{Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Canada Rev. J. Reble, President 104 Hughson St. Hamilton, Ont. Rev. C.R. Cronmiller, Vice-President Williamsburg, Ont. Rev. H.R. Mosig, German Secretary New Hamburg, Ont. Rev. C. H. Little, S.T.D., English Sec'y 170 Albert Street, Waterloo, Ont. Rev. E. Holm, Treasurer Conestogo, Ont.} Oct. 14, 1939. Dear Mother: We were all glad to get Pearl's triple letter, which reached us on Friday, probably making the trip on such speedy time because it was a "trip-le" letter. Be that as it may, we were all glad to hear that all is well at the old homestead, where we are always hoping that health and happiness may ever prevail. We were somewhat taken aback though over the news of Herbert's operation , as we had had no intimation that he was ever sick, or ailing in any part of his anatomy; but we were glad to hear that he is making speedy progress toward recovery , and was expected home again in a week's time. I wrote to him just about a week ago; but don't know whether he got my letter before he left for the hospital in the capital city of Washington, or not. Here's wishing him full and complete recovery from all his ailments!When Pearl's letter arrived we were having exceptionally cold weather for the season of the year, early autumn. It struck us rather forcibly when she spoke of the "hot" weather you were having down there. We had the first flakes of snow on the day her letter came; and it has been snowing in fitful squalls off and on ever since though the ground is too warm to take it yet. I had been swimming every morning across the lake and back till Thursday morning inclusive. Since then, the water being cooler, I have cut the swim in half. We have been having it quite cool in our house for the last few days, the thermometer ranging around 60, which is almost too cool for comfort; and I had it even cooler than that in my little study. I think the janitor under