Ottawa, October 18, 1945.
C. Mortimer Bezeau, Esq.,
12 Ellen Street East,
Kitchener, Ontario.
Dear Mr. Bezeau:
With further reference to your letter to the Prime Minister of the 17th of September, I am now pleased to be able to advise you that your son is at No. 1 Repatriation Depot in the United Kingdom, awaiting transportation to Canada.
I understand that he has accepted the employment offered him by the Dominion Experimental Fox Ranch at Summerside, Prince Edward Island, and instructions have been issued to the appropriate officers in Military District No. 6, Halifax, that upon his arrival he is to be discharged, if he has sufficient "points" to make him eligible for discharge. Otherwise, he will be granted six months’ leave of absence to enable him to take up his civilian employment as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
[signed] R.G. Robertson
(R. G. Robertson),