April 4. 1930
Rt. Hon. W.L.Mackenzie King.
Laurier House,
Ottawa, Canada.
My dear Mr. King:-
It seems to be impossible for a Tory to understand a Liberal who is “Honest enough to be bold, and bold enough to be honest.” Just as they believe they have a monoply of administrative ability, they believe they have a monoply of every other virtue. Of course the only ground for such belief is the frequent repetition of the thought.
As I understand your statement in the House of Commons regarding Federal unemployment relief to the provinces, you had in mind the fact that the Tories are trying to make political capital out of the present industrial situation; and that any assistance given by your Government to a Tory Government for the relief of the unemployed would be looked upon by the Tories as an endorsement of their claim that the Federal Government is responsible for any unemployment that exists in Canada at the present time, and would be used by them as ammunition to further their propaganda. As usual the Tories have torn part of a sentence from its context and given it a construction which the context does not warrant.
I know you are very busy at this time – too busy to read all I might say on this matter. No doubt hundreds of others are writing you on the same subject. Sufficient for me to say at this time that I heartily endorse what you said on the matter.
Your sincere friend,
C.Mortimer Bezeau