The Canada Lutheran, vol. 5, no. 4, February 1917, Feb. 1917, p. 8

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8 THE CANADA LUTHERAN. from Pastor Fiebelcorn regularly.--Ed. Humberstone. Dec. 20th Pastor Knauff officiated at a wedding at the parsonage, particulars of which may be found under Welland notes. The annual Christmas service of the Sunday school was held Christmas eve, Dec. 24th. The church was crowded to the doors. The programme was easily the best ever given by the school. Much credit, indeed, is due the teachers who so carefully trained the children. T vo beautifully decorated Christmas trees spoke Christmas cheer in their silent way, and a silver-bright star above with its rays of tinsel guided the thoughts to the blessed fact in Bethlehem's manger. The Sunday school orchestra furnished excellent music, while the well trained choir was at its best. Each child received a package of sweet-meats and useful gifts. Both the pastor and choir-director were also remembered by the congregation with respectable gifts of money. Jan. 2nd a very enjoyable social evening was spent by the Luther League at the home of Miss Lorena Mehlenbacher. The feature of the evening was the bringing in and opening of the organ fund mite boxes. This afforded much amusement and a respectable amount was placed to the credit of the fund. The boxes were again distributed to the members and will be called in after three months. The annual meeting of the Luther League was held in the Church Annex Jan. 9th. Annual reports of all officers and committees were presented and showed the League to be in a healthy and flourishing condition. The newly elected officers are the following: President, Mr. 0. C. N. Kan-old; Vice-Pres., Mr. Roy Boneberg; Rec. Sec., Miss Irene Reichman; Car. Sec., Miss Gertrude Cronmiller; Treas., Miss Lorena Mehlenbacher. The various committees were also elected. An entertainment is being planned for the near future. Newly elected officers of the congregation are: Deacon, Mr. Geo. Boneberg; Trustee, Mr. H. J. Knoll; Ushers, Messrs. Herbert- Kramer and Carl Kanold. These were all publicly installed Sunday, January 7th. Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Knauff, who has been critically ill, is slowly making sure progress to recovery. Almighty God has been merciful. Other sick during themonth were: Alfred Kramer, Mrs. Rother, Mrs. Julius Knoll and Mrs. Kanold. All are safely on the road to recovery. God has inclined his ear to the cries of His children. Montreal. On Sunday p.m. January 7, a largely attended memorial service was held for Bombardier Christian Nelson who enlisted in the beginning of the war and died in the military hospital, England, of wounds received in battle. His two brothers were also wounded but are again on duty. Twenty-three Lutheran boys from Montreal are in. the ranks. The Luther League appropriated $25 to the Interest Fund of the church, furnished flowers and visits the sick, conducts the devotional topic meetings on Sunday evenings, and takes a general active interest in the affairs of the church. It has met its Jubilee quota of 25c. per member to the Luther League of America. It has planned a sleigh drive for Feb. 7. A well attended Christmas service was held at 10 a.m. Christmas Day. After the service the congregation, through Mr. J. E. Christoffersen, a member of the Church Council, handed Pastor Bieber a well-filled purse of gold pieces and in fitting terms expressed the sorrow, the sympathy and the prayers of the congregation on Mrs. Bieber's serious sickness, which expression of love was very greatly appreciated by the recipients. The Sunday School Christmas service was held on Wednesday, Dec. 27th. Supper was served to the children in the Sunday school room at 6 p.m. in the presence of a Christmas tree, and at 8.15 "The Child in the Manger" was rendered by the school and congregation in the church auditorium where a larger tree was in fine evidence. Presents of books and candies were given to the children. Pastor Bieber made an address during the week of prayer, Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, in the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Westmount, at a combined service of the Westmount Protestant churches on "Prayer for Rulers and all in Authority." On Jan. 2 Pastor Bieber officiated at the funeral of the late John Swenson, aged 55 years, and on Jan. 11th he conducted the funeral service of Mrs. Herbert Becks, whose husband is at the front. She was aged 29 years. Four little children survive. The Rev. Ph. Lamertine assisted in the service. On Jan. 5th

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