{Waterloo Lutheran Seminary
Waterloo College
Waterloo College School
The Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada
Waterloo, Ontario}
Aug. 7, 1927.
Dear Mother:
I have just got back from Port Colborne, taken a swim in the lake, put the little children to bed, eaten my supper and started my smoke, and am now ready to drop you a few lines. To-day was one of the warmest days we have had this summer, and that is the reason I lost no time in getting into the lake when I got back to-night. When I was at Port Colborne, I was less than 20 miles from the Peace Bridge, which the Prince of Wales opened to-day at 2:30 p.m. If I had stayed over the people with whom I was billeted would have taken me down in their car; but I didn’t want to get home so late in the night or so early in the morning as the case might be. Besides everybody was going and the probability is that we couldn’t have gotten within either seeing or hearing distance of the Bridge. I saw three aeroplanes coming from that direction apparently in disgust at not being able to get near enough to His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales. Pastor Iseler of Williamsburg has accepted the call to the Port Colborne parish and will assume charge on or about Sept 15th. So Sept. 11th will be the last time I will have to go down there. Next Sunday evening I am to preach at Preston on my way back, Pastor Knauff being away on his vacation. This will give me about $71/2 additional pay, which will come in good. I have to begin now saving up for my insurance which falls due in September. I don’t see how I could get along at all if it were not for these extras that come in. They amount to around $250 a year. I was kept pretty busy last week copying off the Minutes of Synod in the Protocol. I finished copying 55 pages,
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which is about 10 pages on half. I can easily finish up the rest this week. I sent a copy of the printed Minutes to Herbert last week. So if you wish to see it you can call on him for the gift or loan of it. I also sent a copy to the Rev. P.E. Monroe, DD., when I was mailing copies to the various Syndical Presidents and other dignitaries. Dr. Schorten and I got the Minutes out – both German and English – more promptly than they have ever been gotten out before; and I think we made a fairly good job of it too. I wrote out a couple doctrinal paper also last week for our Eastern Conference Convention at Pembroke, Ont. early in September. So you see, with my preaching in addition, I have been kept pretty busy. Dr. Ahl of Thiel College, whom the Board proposed to call to the Seminary, after coming up here and viewing the situation, declined to consider a call. This leaves Dr. Maurer’s man, Eudy of Bridgewater, N.S. next in line. But the Seminary Faculty is trying to forestall such a move. Rev. Eudy may be all right, but he is an untried man without experience in Theological Educational work and has only recently come into the Lutheran from the Congregational Church. We think it too risky to call him and are proposing to the Board Prof. Aksim of Saskatoon Sem. or Prof Paul Roth of North Western Seminary, and we are in hope that the Board will listen to reason. The Lower School examination results were published yesterday. Herman passed in all his papers and Arthur in all but Art. The matriculation results are not out yet. Herman and Carolus left yesterday morning early by train for Morrisburg where they expect to spend a couple weeks by way of vacation. They had earned about enough money by odd jobs around here to pay their railway fare. They will no doubt have a good time. I was off fishing one afternoon last week, but only caught two devil-fish, which was a devil of a catch. Still I’m not discouraged and am ready to go again on first opportunity. Little Florence crawls everywhere and gets into all kinds of mischief. Bonnie is better of her cold, and Marion seems quite well this summer. But I must close. With love to you all, I am Most Sincerely yours,
[signed] Carroll H. Little.