretary. Parents will have an opportunity to meet the Executive Committee of the Women's Auxiliary at a reception hosted by these ladies in the dining hall mezzanine. (Auxiliary members and friends have provided the quilts and other furnishings in the student residences. This is an opportunity to express appreciation.) The dedication ceremonies open at 4 p.m. in the theatre auditorium and are completed in a visit to each of the new residences. Following this there will be a general campus tour, cafeteria-style supper in dining hall and Torque Room (coffee shop). The day reaches its climax with a performance of the Purple and Gold Broadway musical "Oliver" with an all-student cast and full orchestra. You are invited!