July 20/37
Right Honourable W.L.M.King,
Prime Minister of Canada,
Ottawa, Canada.
Dear Mr. King:-
Mrs. Bezeau and I listened with more pleasure than I can express to the splendid address broadcast by you last night. Your speech made a profound impression on the minds of all with whom I have since come in contact. Some pronounced it the greatest of the many great speeches you have delivered; and some declared its author to be the greatest statesman in the British Empire. It is my opinion that in the sentiments to which you have recently given expression you have laid the foundation of a movement which will ultimately resolve itself into a permanent world peace.
Mrs. Bezeau listened to you from her bed to which she has been confined for almost four months. Although deprivedof the power of speech she showed by the light in her face how much she appreciated all that you said.
Yours very sincerely,