April 5, 1946
Right Honorable W.L.Mackenzie King
Ottawa, Canada.
Dear Mr. King: -
Attached please find clipping from The Toronto Star of this date which speaks for itself.
The idea of a permanent board of arbitration with powers similar to those of our courts will not be new to you; and is one to which the writer has given long consideration. I am not sure that it is the ultimate solution of the problem of industrial disputes; but it would seem to be a long step in advance of anything we have at present.
The matter has been discussed with labor men on several occasions, also with employers, and the consensus would seem to be that with the right personnel such courts would be a benefit to all classes of people; and much better than anything yet proposed as "labor legislation", as each case would be judged on its own merits.
With kindest personal regards, believe me as ever,
Your sincere friend,