July 26, 1932
My dear Bezeau:
Had I not been travelling about so much, I would have let you know before this of Mr. William Knell's kindness in sending me two of the old Berlin street lamps, and specifications of the standards. Mr. Knell certainly went to considerable trouble and expense in reconditioning and shipping the lamps to me for, with the fresh glass and painting he gave them, they looked like new. They are now in place, one at the entrance to my home at Kingsmere, and the other in the centre of the grounds.
Already they have attracted the attention and interest of some of those who have been visitors to the Imperial Conference. Among those who have seen and admired them is our friend Euler who, with one or two others, came out to the country to lunch with me on the day of the opening of the Conference.
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I just can't say how delighted I am to have these interesting and historical souvenirs of bygone days. They bring their note of joy to my heart each time that I pass them by.
Should you see William Knell, I wish you would persuade him to let you know what his disbursements were, and send on a statement to me so that I can make payment. I would be much happier than to feel so greatly under obligation to him, as well as to you and other friends, for all the trouble to which you have gone in this matter.
With kindest remembrances and regards,
Believe me,
Yours very sincerely,
[signed] W.L.Mackenzie King
His Worship
C. Mortimer Bezeau,
Mayor of Kitchener,
Kitchener, Ont.