Rev. W. is a good horseshoe player too, and has been up to my courts several times this past week for a trimming, which he invariably got. This is the time, you know, when pastors get their vacations. So we had another surprise visit the past week in the person of my good old-timer friend, Rev. Bermon of New Brighton. Pa. We had a very pleasant conversation over reminiscences of ancient times that we spent together. Rev. Bermon, though he has been now for many years in the United States, says he is still a Canadian at heart; and I think he would come back here in a minute, if he had the chance. Last Sunday I preached a special educational sermon at Woodstock. Counting the three that came with me in the car, I had 18 in the audience of the congregation, and I pointed out to those eighteen why they should send their sons and daughters, if they had any, to Waterloo College. Woodstock is a mission and holds church in one of the rooms of the parsonage, the congregation sitting on chairs. The pastor was away preaching a trial sermon for an other call. Looking at the matter from a worldly standpoint, he migh go further and do better. Woodstock is about forty-five miles from here; but in spite of that, though service was out at five minutes before twelve, we got back home at twelve o'clock. This shows you what a wonderful car Herman has, in spite of its being secondhanded. We had a wonderful strawberry season this year, and have been eating them steadily for the last two or three weeks; but they are on their last legs now. While the going was good Bonnie canned two or three crates of them. We have also had beans out of our garden, radishes and carrots, and Popeye spinach; and my corn and cabbage are growing by leaps and bounds. We have been looking every day for a letter from Mabel, telling us that she is coming and when, but so far none has put in an appearance. Bonnie has talked about writing every day, but has been so busy with canning and other things that she didn't get around to it; but at the same time she is very anxious that Mabel should come, and wants me to make that emphatic, which